Okay, I know it’s not December and holiday time, but after writing the last article, I started to think about what a great point the movie It’s A Wonderful Life
makes. So even though it’s an old movie, and it’s not even December yet, bear with me, because this article is about you!
It’s A Wonderful Life shows what a number of people’s lives would be like, had the protagonist, George Bailey never been born. Do you realize that you and I really do impact people’s lives? Even if it’s someone we only meet for a moment or two and then never see again, we can impact and touch their lives.
Of course we have much more impact with those we know and are close to over a period of time. Spouses, children, grandchildren, even our parents, can be greatly impacted by our lives in a positive or in a negative way. The point is your life is about more than just about you.
All of us can remember incidents from our past when someone has touched our life. Sometimes something small touched us, other times it may have been something really big. But all of us have been touched by others all our lives.
Now obviously, we don’t want to dwell on how someone might have affected us in a negative way. For those circumstances, we need to forgive and forget. It may not be easy, but we can choose to put off the negative from our past and put on God’s love for us in its place.
But stop for a few minutes and think of some of the kindness you have received in your life. It truly blesses your heart and soul to think about it, doesn’t it? But what if that person either never existed, or missed the opportunity to bless your life?
It’s A Decision
Reaching out to others to help, encourage, and inspire is a deliberate action. The impact can be huge and life changing. The impact spouses make to each other, or the impact parents make to their children are perhaps the greatest and long lasting.
You have already impacted many people, no matter how old you are. And for the rest of your life, you will continue to touch other people’s lives. The question is, how you will touch their lives?
Recently, at my mother in law’s memorial service I talked about how she impacted many lives in a wonderful way; not only her children, but many others. She was a stay-at-home mom, who never even drove a car. But her consistent love, care, and encouragement to others made a big difference in their lives.
I told everyone that she never won an award. There was never a big write up about her in the newspaper. But she touched many lives, including mine, and for that I am very grateful.
We only have one life to live, and your life can be a truly wonderful life if you choose to impact and touch other people’s lives with God’s love. Today our culture continues to be more selfish and self-centered and because of that, people need your love and giving more than ever. Reach out and touch someone today with God’s love, and live a wonderful life!
Mike Verdicchio
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