He Gets My Vote

There are some today who would say the greatest person in the world is the president of the most powerful country, the United States of America. Others might say it is the pope, overseeing a church of around 1.2 billion people. Others may say it’s some very benevolent person.

When it comes to the greatest person in the world today, some would say it is defined by popularity. Others would look at character. Still others would judge by the person’s impact on society.

Make no mistake, through the centuries there have been great men and women in many different categories. Thomas Edison’s inventions lit up the world. Alexander Fleming is credited with inventing penicillin.

There have been some great political leaders, humanitarians, philosophers, musicians, writers, scientists, and explorers.

When we are in the presence of someone great we show respect by addressing them as sir or madam, Mr. President, or Your Highness. Over the centuries, men and women of greatness have been recognized, praised and shown respect. There are also those who didn’t receive accolades until after they died.

So Who is it Today?

So who is the greatest person in the world today? Who should be the most revered and praised? Who is it in our day and time that should receive the most respect?

The answer to that question really varies and depends on who you ask. But for me the answer is simple. Jesus Christ is the greatest man who ever lived, and in fact, he still lives today.

He never founded a hospital. But he did bring deliverance to many by the power of God. And today, through believing in his name, people still receive healing deliverance.

He never established a university. Yet, while he walked this earth he was the master teacher of all times. Over 2,000 years later, his words are still spoken by many.

He never set up a financial assistance fund for the needy. Yet, the results of his work brought the greatest gift to “whosoever believes in him;” the gift of eternal life. The worth of just one, the Bible says, is worth all the wealth in the world.

He did not set up a political party. Instead, God placed him as head of the greatest organization on this earth. He is the head of the Church, which is his Body.

Fulfilling God’s plan for mankind’s redemption remains the greatest benevolent service ever rendered by any person who has ever lived, individually or collectively. That he accomplished that feat for all of mankind makes him lord of all men and women. And God Almighty raised him from the dead, to show us all that His Son, Jesus Christ, is indeed the Savior.

Through the centuries there have been wonderful men and women. Many have contributed amazing things to their society. But there can be no comparison, either individually or even collectively, to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Those who choose to believe in him look forward to the day of his return when they will meet the greatest man who ever lived face to face.

For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men [mankind], the man Christ Jesus;
I Timothy 2:5

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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2 thoughts on “Re-posting: WHO IS THE GREATEST TODAY?

  1. Beautiful life isn’t it. Thank God that He called us into His household through Christ Jesus. Thank you Mike for always holding forth His word of life. God bless you .