It’s Your Attitude

It’s Another Podcast!

I’ve used the slang word, “tude,” a few times; have you?  It’s usually used in a negative sense.  “That guy had a real tude.”  It means the person had a real bad attitude.

This short podcast (8:45) is all about your attitude.  And believe it or not, your attitude about others is a reflection of your attitude of yourself.

Enjoy the podcast!

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7 thoughts on “It’s Your Attitude

  1. Mike,

    Thanks for the podcast, it was a great complement to a teaching I recently heard on being careful about what we say. The teacher said: ‘You have not received the love of God if you don’t love and respect yourself. If God loved you enough to send his only son to die for you, who are you to say anything bad about yourself? That’s almost insulting to God. You need to say good things about yourself, the things God says about you. Whatever you think is what you put off to other people. You cannot give away what you don’t have.’

    We can’t really love others if we don’t love ourselves. Thank you for reminding us that when we decide to look for the good, we can find it. Even in ourselves. As you pointed out, God has accepted us, forgiven us, and loves us unconditionally. Because of this it is easy for us to do the same for others when we see ourselves as God has made us, as He sees us. We can then make that conscious effort to look for the good in ourselves and refuse to look for or focus on the bad.

    Choosing to love,

  2. Thanks, Chere – God’s opinion of us is much more important than anyone else’s opinion of us – we ought to make His opinion of us our opinion of us.

  3. well i guess it gives a level of stabity to practice i found this quite helpful emotions are swaying to and fro because my boyfriend left me a while ago and ive realised that as a non christian i only looked to him for my happiness and be expected no man can handle that for me this is showing how god is stable and constant ..i just need to get the love god bit right…

  4. Caz – yes, God s always stable and constant – and, we love Him because He first loved us, and nothing can separate us from His love!

  5. Ah…………….refreshing, Mike!!! Thank you, thankyou. This message just kicked that religious spirit right out of me!! Hallelujah!