Unless otherwise noted, the teachings below (2024) are from our Sunday Glendale/Westbrook Fellowship, 10:30am (AZ time), currently meeting both in our home and via “phone.”  Anyone is welcome to call in at: 339-207-8502 (no pin required), or join via the internet at this link – with the online meeting ID: maverdicchio (Please note, if you use T-Mobile, access via the internet.)  This list includes the final teaching from 2023 (12/31/2021 Forever). There is a separate tab on the Home page for teachings from 20202021, 2022 , 2023. and 2024

3/9/2025 The Only Way (27:19)
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At the Last Supper, Jesus Christ made a very, very exclusive statement. It was not ego, but rather, it was very loving.

3/9/2025 God is at Work in You (35:30)
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“Well, it was just meant to be; God is testing me; everything happens for a reason; relax, God’s in charge; “God’s got this.” Although we so often hear phrases like those, and others, God’s Word is clear and explicit that we have an enemy, a personal adversary.

In the Gospels, Jesus Christ said that what he spoke and did was what the Father told him to say and do; he always did the will of the Father. We see him in record after record, victorious in a myriad of situations by operating the power of God. And when the enemy attacked, Jesus Christ listened to God’s instructions, believed God, and acted. What a sterling and stunning example he was!

And, it is equally stunning that Jesus Christ said, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” After God raised Jesus Christ from the dead he was seen for forty days and then he ascended; he went unto the Father. A few days later God’s gift of holy spirit was made available.

The whole Bible, and especially the Church Epistles, contain so much information on how we too can walk with God, utilizing the power of the holy spirit that is in us! Jesus Christ stayed tuned into God – when he received information or instructions from God, he believed it, and he acted on it.

Because we, as born again ones, have received the spirit of God, His Word declares, “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.”

3/9/2025 The End Times (36:41)
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Why did Jesus Christ never mention the Gathering Together of all born again ones, both those living and those who died, that we read about in I Corinthians 15, I Thessalonians 4, and other places? He did mention, in great detail, the time of the coming judgments and the events preceding that time. The Old Testament, in a number of places, makes mention of the coming judgments, but there is no mention in that section of Scripture regarding believers meeting Jesus Christ in the clouds.

It is very common to hear people, including preachers, say that the signs Jesus Christ talked about are happening now, indicating that “the end times” are almost here. Are we living in “the end times?” Is the Day of the Lord the same event as when all born again ones, both those who have died and those who are alive, will meet Jesus Christ in the clouds, and “so shall we ever be with the Lord?”

3/2/2025 Who We Were – Who We Are (37:52)
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This morning we looked at some familiar verses, but we looked at them from the perspective of noting the past tense, and the present tense. Many times you will see the words, “were” and “now,” and at other times, the past, or the present, is clearly implied.

The reason it’s important to note this is because when a person gets born again there is a dramatic change. A change from what was, to what is. Feelings and opinions don’t matter when it comes to a right understanding of the Scriptures. What God in His Word says, “was,” was; what God says, “is,” is; and what God says will be, will be.

It is most enlightening when you read the Church Epistles about who God says you are as a born again one, to stop and remind yourself – that’s not who you were before you got born again, that’s who you are now!: And note where you see the words, “was” or “were.” and the word, “now.” And of course, many times it’s simply implied.

The Church Epistles give details of so many things that changed the moment you got born again. In those epistles you find out, from God, who you really are now. And you discover your rights, privileges and abilities you have now! That’s where you discover your true identity as far as God is concerned, That’s who God says you are now! When we got born again, there really was a dramatic and monumental change.

2/23/2025 The Truth (30:06)
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In our culture today, especially with the internet and social media, at times, it’s hard to know what is true. When people testify in court, they swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Sometimes we hear people say, “Well. this is my truth.” What they really mean is, “This is what I believe.”

Something is either true or it’s not true. And it doesn’t matter if I believe something, or you believe something, because just believing something doesn’t make it true. Something is either true or it’s not true.

Things we see and read, and things people say may or may not be true. But when it comes to spiritual matters, when it comes to an understanding of who God is and what God will do, the Bible, rightly understood, is pure truth.

People can, and they do, say a lot of things about God that contradicts what we read in the Bible. But if the Bible, rightly understood, does not reveal who God is, what He has done, and what He will do, if the Bible is not the standard for truth, then what is?

One of the things the Bible tells us is that God desires that everyone would get saved, gain salvation. And in addition to getting saved, God wants you and me to know the Truth!

When it comes to the news, or the internet, or social media, I can’t be sure what is true or not. But I know that if you have a right understanding of the Scriptures, you have the absolute truth.

2/16/2025 The Gospel of God Time (36:50)
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The word translated, “gospel,” from the Greek means “good tidings,” or, “joyful proclamation.” Sometimes we say, “good news.” This morning we looked into God’s Word regarding, “the gospel of God… concerning His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.”

God’s righteousness is revealed In the Gospel, in God’s joyful proclamation “concerning His Son Jesus Christ our Lord.”

We receive salvation and eternal life from believing this Gospel,

We receive God’s gift of Holy Spirit from believing this Gospel,

God’s joyful proclamation “concerning His Son Jesus Christ our Lord,”declares the great Mystery God kept secret: no more “Jews and Gentiles,” it’s one body!

This joyful proclamation gives us the information concerning our great hope; the Return of Jesus Christ.

Our conversation, our behavior should be according to God’s joyful proclamation “concerning His Son Jesus Christ our Lord.”

It is this Gospel that tells us what the right way of believing is to obtain salvation – to be saved – to obtain eternal life!

God would have us stand fast in one spirit, with one mind, striving together for that which has been given to be the right way of believing which originates from this Gospel.

And how humbling it is that God allows us, and trusts us, with the great privilege of sharing with others, God’s joyful proclamation concerning His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord!

2/9/2025 Take Time and Make Time (26:59)
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In the Gospels, we see the Lord Jesus Christ teaching and encouraging people to pray. And, he not only taught and encouraged people to pray, but we also see that he himself was a man of prayer. And seeing that, really inspires me! Hopefully, you too!

Let’s remember what Jesus taught about prayer, and let’s follow the example of our Lord Jesus Christ, who was indeed a man of prayer.

2/2/2025 God’s Great Love and Grace (33:36)
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The grace of God is so many times undervalued and unappreciated, while the ego and pride of man is elevated.

Grace means favor – unearned and undeserved. God’s grace is unearned, undeserved favor from God Almighty. This morning, we looked at some verses, endeavoring to grow in our appreciation of God’s great grace, as well as God’s great love.

Because of God’s great love for all people, He gives salvation and eternal life to those who simply chose to believe on His Son. And for those who do, He has promised that in the ages to come, He will exhibit the exceeding riches of His grace in his kindness toward us!

And until that great day comes when God sends His Son back to come and get us, for the life we live now, God has put His spirit in us, and given us many rights, privileges and abilities! And our loving, gracious God has also given us exceeding great and precious promises! He truly is a God of great love and great grace!

1/26/2025 God Will Reward You (32:58)
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The Epistle of I Corinthians (which is reproof of the doctrine in the book of Romans) addresses many issues that were going on at that time in Corinth, Although it was first sent to those believers, it is part of the seven Church epistles addressed to and for the Body of Christ.

There is, therefore, much learning for all of God’s people, not only in that epistle but in all the epistles.

This morning we considered something discussed in I Corinthians that is not often talked about.

1/19/2025 Figured Of Speech (34:41)
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At our fellowship meeting this morning, Dave Bailey taught God’s Word, as I am recovering from some surgery.

Dave gave some wonderful insight to figures of speech found in the Bible. God utilizes figures of speech to show importance and emphasis.

There are of course many, many figures of speech used in the Bible, and Dave cited a few that can be easily recognized when one reads the Scriptures. One of those is called, polysyndeton, which simply means many “ands.”

God employs this figure of speech in a list. Rather than the normal structure of simply listing, followed by a comma, you will see the word “and” coming up many times. God’s intention in doing this is that with each section, the reader would stop for a moment and consider it, rather than just reading through the whole list.

My thanks to Dave for filling in for me today.

1/12/2025 God Is Able (43:09)
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Today was our first Sunday morning fellowship for this New Year. We considered the topic, God is able. There are many spectacular displays of God’s awesome power and deliverance recorded in the Bible. Perhaps a few might come to mind. In reading those miraculous accounts in the Scriptures, we need to remember those events really happened; they are not fairy tales or nice bedtime stories for little children.

In reading those records, it should be very obvious: God is able, there’s nothing too hard for our God; the Lord’s arm is not waxed short; and God is very reliable at bringing His Word to pass when we believe!

When it comes to believing God, it’s not just being mindful. It’s not just knowing where a verse is in the Bible. It’s not just memorizing a verse. It is being absolutely convinced, fully persuaded, fully convinced of what God has declared to us in His Word!