Asking God For Help When It Seems Others Need It More

woman praying

There’s more in the news lately about the horrendous atrocities regarding the persecution of Christians in certain parts of the world. The barbaric behavior of some religious fanatics is taking cruelty to new heights. Our brothers and sisters in those parts of the world need our prayers, to say the least.

So with all that going on, does it seem like their needs are a much bigger priority than your needs or mine? Our lives are not in danger. Do we really need to bother our heavenly Father with our needs right now, with all that is going on elsewhere?

As a parent, if one child is hurt and needs medical attention, and another asks to go get ice cream, you know what you would do. So would I. So, doesn’t God have more important and bigger issues to deal with than my requests?

First, there will never be a time when you will be the only child of God who has a need. But more importantly, we are talking about our Heavenly Father. As parents, we have limited resources and abilities, but He is God Almighty.

In His Word, He is the one Who said to let our requests be made known to Him. He did not qualify it or quantify it.

He said His ears are open to our prayers. Again, no qualifier and no quantifier. He has asked us to let Him know our requests and told us He always hears.

That might be just a bit bigger than our little brains can comprehend. It means if every single child of God prayed to Him at the same time, He’d hear each one of us. That’s why He is God.

As a parent, if two children are talking at the same time, we would ask one to stop and wait. I cannot listen to two people talk about two different things at the same time. Can you?

But He is God Almighty. He is not only able to hear all of us at once, He is willing to hear all of us at once. We are, each one of us, very dear and important to Him.

The heart wrenching and devastating news we hear concerning our brothers and sisters is nothing new. Since the first century, Christians have been persecuted and murdered. It is all orchestrated by our adversary. Jesus said the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. But the day will come when our enemy himself will be destroyed.

Until then, we can, and we should, pray for our brothers and sisters living in serious and dangerous conditions and situations. We can pray for them to escape from those religious fanatics. And while most of what we hear are the atrocities, I am confident there are miracles of deliverance happening as well.

There certainly are things that go on in this world we may not understand. But, thankfully we know, with absolute certainty, how things are going to end up. Until then, we can also remember that whatever needs we have today, His ears are open, and He wants to hear our requests.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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