
I saw a cool quote from Zig Ziglar recently.  Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Zig quote I didn’t like. Once again, this one hit the mark:
“Miserable people focus on the things they hate about their life. Happy people focus on the things they love about their life.”

That’s really true, isn’t it?  Think about the happy people you know, and the miserable people you know: what do they talk about?

I’ve heard the argument about this, and you probably have, too. The reason happy people are so happyfacehappy is because they have a lot to be happy about. And the reason miserable people are so miserable is because, well, you know…

But the truth is we all choose our own thoughts and our own words. We all choose what to think and say when things are going well and when they aren’t. In difficult times it may not be easy, but we still have a choice.

If we change our focus from the negative side of life to the positive side, our thoughts, attitudes, and words will change. As a result, our actions begin to move in a positive direction. The result, guaranteed, will be that we have a lot more to be happy about.

This Is Not Rocket Science!

These principles for living a happy life are found in every motivational book or course. These principles have been in the Bible for centuries. Many times in the Bible, the English word translated, “blessed,” means happy. God wants us to have a happy, or blessed life.

Of course no one can completely avoid any and all adversity or trouble. We all go through good times and not so good times. But, it’s in those times of adversity that positive thinking is challenged.

Don’t Interrupt My Happy Little World

smiley-thinkWhen life is going really well it’s easy to be positive, isn’t it? Of course it is! But when something happens that interrupts our happy little world, where do our thoughts go?

There was a time in my life when I allowed unpleasant things to shift me into a pretty negative mode, and mood. It took me some time to figure this out, but I now know I can’t see any solutions until I get solution minded. In other words, it is up to me to change my attitude if I want things around me to change.

Everything Is Fine…Really…Everything Is Fine

I’m not talking about living in fantasy land, acting like everything is just fine when it’s not. If your finances are lousy, then guess what, they’re lousy.  If you’re sick, guess what, you’re sick. Denying a problem exists and just repeating verses and shouting positive affirmations into the air is not necessarily changing your focus.

Here’s what I do when faced with not so pleasant circumstances. I see it for what it is; I acknowledge there is something I do not want in my life. I go to God in prayer, asking for His help and a solution. I then refuse to think about the negatives in the situation, but instead I look for a solution.

Some situations are more quickly resolved than others. Some are more serious to deal with than others. But, regardless, I still have a choice as to how I will respond. And, I know that a bad attitude is like a flat tire; you’re not really going anywhere until you change it.

Acknowledge the situation.  Go to God in prayer asking for His help until it is resolved.  Focus on looking for a solution.  It’s really a good habit to build.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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  1. Another reminder of how the basics of the word are so simple. Just believe it and know it. It was a blessing to hear that (I think it was Louisiana) where 80 Muslims came to Christ after they realized that Islam was devil inspired.