Are All Government Leaders Really Appointed By God?

Here in the United States, our Presidential election is right around the corner. This election has been and continues to be the dominant topic, not only on the news and social media, but almost everywhere you go. It seems the country is solidly divided.

Regardless of who is elected the next president of the United States, you can be sure of one thing. Half of the country will be utterly disappointed, while the other half will be beaming with glee. And, with very different agendas proposed by each candidate, the winner will endeavor to set their course for the United States.

I rarely comment on politics on this blog, but I thought with all the discourse flying in every direction these days, a comment about government leaders might be in order.

Over the years I have heard others refer to a section in the Bible they claim speaks about government leaders. In one way or another they propound that section teaches government leaders are all appointed by God.

The Bible encourages us to pray for our leaders, those in government authority, that we may live a quiet and peaceable life. Jesus, who lived in a very hostile political environment, said, “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s.” He never even hinted that Caesar was appointed by God, but rather was quite clear in the distinction.

To the best of our ability, as Christians, we obey the laws of our country. But how do some conclude and teach that all government leaders are appointed by God? Hitler? Stalin? Saddam? God appointed them to rule?

This of course comes from a section in the Bible in Romans 13. However, a careful and diligent examination of that section of scripture reveals something else. One taking a closer look at that section will discover it is referring to God’s ministers, men and women ordained of God to serve in the Church.

Yes God did instruct a prophet to anoint a specific person to be king, more than once.
God can and has also worked with individuals to raise them up to be a leader in their country. He could also certainly arrange for someone to either lead or be in a position of influence for their country. But to say the Bible teaches all government leaders are all appointed by God is a very dishonest handling of God’s Word.

Regardless of the outcome of the upcoming elections here in the USA, we here, as well as in other countries, ought to continue to pray for our country and its leaders. We can pray that men and women with integrity are elected into office.

And we can, and we should, also pray for God’s ministers, those ordained of God, that they handle the Word of God honestly, that they serve others the Word of God with love, and that their needs are taken care of.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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  1. thanks Mike for sharing this. Very strong stuff that is being said out there about God controlling everything. I know He has nothing to do with the increase MTA is planning on for train commuters like myself so if He’s not doing that forget about even the bigger things!

    So many variables, spiritual and political, and groups with their own agenda and millions of dollars promoting their candidate besides a very biased media. Can you recommend any sites that delve further into the issue discussed in Romans? I’m going to look online but if you have any specific teachings, it would be wonderful to study. thanks again. Love Len

  2. When I was in college at K-State someone witnessed to me using the verses from Rom 13. He said God put all government leaders in power and that we were to obey them. I said are you saying that God put Hitler and Stalin in power and the people were to obey them? He said “yes”. I said “I do not know what the truth is, but you are an idiot” Great article Mike I am glad to finally know the truth.

  3. I very much enjoy your insight into this topic.
    I would be very hard pressed to believe that Adolph Hitler was called of God to lead anything.
    I couldn’t hardly imagine being a German citizen in Hitlers time and believing God sent that man to lead Germany.
    Maybe a god but not our heavenly Father.
    Thank you and God’s abundance to you,
    Clint Perkins