At the beginning of each New Year, most people are looking forward to a good year ahead. Many have “resolutions” or goals in hopes that doing certain activities will help them achieve a good or better year.  And we all cheer each other on by saying, “Happy New Year!”

As the New Year arrives, an old habit of mine is to look back on the past year and remember God’s blessings.  But sitting here today, on January 1, it is a bit more difficult for me to do that this year, in light of losing my wife just one month ago.

But, as I moved the sadness ever so slightly aside. I began reflecting on a number of things from this past year to tell God, “Thank You.”  It was indeed heartwarming and encouraging for me remembering some blessings I had forgotten.

Regardless of what kind of year you had, I would encourage you to take some time to reflect and then give God the thanks He deserves for His blessings to you in 2023.

And by the way, after pausing my recording of the His Word podcast for a few weeks, I’m back.  Below are links to the two most recent.

149 This Is Very Personal

150 Looking Back

Have A Wonderfully Blessed New Year!


Have A Wonderful Holiday Season!

Below are the links to a series I did on His Word podcast about the Magi (each under 5 minutes).
And a beautiful rendition of O Holy Night.


Episode 85 The Magi – Part 1

Episode 86 The Magi – Part 2

Episode 87 – Part 3

Episode 88 The Magi – Part 4

Episode 89 The Magi – Part 5

Episode 90 The Magi – Part 6

God promised to send a savior, and He kept that promise.
God also promised to send Jesus Christ back to gather together all those who are born again, and He will keep that promise too.
The Lord Jesus Christ IS coming back!

Have a wonderful holiday season!


His Word Podcast #100

Yesterday I posted His Word Podcast #100 – complete with a drumroll!  This one is personal. It’s, “The Two Biggest Things”  

Big thanks to everyone who has listened to even one of these short (all under 5 minutes) podcasts. The main reason they are short is so that you can share them (email or text) with someone.  People are more likely to listen to something short.

On the His Word page, you’ll find all of them with a specific link for each podcast you could copy/paste and share.  There are also links at the bottom of that page to many podcast platforms – you can subscribe for free so you never miss an episode.

To date there have been downloads in 20 countries including the USA!

Thanks again to all those who have listened, and thanks to all of you who share them with others.  Together, we are sharing His Word!


Podcast #50 Has Posted!

A couple of days ago I posted His Word, Episode #50.  It’s a small milestone for this podcast. 

Thanks to all who have listened to one or even all 50 of these short, (under five minutes) podcasts, both here in the USA as well as eight other countries. If you haven’t listened yet, just click here.

On this occasion, I thought it might be appropriate to tell you just why I’m doing these podcasts.   

First of all, to shed some light from the Bible, His Word, on certain topics. As I always say at the beginning, “topics you might be interested in.”  With my nearly 50 years of studying His Word, sharing some of what I have learned and continue to learn may be helpful. It may be encouraging.  It might connect some dots.  It might inspire one to look further in His Word for even more understanding. That’s why I end each podcast with the phrase, “Enjoy reading His Word.”

Secondly, they are intentionally under five minutes, which makes them easy to share with someone. I say “easy,” because so often when someone shares a link, whether it’s an article, a video, or a podcast, the one receiving the link will many times first look to see how long it is.  So, 5 minutes? That’s short enough for the recipient to check it out.  And so, thus, it affords the sender the opportunity of sharing some of God’s Word with someone! 

Oh, and I do realize on all the podcast platforms there is a share button, but I’ve also dedicated a page here on this website – It has each and every His Word podcast, with a specific link for each one if you want to copy/paste.  So, please by all means, join me in sharing His Word. 

And, thirdly, there is so much negativity online, news feeds, social meidat – lots of  fear, hate, division, frustration, sadness, and so on, that I thought hearing some Good News online might be a bit of fresh air.  A break from all the gloom and doom.

So here we are at #50 –  650 downloads from nine countries, including the USA. I’m very grateful – I think that’s a good start for a new podcast.  

By the way, Episode #50 is about the greatest freedom ever given to human beings!  Check it out, and, enjoy reading His Word!


Happy Father’s Day, Dads!

For Father’s Day this year, I’m posting both the audio and the transcript from a podcast from His Word, called, “Who Is The Father?”

Some people say all the people on this earth are children of God. Is that true?  In this short podcast (4:03), I shared a tremendous truth about who “the Father” is.

Welcome to His Word – short podcasts about what God has to say about topics you might be interested in – not my words, but His Word.  Today’s podcast: Who is the Father?

If you’re even a little bit familiar with His Word,  the Bible, you probably notice that in the Old Testament, God almighty is referred to as God, or the Lord God. Like in the very first verse of the Bible, in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth.

However in the New Testament we see God many many times referred to as Father. That is something you don’t see in the Old Testament but you do see quite often in the New Testament.

In reading the Gospels, Jesus Christ many times referred to God Almighty, the Creator of the heavens and the Earth, as Father. He said things like, “my Father, the Father, your Father” and so on. He introduced to the world that God almighty could be called Father. 

In the New Testament, for those who are born again,  His Word often speaks of God being our Father. Now one might ask, is this figurative, or is it literal? Is God really our Father, literally?

There are some who teach that we are all God’s children, all the people on earth are God’s children and therefore God is Father to all of us.  But His Word does not agree with that.

In a previous podcast, #4, I mentioned a discussion Jesus had with a religious leader named Nicodemus.  Jesus told him plainly that unless a person gets born again they cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven. Jesus said, “you must be born again.” 

In the Epistles of Peter, His Word speaks of the believers as being begotten of God, and, being born again of incorruptible seed. When a person gets saved, or born again, at that moment, God becomes your Father, literally – you are saved, you are born again.  And God made that so easy – confess or acknowledge the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, and His Word says, you shall be saved!  You have eternal life, you are born again and God is now literally your Father.

That’s why in a number of places in the New Testament, His Word speaks about those who believe in Jesus, those who are born again, that God is our Father.  And His Word also says, obviously,  we in turn are His children, children of God, sons and daughters of the Most High God!  What an awesome privilege!

So, who is the Father?  For those who are born again, the Creator of the heavens and the earth is literally our Father.  And His Word says we, His children, now have access to the Father.


For more His Word podcasts, click the podcasts tab above.  From that page you can access all of them, and find links to share individual ones with someone else.  There’s also a list of platforms you can use to subscribe, and it’s free.


My New Podcast Is Now Available!

Join me in sharing
God’s Word!

My New Podcast Is Here!

His Word is a new and unique podcast! Unique for three reasons:

  • They are short! Really short – under 5 minutes!
  • They are about topics you or someone else may have questions about.
  • Easy to share with someone.

His Word is now available for free and listed on many platforms (See the list below)

Subscribe to His Word on whatever platform you use to listen to podcasts and you’ll get notified of each new episode.

Share any episode with someone you think might get blessed listening to it. At the end of each podcast I mention this blog where there are dozens of in-depth teachings available. I’m hopeful some people may end up here as a result of listening to  His Word podcasts. So, join me in sharing God’s Word with others!

Listen to ALL episodes here.

Or, pick any of the platform links below to listen to His Word!

Buzzsprout:  https://hisword.buzzsprout.com

Spotify:  https://open.spotify.com/show/0RJH4qKhrrCmbmoE46oz5T

Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5idXp6c3Byb3V0LmNvbS8xOTAxOTU5LnJzcw== 

Amazon:  https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/da81f13f-3401-4e23-8c14-be9b25e29ac9/his-word 

iHeart:  https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-his-word-91241573/ 

Podcast Addict:  https://podcastaddict.com/podcast/3771666 

Podchasher:  https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/his-word-3787726 

Pocket Cats:  https://pca.st/7mgh5cd0 

Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/us/show/3286132 

Listen Notes:  https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/his-word-mike-a-verdicchio-UJRNtnygFPT/ 

Player FM:  https://player.fm/series/his-word 

Podcast Index:  https://podcastindex.org/podcast/4683991  


Accessing God’s Protection

How To Access God’s Protection

The Bible speaks of God’s magnificent protection.  This past Sunday, on our “conference call” fellowship, we looked at Psalm 91. This Psalm not only shows God’s protection, but how to access it. Very timely for the days we are living in today! The recording of that teaching is below.




Happy Father’s Day, Dads!

For Father’s Day this year, I recommend some past posts from this blog:

This one has some great quotes –  Father’s Day.

Do take a few minutes to watch these two very cool Andy Andrews videos, from, Father’s Day 2012

And finally, a number of years ago I recorded an interesting and perhaps insightful podcast, titled, Who’s Your Daddy, and What Does He Do? (In the gospel of John there’s a pretty intense discussion about, “Who’s your daddy,” between Jesus Christ and the religious leaders!)

Happy Father’s Day Weekend to all you Dad’s!

If you’d like a signed copy of my new book, “What Does It Mean?  Click Here

Check out my YouTube channel;  over a hundred (most under 2 minutes) inspiring and encouraging videos for practical Christian living.  “Like” them!   Subscribe!   Share!  Thank you!


Audio From A Christian Family Conference

Last month I was invited to speak at a Christian Family Conference in Post Falls, Idaho. It was a great weekend – a number of teachers handling a variety of topics. One of the teachings I presented was, Staying Faithful Regardless of the Culture.

I am posting that teaching here. It is about 31 minutes. If you find it profitable, please feel free to share it.


It's That Time Of The Year Again

The “Christmas Season” is here once again.  I wrote in the last post that Jesus is supposed to be reason right? Isn’t all of this about the savior coming into the world? In some places he gets some attention, while in others, maybe just an honorable mention. But, at the very least, there is some attention on God sending His Son, the savior of the world!

Below are some links to past posts, including topics like the Magi, Christmas trees, swaddling clothes, Simeon and Anna and even holiday stress!

Have A Very Blessed Season And A Great New Year!

holly-bowA Social Network Christmas
A video about Joseph and Mary on Facebook. And while Facebook has changed quite a bit, this is still one of my favorites!

holly-bowHoliday Stress
Short article with some helpful hints to avoid holiday stress.

A Sad Time of the Year for Some

Short article – for some, for various reasons, this is not the most wonderful time of the year.

holly-bowSimeon And Anna
From “The Eastern Eye” the great blessing to these senior believers in seeing the Christ child. A song about them by Lisa Tracy at the end of the article.

holly-bowThe Christmas Dilemma, and, ‘Twas the night before…
Do you say, Merry Christmas, or, Happy Holidays? Some thoughts on that, and some other choices.

holly-bowChristmas Tree Or Holiday Tree?
A podcast with some history of the “tree,” and, find out about a Jewish man who does not like it referred to as a Holiday tree.

holly-bowWho Were The Magi? Part 1
Who Were The Magi? Part 2
A couple of articles explaining who they were, where they came from, how they knew, what they saw, etc.

holly-bowSwaddling Clothes
What were they? What’s the significance?