How’s Your Comfort Zone?

It’s Another Podcast!

If there was a big unexpected change in you lives today, how would we handle it?  Are you and I so comfortable and used to things being the way they are that it would hard to adapt?

This short podcast (5:51) asks some very blunt questions.  I briefly mentioned it yesterday at our Glendale Bible Fellowship.  It really boils down to, “Where have you put your trust?”

Enjoy the podcast.

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3 thoughts on “How’s Your Comfort Zone?

  1. Hi Mike ! God Bless You Lots & lots & lots 🙂
    I am not disagreeing with you per say about the “Comfort Zone”, but I thought perhaps, more appropriately it might be a “Habitual Way of Thinking”…. I know the folks didn’t have to spend 40 years through the wilderness to get to the Promise Land in fact I think it could have taken them about three days or something short like that….It is all too easy to sit in a comfy class room and say, “how could they have done that when they had seen God do things over and over for them and released them from bondage. But I think what needs to be taken into consideration here are the folks minds and endeavoring to erase the past circumstances and look forward with great expectation of a new life while trusting God and what HE had to say.
    We all have our own personal adversary that knows the buttons to push and many of us are into habits of not watching what we think about and what comes out of our mouths. If we don’t speak the Word to ourselves or others, than it is better to be silent. It is very challenging when negatives come to all of us from all angles, but God made a way to escape and that is to bring ouselves UP to the level of His Word rather than DOWN to our set of some most miserable circumstances. “Rise Up Oh Men & Women of God ! It takes a lot of hard work and reading and reading and studying until we get it into our noggins that we can indeed trust God and that He loves us with all His heart ! HE made a commitment to Isreal that they would be His people. HE made a commitment to us that we would be his children, sons & daughters if we confessed and believed Romans 10:9 &10.. That is a pretty awesome thought and truth. HE,God, made the commitment, not Isreal and not us. I hope this has not been arguementive or correctional, but rather a thought on my behalf in relation to a “Comfort Zone”. You are wonderful. Mike, and I love you for your faithfullness to continue to edify and encourage us with your posts !!! Carol 🙂

  2. Carol, please don’t be sorry! I really do welcome comments, even if people disagree or don’t like what I say – doesn’t matter. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and have a blessed day!