Happy Father's Day, Dads!

Happy Father’s Day, Dads!

For Father’s Day this year, I’m reposting both the audio and the transcript from a podcast from His Word, called, “Who Is The Father?”

Some people say all the people on this earth are children of God. Is that true?  In this short podcast (4:03), I shared a tremendous truth about who “the Father” is.


Welcome to His Word – short podcasts about what God has to say about topics you might be interested in – not my words, but His Word.  Today’s podcast: Who is the Father?

If you’re even a little bit familiar with His Word,  the Bible, you probably notice that in the Old Testament, God almighty is referred to as God, or the Lord God. Like in the very first verse of the Bible, in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth.

However in the New Testament we see God many many times referred to as Father. That is something you don’t see in the Old Testament but you do see quite often in the New Testament.

In reading the Gospels, Jesus Christ many times referred to God Almighty, the Creator of the heavens and the Earth, as Father. He said things like, “my Father, the Father, your Father” and so on. He introduced to the world that God almighty could be called Father.

In the New Testament, for those who are born again,  His Word often speaks of God being our Father. Now one might ask, is this figurative, or is it literal? Is God really our Father, literally?

There are some who teach that we are all God’s children, all the people on earth are God’s children and therefore God is Father to all of us.  But His Word does not agree with that.

In a previous podcast, #4, I mentioned a discussion Jesus had with a religious leader named Nicodemus.  Jesus told him plainly that unless a person gets born again they cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven. Jesus said, “you must be born again.”

In the Epistles of Peter, His Word speaks of the believers as being begotten of God, and, being born again of incorruptible seed. When a person gets saved, or born again, at that moment, God becomes your Father, literally – you are saved, you are born again.  And God made that so easy – confess or acknowledge the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, and His Word says, you shall be saved!  You have eternal life, you are born again and God is now literally your Father.

That’s why in a number of places in the New Testament, His Word speaks about those who believe in Jesus, those who are born again, that God is our Father.  And His Word also says, obviously,  we in turn are His children, children of God, sons and daughters of the Most High God!  What an awesome privilege!

So, who is the Father?  For those who are born again, the Creator of the heavens and the earth is literally our Father.  And His Word says we, His children, now have access to the Father.


For more His Word podcasts, Click Here. From that page you can access all of them, and find links to share individual ones with someone else.  There’s also a list of platforms you can use to subscribe, and it’s free.


God's Love is Simply Amazing!

Many years ago  vacationing with my wife, I came back to our room and proudly announced I had a tattoo! Kathy looked a bit puzzled and then grinned as I showed her a very small, but colorful tattoo of Bugs Bunny on my arm. It was actually one of those very temporary paste on tattoos children use.

I personally don’t have any real tattoos, however, they are quite popular today. I remember a time when it seemed like only servicemen had tattoos. But in recent years, things have changed quite dramatically.

According to the website, History of Tattoos,  “36% of Americans between the age of 18 and 29 have at least one tattoo. Of all those who have tattoos, 70% have


Today is Memorial Day. I am once again this year posting 3 very moving videos.

Sometimes people get confused – Veterans Day, which is in November, is when we remember everyone who has served our country, at any time in any capacity.  Memorial Day, formerly known as, “Decoration Day,” commemorates men and women who died while in military service to the United States.

It began as a way to honor Union and Confederate soldiers following the American Civil War. Later, it was extended, after World War I, to honor all American military who died in all wars –  we remember those who gave their life in service to our country.

Congress actually established an exact minute of remembrance. The National Moment of Remembrance Act, adopted in December of 2000, encourages every citizen to pause each Memorial Day at 3:00 p.m. local time to remember the brave men and women who died serving this country.

Take some time today to thank God for the freedoms and liberty we still have in this country – because over the years so many gave their lives.  But it is still up to each generation to protect and keep the freedoms we enjoy, because how quickly liberty and freedoms can evaporate!  Continue to pray for our country, and pray for those in government positions who truly love our country and constitution, for God to give them wisdom and courage to speak and do that which will insure our liberties and freedoms to continue.

If you don’t live here in the United States, take some time to pause and pray for God’s help and blessings on your country.

And, regardless of where we live, how very, very thankful we are for the greatest ultimate sacrifice ever, made by our Lord Jesus Christ – he gave his life so we could have eternal life – the ultimate freedom – freedom from death itself!

Below are 3 very moving videos that help put this remembrance into perspective.



That Day Was The Beginning

On Sunday, May 28, Christians around the world will be celebrating Pentecost, remembering the events recorded in Chapter 2 of the book of Acts.

Sadly you won’t find it included on most printed calendars.  And many Christians don’t understand the great significance of what took place that day. And yet,  just 8 days before it happened,  Jesus specifically spoke about about it right before he ascended.

Those who don’t understand the great significance of this momentous occasion may wonder what exactly are we remembering that warrants celebrating?  Some say it’s all about the Apostles receiving the holy spirit.  Some say it was a unique event relevant only for those at that time.  Others say it had something to do with speaking in tongues.

But with a right understanding of God’s Word it becomes clear that event was the greatest event to date in the history of mankind! What happened on that day, recorded in Acts Chapter 2, is a not just a big deal; it’s a really, really big deal!

What Happened In The Garden?

In order to gain a greater appreciation of what occurred on the Day of Pentecost recorded in Acts 2, one needs to understand what happened with Adam and Eve in the Garden. God had told Adam not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and if he did, he would surely die. If you’re familiar with the record in Genesis 2 and 3 then you know both Adam and Eve ate of that fruit.

God had said, “for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die,” meaning that very day. Yet, if you continue reading, they both lived for many, many years. Was God wrong?

Genesis 1 and 2 describe how God originally designed human beings.  They had a physical body. They had soul life, manifested by breathing. And they also had God’s spirit.  Adam and Eve began with two life forms: soul life, and spirit life.

The absence of life is indicated by the word, “death.” What died that day for Adam and Eve was the spirit life God intended for all human beings to have. They lost spirit life.  It was the spirit life that enabled them to have a close personal relationship with God.

So just as God had said, they died that very day – they lost spirit life. When they lost spirit life, they still had a physical body and soul life. But they lost their connection with the Creator. And, this loss of spirit life was passed on to all men and women. This was a cataclysmic event, with devastating consequences on all of mankind as well as the environment.

Through the centuries there have been hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, volcanoes, wars and other devastating events, including the recent pandemic that came upon the world. But what happened in the Garden when Adam sinned was the worst disaster for human beings that has ever happened.

Even though there were only two people immediately affected, the consequences would be felt by billions and billions; the consequences would affect every single human being ever born, with the exception of Jesus Christ.

God’s Plan

Not understanding what happened when Adam sinned is one of the main reasons there is a lack of understanding the great significance of what happened on the Day of Pentecost recorded in Acts, Chapter 2.  People fail to see the connection. But after the fall in the Garden, God set in motion a plan to redeem mankind, which would include restoring His spirit to human beings.

During the process of God’s plan, you can read in the Bible about how God gave certain individuals His spirit on a temporary basis; but it was not freely available to any and all human beings. For God to restore what Adam lost, it would require the completed work of Jesus Christ, the savior of mankind, to fulfill all that was necessary.

God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who willingly did His Father’s work in carrying out God’s great plan of redemption.  He laid down his life, a ransom, a full payment for the sins of the whole world.  And God raised him from the dead to die no more.

Jesus taught his followers on many occasions about the coming of holy spirit. It was a major topic at the last Supper.  The first time he got together with his disciples, after he was resurrected, he talked to them about receiving the holy spirit. On the day of the ascension, right before he left, the very last thing he talked about was receiving the holy spirit.

A New Beginning!

In Acts Chapter 2, after the twelve received the gift of holy spirit and began manifesting one of the nine manifestations, namely speaking in tongues, Peter stood up and preached.  He taught them about Jesus Christ, the savior, and how God had made Jesus both lord and Christ, and that God raised him from the dead.

Peter also talked about holy spirit. He exhorted those listening to, “repent” (change their minds), get baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, and that they too would receive “the gift holy spirit.” About 3,000 accepted the invitation.

Part of the great significance of that day was that it was the beginning of holy spirit freely available. That was the day when God officially made His gift of holy spirit available to anyone who accepted Jesus as lord and believed God raised him from the dead. In Acts 11, Peter referred to that day as, “the beginning.” It was truly a new beginning for mankind!

And while Adam and Eve could and did lose the spirit of God, this time around, God made it permanent. He has given those who believe in Jesus (that he is lord and that God raised him from the dead) eternal life, which means you cannot lose it.

God wants people to have His spirit so that we could not only live forever, but also have a close personal relationship with Him by way of His spirit in us, just like He had with Adam and Eve in the Garden before the fall.

God Has Leveled The Playing Field!

Today we hear a lot about equity, equality, advantage, disadvantage, privilege, etc.  But beginning on that day of Pentecost, God leveled the playing field for anyone who believes in Jesus.  For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

God is offering tremendous advantage and privilege to “whosoever!”

In the Old Testament, only certain people had the spirit of God.  But today, each and every born again believer has the spirit of God, and the ability to operate all 9 manifestations of the spirit.  God made that reality available beginning on the day of Pentecost recorded in Acts, Chapter 2.   No wonder Peter later referred to that day as “The beginning.”

In the Old testament, the bloodline from Abraham, were God’s people, by God’s choice, and He promised to be their God. And we can read about some absolutely astounding things God did for His people.

But since that great day of Pentecost recorded in Acts, Chapter 2, there is a new arrangement.  The Bible clearly states that for those who are born again, God Almighty is not only our Father, but He is our God.  That day marked the beginning of what is called, “the Church of God.”  It is God’s Church!

What a great day in the history of mankind that day of Pentecost, recorded in Acts Chapter 2, really was!  God opened the door for anyone and everyone to receive His gift of eternal life, His gift of holy spirit, along with all the rights, privileges and abilities that go with it.

We can choose to read and believe what God has written to us in the New Testament Church epistles about who we really are and all God has freely made available to us.  It’s up to us to learn how to utilize and operate this gift of holy spirit that God has freely given to each one of His children.

Talk about having privilege!  God’s children, the born again ones, are truly the most privileged people on the face of the earth!

That day of Pentecost really was a very, very big deal!  It was the day God had waited and planned for for centuries! It truly was the greatest event to date in the history of mankind!
Mike Verdicchio May 2023

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Check out my new podcast: His Word.  They’re all under 5 minutes, and at this link, you’ll find a separate link for each one, making it easy for you to copy/paste and share God’s Word with someone!

If you’d like a signed copy of my book, “What Does It Mean?  Click Here

Check out my YouTube Channel;  recent video zoom teachings and over a hundred (most under 2 minutes) inspiring and encouraging videos for practical Christian living.  “Like” them!   Subscribe!   Share!  Thank you!


Happy Mother’s Day!

In God’s Word, the Bible, God refers to those women who give birth as “mothers.”  Culture may go astray with absurd, nonsensical, and preposterous terms. But God calls females who bear children, “mothers.”

Below is something I’ve posted before about mothers.


Some governments use the word “ministry” to describe various functions, like ministry of finance, or ministry of education. The word “ministry” means service. Therefore, the minister of education would be one who serves the country with regards to education.

I believe being a mom is a ministry, a very, very unique service.

No woman can ever study hard enough or prepare long enough to be


Jesus Is Alive!

Jesus Christ is alive! God raised him from the dead!

Sunday, April 9th, Christians around the world will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  His tomb is empty.  God raised him from the dead. Jesus Christ is alive!

It is stunning and remarkable when you consider that Jesus Christ did not establish an institution of higher learning, and yet all the schools of all times could never measure even close to his number of students. 

All the rulers who ever reigned, all the government bodies that ever sat, and all the military campaigns ever engaged, have not affected the life of mankind as powerfully and dynamically as Jesus Christ.

The Bible declares he was the Son of God who always did the Father’s will.  In his earthly life he carried out and completed God’s great plan of redemption and salvation.  One of the last things he said before laying down his life for all of mankind was, “It is finished!” 


His Word Podcast #100

Yesterday I posted His Word Podcast #100 – complete with a drumroll!  This one is personal. It’s, “The Two Biggest Things”  

Big thanks to everyone who has listened to even one of these short (all under 5 minutes) podcasts. The main reason they are short is so that you can share them (email or text) with someone.  People are more likely to listen to something short.

On the His Word page, you’ll find all of them with a specific link for each podcast you could copy/paste and share.  There are also links at the bottom of that page to many podcast platforms – you can subscribe for free so you never miss an episode.

To date there have been downloads in 20 countries including the USA!

Thanks again to all those who have listened, and thanks to all of you who share them with others.  Together, we are sharing His Word!


What Kind Of Love Is This?

This is an edited re-post from three years ago.

              WHAT KIND OF LOVE IS THIS?

Hearts are everywhere!  Love is in the air!  ‘Tis the season for love!

February 14th is called, “Valentine’s Day.” For lots of folks, it’s a time to express love for your special someone. Flowers, candy, balloons, jewelry – ahh, love is in the air.

Estimated money spent in the U.S. last year for this holiday was around 23.9 billion dollars! That’s not a typo – 23.9 billion dollars! But wait!  Last year 1.1 billion was spent on pets!  Yes, pets.

You can read lots of articles online about the history and origins of “Valentine’s Day.” Instead of putting some of that in this post, I’d rather make a point about the greatest love of all.

The Bible tells us God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him will not perish, but have everlasting life.

The motivation for God sending a savior, His Son, Jesus Christ, was love! God so loved the world – people, all people! God’s desire for all people is that they do not perish (be completely obliterated and gone forever), but instead, have everlasting life!

His desire and love was so big, He paid a whole lot more than the billions spent every year for Valentine’s Day. No comparison! He gave His Son to pay the price for the sins of the whole world. And each person can now choose to either believe it or not.

Why Not Believe It!

The verse I mentioned above is from John 3:16. Below is a compilation of all 5 videos I did many years ago on John 3:16.

The greatest love from the greatest lover!


Check out His Word podcasts, all under 5 minutes!  You can access all of them right here. And, you’ll find links to share individual ones you think might bless someone.  There’s also a list of platforms you can use to subscribe, and it’s free.

Check out my YouTube channel;  includes video zoom teachings and over a hundred (most under 2 minutes) inspiring and encouraging videos for practical Christian living.  “Like” them!   Subscribe!   Share!  Thank you!


Starting The New Year With Gratitude

I began this “New” Year with an “old” habit.  I take some time at the beginning of a new year to thank God for what He’s done for me.  I continue to update an ongoing list of His blessings, adding to it not only things that happen during the current year, but other blessings I remember from the past that were not on this list. 

The result? Great gratitude to God for His love, grace, and kindness.

When a difficult and challenging year ends, it is all too easy to reflect back on what one has endured.  It’s common to hear phrases like, “I’m glad this year is over,” along with, “I hope this New Year will be a lot better.” 

In everyone’s life there are challenges.  Some years we face more than other years.  But has there ever been a year with no challenges, no setbacks, or no difficulties?  Of course not. It’s just part of life.

But regardless of any and all challenges, taking a little time to write down some of the blessings from God during the year is not only very encouraging, but very helpful in the New Year ahead. Here’s why.

Remind Yourself

The more you remind yourself of His gracious blessings in your life, reminding yourself of His His help and His goodness toward you, it builds confidence and trust in Him.

Remembering those blessings allows you to go to God with your requests and petitions with greater expectations because you remember what He has already done for you.  If He blessed you then, He can certainly bless you now.   

And, even more importantly, God gets the gratitude and recognition He so deserves. We thank Him, remembering what He did for us, giving Him the credit for the blessings in our lives.  And, again, as we do this, our confidence in His help in the coming days, weeks, and months ahead continues to grow.

Psalm 69:30
I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving.  

When we thank God, we magnify Him, we recognize His greatness; we give Him the thanks and appreciation He deserves. We remind ourselves of His care, His grace and His help. 

What You Think

If all we ever think and talk about are our troubles, our mind stays fixed on the sad parts of life.  The Bible says,  “As a man thinks in his heart so is he;” and, “Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life.”  Staying focused on the problems and challenges hinders our expectations of God’s help. 

On the other hand, when our minds stay fixed on His blessings, His goodness, and His help and care, we lay our petitions before Him, looking for and expecting His blessings.  The more we think that way, the more we are reminded of His goodness. 

God does not bring us troubles and tragedies.  God, because of His love, His grace, and His mercy, brings us deliverance. 

Colossians 3:15
And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.

God wants us to let His peace rule in our hearts – He says, “Be thankful.”  Reminding yourself of His blessings brings peace to your heart.

Pray With Confidence

Philippians 4:6 & 7
Be careful [anxious] for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

God does not want us to be anxious or stressed. So we go to Him with our requests, with thanksgiving – remembering what He has already done for us.  And as a result, God’s peace will guard our hearts.

Starting a New Year with anticipation for a better year is a good idea.  Writing down goals or resolutions along with an action plan for the coming New Year is a good, positive strategy for the days ahead. Reviewing them throughout the year keeps one focused and on track, especially if the past year was challenging or difficult.

But take some time as this New Year begins to thank God for His blessings on your life.  As this new year unfolds, write down His blessings and answers to your prayers.  Let them be a reminder to you that God is still on the throne.

God is still able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think. He is still able to make all grace abound toward you, that you always have all sufficiency in all things.  

Have a Happy and Blessed New Year!

Psalm 103:2
Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.


How Did They Know?

This time of year, many Christians all over the world remember the birth of Jesus Christ. The story is retold in a variety of ways.  There are sermons, nativity scenes, plays, songs, etc.  One of the elements associated with this story is the record of the “wise men” from the Gospel of Matthew.  

Some of what you read in this article does not agree with some traditions. I invite you to take the time to consider this exciting information. The Scriptures rightly understood give us the truth and traditions must always take a back seat to the Word of God.

Where Did They Come From?

The only account of the “wise men” coming to Bethlehem in the Bible is recorded in the gospel of Matthew. (That record is printed in full at the end of this article.)

The Bible says that they came from the “East.”  This would indicate the area of Persia. The “wise men” are also referred to in some circles as, “The Three Kings.” In this article I am using the word “Magi” instead of “wise men.”  

In the gospel of Matthew, the words “wise men” are from one Greek word, “magos.”  This is the name given by the Babylonians (Chaldeans), Medes, Persians, and others, to the wise men, teachers, priests, physicians, astrologers, seers, interpreters of dreams, augers, soothsayers, sorcerers etc.”

There are many who regard this word as having its origins in Babylon.  That is very interesting because in the Greek translation of the Old Testament, this word, “magos,” is found in the book of Daniel, where it is translated “magicians.”

Some scholars have concluded from studying ancient records that the earliest Magi lived in the Persia area.  They were a religious sect predating Zoroaster, who founded the Zoroastrian religion.  The Magi then adopted the Zoroastrian religion and became the priesthood for that religion.