Have You Been Unfriended On Facebook?

FB logoYou can find me on Facebook, but I must confess, I don’t spend much time there. When I do access the site, I comment on something once and awhile, and I add a few “likes.” Occasionally I post something, but not that often.  I do enjoy seeing some of the pictures and witty things that others post.

I Was Unfriended

But awhile back I noticed I hadn’t seen someone’s posts that were usually there on a regular basis. I almost always clicked “like” on whatever they posted.  I did it intentionally for a couple of reasons, one being they never did get very many “likes.”

Having been pretty close with the person for a number of years, I became a bit curious.  I remembered they recently were quite upset with me about something, and I wondered if they just may have unfriended me.   Sure enough, they did exactly that.

I didn’t let it hurt my feelings; people do whatever they are going to do and I cannot control their actions.  But it did get me to thinking that our loving God will never unfriend us. He will never remove you from His list, for the Bible says we are His children, born of incorruptible seed, and given eternal life.

If a parent has right beliefs and standards, their child can choose to not accept those beliefs and standards. In doing so, the relationship they once had with their parents is no longer there. But, they still remain a child of those parents.  And, a good parent continues to pray their child will return someday, and they display God’s love so that the door always remains open for their child.

And Even Though…

Even though we, as born again Christians, are God’s children, we can by our own choices remove ourselves from the fellowship or relationship we could have with Him.  We can choose to distance ourselves from His kindness and grace and look to someone or something else; we can choose to walk away from Him. Regardless, we still remain His children with eternal life; we cannot lose it.

FB Unfriend

God does not go around removing people from His roster, or deleting them like a file on His computer.  God’s love for you is constant and does not change; nothing can separate you from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus.

Do you find it absolutely overwhelming to think that in spite of all our shortcomings and weaknesses, God will still never unfriend us?  I do!

Mike Verdicchio

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9 thoughts on “Have You Been Unfriended On Facebook?

  1. Hi Mike. I was unfriended on Face Book by one of my Granddaughters. I considered it her loss. Having lived on this blue marble in space for 70 years, I have acquired some knowledge of life and how to live it God’s way. Still pray for her daily. You are so very right it is over whelming to try and understand God’s unconditional Love for us. I’m just so grateful that it is there for me every morning when I wake. God Bless, judy

  2. Hi Mike:
    It’s always such a blessing to read your daily Confidence & Joy. You and your wife are the most faithful believers I have ever met when it comes to manifesting God’s unconditional love towards others and your homes and arms are always open. Spending whatever amount of time with you both has always been life-changing and Word inspiring. We’ve all endured rejection and it all comes down to one simple truth, not laying aside each others flesh and seeing each other through the eyes of God’s grace. Sometimes unfortunately we need to remove ourselves from those circles where we want to love and keep getting reminded of our flesh which is not edifying. But like Judy said, we can still pray and when the whole world walks out, God and JC are the only ones that remain. Thanks for the post. You are loved.

    • Thanks for your comment, Nancy.
      Loving others, in spite of, and regardless of, is truly living life!
      God loves us unconditionally and nothing can ever separate us from His love.
      If God so loved us…
      God bless you you,

  3. God Bless you, Mike !!
    Oh my, what a heart you have for God which in turn just flows into His people/children!!!!! The FB stuff, I am glad you brought it up, because I started to fall into that junk…It is really very subtle now that I think of it with you. The folks ( not everyone of course) do not necessarily even read what someone has written and posted; they just “run” to the ‘popular’ person they are following. Oh dear that is a subject for another time. My feelings on FB would get hurt with no “likes” or one or only two “likes”, but I believe it was because for sometime I have been struggling with my children to continue to love them with the love of God regardless of what they have chosen. One can bring them up the best way, but ultimately in the end they can make their own choices. In “losing” two children makes a total of seven people because my grandchildren get dragged into their decision, that have written me “off their list.” I continue to pray about what is to me, “Horrifying”, that they will return. Every now and then, I see glimpses of light, being that God is working in their hearts. I do not know how He does it, but He does. I figure my responsibility is to always be right here when they return at different intervals to love them with the love of God (which I genuinely do) and they cannot understand with their behavior why I am like that 🙂 God’s love for His children never dies, never gets scratched off, never removes us from a list, He has no favorites…but unless we keep our minds on that truth, ultimately it is simply another way or I should say the same old way, to use rejection so that it will eventually turn into that God rejects us on different occasions, which is an absolute unadulterated lie ! We wrestle not against flesh and blood……Ephesians 6:12. Again, Mike I am so thankful for your life! There is only one of you and no one can take your place or fill your shoes in the Body of Christ. God bless your dear heart !! Carol 🙂 Rather lengthy comment :); But such a HUGE subject…..

  4. Hi again Mike ! teeheeheehee
    I just wanted to add something to give God some glory.. 🙂 My children and Grandchildren have come around often lately and brought roses and a cake and the Grandchildren and have asked me for dinner and to stay the night and have bought back presents from their travels etc. So again, I do not know how God does it, but he does and prayer and really casting our cares on him make for a much more delightful situation! 🙂 I am still trying to do His Word BEFORE I am all worn out trying to do it myself and taking my cares back before He has been allowed to work. There is a cool poem about bringing our broken toys to God and asking Him to mend them, but before He has a chance, we grab them back and ask how can you be so slow and He replies, “My child,HE says, you never did let go.” Just thought I would add that to my lengthy comment of “Have you ever been unfriended?”

  5. I accepted Jesus as my savior in the early 70s and met my future wife in church. We raised a family, made many friends, went as families camping, backyard barbecues everything. Then came the Internet and facebook. I’m quiet and reserved by nature and I think that is at times misconstrued as unfriendly. An example is when I ran into a fellow church member at our large church in the restroom. I asked how he was doing. His response shocked me as he gruffly said. You never cared before. Why ask now? Then We went through a period in life where our son became our daughter if you follow what I’m saying. Long story of that involved a lot of research and soul searching to find answers and perhaps reverse this. Without answers we decided to love unconditionally our then 20 year old child. Some Christians friends and family made it clear we should turn our backs on our child. Some blamed us as parents. I’ve sent facebook friend requests to these old Christian friends. Some refused my request but sent my wife a facebook request when she later joined facebook. All of this hurts deeply. What did I do to them? In no case have any non Christian friends acted like this. As a result I cannot return to church where so many are so judgemental. Over the last few years some of the Christians friends who accepted my friend requests have disappeared from my friends list. More hurt. By the way I rarely post anything to facebook and never anything of a political nature or that would be considered offensive. As Christians there is so much at stake. When someone reaches out I believe as a Christian letting that person into your circle of friends is important to saving souls. When unfriending the same thing is at stake. In facebook unfollowing is the best way to handle offensive behavior or distant friendships. For me ever stepping foot into a church has been the best worse decision of my life. For me my relation with Christ is deeply personal and more real than ever, separate from fellow believers. Please think about your behaviors as Christians.

    • Thanks for taking the time to share your heart. I think it’s safe to say if you live long enough, people will hurt you.
      I also believe it is never wrong to love.
      I have an article coming out soon on this blog about love and forgiveness that I think you might enjoy.
      The Apostle Paul once wrote about how it seemed the more he loved, the less he was loved.
      All any of us can do is our best to love people. Yes, we will get hurt, but, loving with God’s love is always the right choice.
      God bless you!