2024 Teachings

Unless otherwise noted, the teachings below (2023) are from our Sunday Glendale Fellowship, 10:30am AZ time, currently meeting both in our home and via “phone.” Anyone is welcome to call in at: 339-207-8502 (no pin required).  There is a separate tab on the Home page for teachings from 2020, 2021, and 2022.


12/29/2024 OUR HOPE (23:53)
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Please Note: We are not having our Sunday fellowship next Sunday January 5, but, the phone hook-up is available for this Saturday’s, Day In The Word. The morning session starts at 9:30, and the afternoon session starts around 1:30, after lunch (AZ Time). The number to call is 339-207-8502 (no pin required)

This time of year, many people anticipate a good New Year. Lots of people are expecting things to be better in the coming New year. Many look forward to a brighter future. But, whether it’s a New Year or a new day, there’s one thing we all really anticipate and very much look forward to: The Hope of the return of Jesus Christ!

In the coming year, let us be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord knowing that all our labor, the things that we do for our God, it is not in vain. God is keeping score – and God has promised to reward us! We can choose to just stay faithful day after day.

And maybe today, or tomorrow, or sometime in the year 2025, God will send His Son to gather us together. What a Hope we have!

12/22/2024 Jesus Christ our Redeemer (27:24)
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This morning we read some verses from the book of Hebrews. Without the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ, there is no remission of sins, there is no salvation, there is no redemption, and there is no eternal life!

The night Jesus was born, God sent an angel to tell the shepherds: “Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord.

Jesus Christ is our redeemer! And whoever confesses, or acknowledges or accepts him as lord, and believes in the heart that God raised him from the dead, they shall be saved!

12/15//2024 Love One Another (43:43)
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This morning we spent some time in the book of Romans. Chapter 12 begins with “I beseech you therefore…” After seeing what God has done for us, and in us through Christ in the previous chapters, God begins to address how to practically apply those truths, how to conduct our lives.

This section begins with God telling us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable, unto God, which is our reasonable or logical service. We were also told to not be conformed to this world. but be transformed by the renewing of our minds. And God also said that even though there are many members, all members don’t have the same office or function; the exhortation is to get busy doing what you do.

Following that, God says, “Let love be without dissimulation [hypocrisy]. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.” As you know, there are many verses in God’s Word about love. Chapter 13 of Romans goes on to talk more about love in verses 8-10. (We all remember what Jesus Christ said when asked about the greatest commandment!) Chapters 14 and 15 speak clearly about not judging our brothers and sisters. Rather than being critical and judgmental, God’s Word is very clear in Galatians 5:13 when it says, “by love serve one another.

Especially in this season, and in every season, let’s manifest the love of God, and be especially good to the believers.

12/8/2024 One Did – One Did Not (29:33)
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Believing is accepting information received as true; it is believing information received is true; it is having faith in information received.

In looking at the record in Luke 1 we see that Mary believed the message from the angel Gabriel; unfortunately, Zacharias did not. There’s some great learning concerning believing in looking at that section in Luke’s Gospel.

How very blessed we are to have the Scriptures, God’s Word, so accessible, right here in our hands: The Scriptures, God’s Word! And on top of that, God can, and He does, communicate information and instructions to us by way of the spirit of God that is in us; by way of the manifestations of Word of knowledge, Word of wisdom and discerning of spirits.

But let’s keep in mind what Jesus Christ said about the written Word. He referred to God’s written Word as God speaking to you. If we don’t have great respect and reverence for God’s written Word, how much reverence and respect will we have for information that God would give to us by way of the spirit?

No, we don’t worship the Bible. But we do indeed recognize that when we rightly understand the Scriptures, it is God speaking to us. And that’s why we invest the time into learning and growing in God’s Word.

✓ Let’s be those that not only read and hear God’s Word, but let’s be those that accept His Word as true:
✓ Let’s be those that believe His Word. ✓ Let’s be like Mary, who said be it unto me according to thy Word!
✓ Let’s be like the apostle Paul who said, “Be of good cheer. I believe God that it shall be even as it was told me.

12/1/2024 Your Thoughts Are Powerful (34:24)
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Note: Some brief comments regarding this season precede the teaching.

It’s so important to take heed to what we are hearing in our own minds about ourselves. Regardless of our situations, obstacles, or limitations, we are still who God says we are. That doesn’t mean denying the challenges we face, or limitations we may have. But if we choose to always focus on those challenges and limitations, think and dwell only about those, talk about those, we will be miserable. Our culture promotes a victim mentality. God said, “As he thinks in his heart, so is he.”

Moses didn’t see himself as the one to lead God’s people; he gave God a number of reasons.
When Giddeon heard the angel of God call him a, “mighty man of valor,” he too had reasons why he was the wrong guy. But when they decided to believe God’s Words – look what they did!
And for you and me, what’s so different about God telling Gideon, “You mighty man of valor,” and God telling us that we are, “more than conquerors?” Both are statements from God; words from God!

God has done so much for each and every one of us in the new birth, and He promises so much more in the life to come. And while we wait for the Return of Jesus Christ, in spite of our past, in spite of obstacles, challenges or limitations, take heed to what you are hearing in your mind about yourself. God says you are more than a conqueror! So what do you think about that!?

11/24/2024 Forever! (50:22)
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This Thursday we celebrate the holiday of “Thanksgiving.” And, without a doubt, we have so much to be thankful to God. At the top of my list, and probably yours, is great thankfulness for eternal life. What could be greater?

This morning, after a bit of perspective, and then a brief review from Genesis 1, we looked at some marvelous verses concerning the eternal life that God, Who cannot lie, has promised us. We have the victory over death – we are going to live FOREVER!

11/17/2024 God Cares For You (43:01)
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Some brief comments regarding the recent election precede the teaching.

God said in Isaiah 55:8 and 9. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” God Almighty, the Creator of the heavens and earth, has infinite wisdom and power.

When we have no might, when we are out of resources, when we don’t know how to figure things out, God is the One Who can supply. God has solutions we’ve never even thought of! That’s why it is so important to remember that when we trust God, whatever we have, with God’s help, it is enough! We may look at our resources, or what we are able to do and say, “I don’t have enough.” But with God, it is enough, if we trust Him. WHY? Because His ways and His thoughts are so much higher than our ways and our thoughts.

This morning we considered God’s care and concern; God truly does care about you!

11/10/2024 From Darkness To Light (45:50)
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It should be very obvious that our country needs the Light of God’s Word! We are the people God has at this time and this place in history. We have the great privilege of bringing the most important thing our country needs: the Truth of God’s Word. So we continue to pray for those in authority, AND, we continue to to freely speak God’s Word, to bring people the knowledge of the Truth!

The record in Acts 10 and 11, among other great truths and learning, shows us someone who had a hunger to know what God had to say; to know the Truth. Are there people in our country who have such hunger?

11/3/2024 Look What God Did (38:27)
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There is quite a bit of talk these days about ‘pronouns.* This morning we read from the first two chapters in Ephesians, and took note of the “pronouns.” It was very exciting and rewarding to see what God has done!

10/27/2024 Believe God’s Word (28:18)
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There is great profit to us, in every category of our lives, from believing the Scriptures, the Word of God. This morning, in looking at a familiar parable Jesus Christ taught, we considered the great profit to us from believing God’s Word.

We don’t worship the Bible, but we do recognize the words in the Bible, rightly understood, are, as Jesus Christ himself said, God speaking to us. What you think in your heart about the Bible, says a lot about what you think of God.

We’ve talked a lot in the last two weeks about humility, and reverencing God. A BIG part of our humility to God, our reverence to God, our love for God, a BIG part of that is reverencing His Words. What you think in your heart about the Bible, says a lot about what you think of God. Believe God’s Word!

10/20/2024 Our God And Father (46:47)
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Prior to the Day of Pentecost there were two classifications of people: the Jews (God’s people) and the Gentiles (everybody else). But since Pentecost, there are now three, as God said in I Corinthians 10:32: “Give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God:“

As those who are born again, God’s Word declares we are “the Church of God.” And we not only belong to God, because He claimed us and called us “the Church of God,” meaning, it’s God’s Church, but the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the Almighty One in power and wisdom and love and grace, is not only our God. Because we are born again, born of His spirit, born again of incorruptible seed, the Almighty God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth is literally our Father!

How very special we are to the Creator of the heavens and the Earth. We can read and see how God took such good care of His people in the Old Testament, when they trusted and believed Him; when they had reverence for Him!

Would God do any less for us! How blessed and privileged we are, and how undeserving we are of all of God’s great blessings to us as born again ones!

What a great big wonderful God He is!

Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time!

10/13/2024 It Takes Humility (36:56)
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This morning we looked into the Scriptures to gain some insight concerning humility.

Humility is the opposite of pride, ego, and self willed.

It takes humility to walk with God. It takes humility to get answers to prayer. It takes humility to receive revelation from God. It takes humility to stay faithful to God.

No matter what we face in life, the answers and the deliverance are available from God and His Word. God is faithful to His Word, but it takes humility to stay faithful to God so that we can receive His answers and His deliverance.

Humility is having great reverence and respect for Who God is and having great reverence and respect for His Words. It takes humility to stay faithful to God so that we can receive what He has promised us.

Regardless of challenges we may face, or what situations we find ourselves in, and no matter what the world has to say about it, it takes humility to remain faithful to believe God above any thing and any one, so that we can receive what God has promised us!

10/6/2024 He Is Lord (35:21)
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Note – I made an announcement after the teaching.
In the New Testament, the Greek word kyrios is translated as, “lord.” Its meaning is, “a title indicating rulership or ownership.” Every occurrence of the word, “lord,” does not refer to God.

God gave Jesus Christ the title of “lord.” Jesus Christ is our lord because he not only earned the right by completing God’s plan of redemption and salvation, but he is also our lord because God Himself placed Jesus Christ at His own right hand and God Almighty placed all things under the feet of Jesus Christ.

Is anyone above Jesus Christ? Only God Himself according to I Corinthians 15:27 and 28. Jesus Christ was placed above all else, and that makes him lord.

It is God Who put Jesus Christ as the head of the Church which is his body. It is God Almighty who set Jesus Christ at His own right hand, above all principality, above all power and might and dominion and above every name that is named not only in this world but also in that which is to come.

There is no other human who has earned this position or title from God Almighty! And when the time of judgments comes, Jesus Christ spoke in the Gospels that God has authorized him, Jesus Christ, to do the judging. No wonder in the book of Revelation, Jesus Christ is spoken of as, “King of kings and lord of lords!

One day our wonderful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is coming back to gather us together. And isn’t it amazing that the Bible, in the final words of Scripture, God’s Word concludes with the return of God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

9/29/2024 Bewailing Virginity (31:01)
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A number of years ago I posted an article on the website, Confidence And Joy entitled, Bewailing Virginity. It deals with a passage from the book of Judges, Chapter 11.

Having recently reviewed that portion of Scripture, and gained added insight, I will be posting an article entitled, Bewailing Virginity – Revised.

This morning I shared a good portion of the revised article as well as some additional insights. The revised article will be posted on the website tomorrow.

9/22/2024 Be Transformed Not Conformed (34:55)
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God in His Word talks in a number of places about not being deceived. He said in Romans 12:2: “And be not conformed to this world [fashioned by this age]: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

This morning we looked into the Word of God to see how we can avoid being deceived and fashioned by this age, but instead, be transformed by renewing the mind.

Our beliefs are based on words we hear, that we then accept or believe. People at times wonder how other people can agree with things going on in our world that are contrary to the Word of God: ungodly ideologies, devilish ideas, etc. How can people not see things that are evil? They are deceived because of what they believe.

God cannot and does not lie. That means the words of God, rightly understood, are absolutely and completely true. Therefore, words, ideas, ideologies, etc. that are promoted that are contrary to God’s Word are lies.

One of the most effective ways of deceiving is using words that stir up emotions; words that make people feel afraid, or feel guilty, or feel anger, etc. Many times people allow their emotions to bring them to the point of believing words that are contrary to God’s Word. And emotions can often blind a person from facts, common sense, and the truth.

Without an understanding of God’s Word, it is very easy to get deceived.

9/15/2024 Loving Service (33:56)
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As a born again one, we are set apart for a purpose. BUT, God will never force anyone to do anything. God always honors our free will.
✓ It is a free will decision for a person to believe or accept Jesus Christ and receive eternal life.

✓ It is a free will decision for those who are born again, to believe or accept who God says they now are in the new birth.

✓ It is a free will decision to believe or accept that you are righteous in God’s eyes.

✓ It is a free will decision for you to believe or accept that God has forgiven you.

✓ It is a free will decision to believe or accept that God has sanctified you, set you apart for a purpose.

✓ It is a free will decision to believe or accept that you are an important and needed member in the body of Christ.

✓ It is a free will decision to love and reverence God and His Word.

✓ It is a free will decision to serve one another in love.

We all have personal things to do in our lives. There are things that need to get done, responsibilities to carry out, etc. But along with that, we make time to read and study God’s Word and we utilize our long suits, our talents, our abilities in service to the body of Christ. By love, we serve one another.

And since we are set apart for a purpose, to love and serve God our Father, to lovingly serve others; and since God said He is at work in you, by our free will, we can get into the habit of asking God: “What can I do for You today? Is there something You would like me to do?”

9/8/2024 You Are Righteous (39:11)
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For many Christians, the word, “righteousness” in the Scriptures is just a nice spiritual sounding word. This morning we took a closer look. Most of the time the words translated in the King James Version as, just, justify, justified, justification, righteous, righteousness, all come from the same basic Greek word. If we understand the basic meaning, whether noun, verb, adjective, this word, “righteousness” will not just be a really nice spiritually sounding word.

It basically means, “justice, being just or right according to a legal or established standard. In the context of the Scriptures, it is God’s righteousness, God’s justice, or God’s justification; it is according to God’s standard of what is right and there is no other higher standard of justice.

As a verb it can be understood as, “to make right; to justify by a judicial act; a judicial decision to free a person from their guilt.” In a court of law, it would be the Court’s decision that you are not guilty. In other words, you are justified, been made, right. As a noun, it is, “a state of being just or right.”

God declared in His Word that He made us righteous! It was by His act of judicial deliverance – God’s judicial act. And how easy God made it for us to become righteous in His eyes! Believe!

We hear so much in our culture about equity, injustice. A great lack of the Word of God in our country and culture. Look at this! God’s righteousness available to all who believe!

When you understand, “righteousness,” and put that together with an understanding of, “sanctification” it will be a new day in your walk with God.

(Here’s a link to the teaching on the word, “sanctification” that I mentioned: For A Purpose )

9/1/2024 Edifying (36:08)
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This morning we looked at a few verses in a section of Scripture that deals with spiritual matters. God opens that section by telling us that He doesn’t want us to be ignorant of spiritual matters. And in closing that section, God said that if anyone wants to be ignorant, let him be ignorant.

If God doesn’t want us ignorant of spiritual matters then He certainly wouldn’t want us to guess about it, would He? Of course not. Then logically, He would need to give us information. And He does!

One of the things God is vitally concerned with, and places great importance on, is the edifying of the Church; edification, exhortation and comfort. God sees this as very important. And when we correctly operate the manifestations of holy spirit that brings God’s edification to believers when they meet, it also sets a pattern for our operation of the three revelation manifestations.

8/25/2024 A Really Big Key (45:56)
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This morning we considered a really big key in trusting God. In doing so, we saw, quite vividly, how the opposite greatly hinders your trust and believing God. At times we all face circumstances; sometimes they can be unsettling; other times they are serious situations. Reading these Scriptures ought to make it very obvious that applying this key, consistently, helps us greatly in trusting and believing God in any and all circumstances.

8/18/2024 The Road To Damascus (38:28)
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This morning we did a brief review on Paul’s trip on the road to Damascus, which is mentioned in three records in the Book of Acts. As you know, Paul got an unexpected visit from the Lord Jesus Christ! As a result, his life changed dramatically. Paul was commissioned by Jesus Christ to “Open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.” The Gospel Paul preached opened people’s eyes! If we learn and grow in the knowledge of the Gospel, then we can shine as lights and preach God’s Word so that people’s eyes can be opened to the truth. Jesus Christ said, “Let your light so shine among men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father Who is in heaven.”
We can lead people to the new birth; we can share with them about God’s love, God’s forgiveness, God’s gift of holy spirit, and all the rights, privileges and abilities that God has given to those who believe in His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. We can share with people the Great Hope of Christ’s return!

We are God’s people living in this place in the world, at this time in history. Let’s believe who God says we are and what God says we have, AND, let’s speak what we know is true.

8/11/2024 Faithfull Regardless (34:03)
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https://confidenceandjoy.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/8-11-2024-Faithfull-Regardless.mp3 There are many examples in God’s Word of people who were faithful to God regardless of situations they faced. Regardless of the conditions around us, regardless of personal things in our lives, we too can remain faithful to God day by day.

We are God’s people living during this time in history – God needs you! God needs faithful believers to shine as lights in this crooked and perverse time. We can be faithful to God, day by day, regardless.

✓ We can be faithful to read and study God’s Word. Be faithful to believe it!

✓We can be faithful to pray much to our heavenly Father.

✓We can be faithful to love and serve God knowing and believing that He is at work within us to will and to do of His good pleasure.

This morning we looked at two examples in His Word of people who were faithful regardless of the conditions and circumstances surrounding them.

8/4/2024 Faithfulness (39:36)
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Being faithful means reliable, or trustworthy. It’s great to be a reliable mechanic, or a trustworthy handyman, or a faithful employee. But in talking about the things of God, being faithful is one who believes God consistently – not a once in a while believer, not a committed believer just on Sunday mornings. Not a casual once in a while reading of the Scriptures. Faithfulness is consistently believing God day after day after day.

Being faithful is a day by day walk of believing God, and that means believing and doing what His Word says. This morning we considered how to be faithful to our loving and faithful God.

7/28/2024 God Has A Plan 35:44)
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Jesus Christ is indeed coming back, regardless of what people say or do – even disrespecting and mocking our lord and savior on the world stage. He is coming back! In I Thessalonians 4, after giving us that great revelation of Jesus Christ coming back to gather us together, it tells us to comfort or encourage one another with those words.

What kind of comfort or encouragement is it to tell people that we are either in the time period of judgment and wrath right now, or that it’s right around the corner? There’s no comfort in that. There’s no encouragement in that! That kind of preaching robs people of the great Hope that God has given to each and every one of us. We are all now in the Kingdom of God, Jesus Christ is at the right hand of the Father and he continues to administer the affairs of his Father. He is the head of the body of Christ of which you and I belong, and the scriptures are crystal clear that each one of us has everlasting life.

So what do we do in these troubled times that we live in? We Believe His Word! We do what our Father said to do! We don’t get deceived, we don’t get shook up at the world around us.

We pray, we love, we speak His Truth in love, we manifest holy spirit. We remember who we are and what we have and we live for Him regardless of what’s going on around us.

7/21/2024 The Proper Response (36:08)
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Someone may give you a bid for a job and you reject it because it sounds unreasonable. Or, you may think the price of an item you want to buy is unreasonable, and so, you choose to not buy it. You might decide not to sign a contract because the terms are unreasonable to you. This morning we looked at some things in God’s Word that might seem quite unreasonable. But the proper response to God’s Word, even if it might sound, “unreasonable,” is to believe God.

7/14/2024 Emotions (39:33)
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Emotions is a broad and complex subject. We all have emotions; it’s how we are wired as human beings.     Emotions are a state of mind, they are indicators of our thoughts. God’s Word addresses some emotions specifically, because reacting to some emotions is not beneficial. Some of those are anger, fear, worry, anxiety or stress. But instead of addressing all emotions, God’s Word in so many places addresses our thinking, because emotions are indicators of our thoughts.      What’s important is how we respond to those emotions: we can either react or respond. Emotions are a part of being human, and our Lord Jesus Christ was human.     This morning we looked into God’s and saw the great example Jesus Christ displayed with his emotions. With our emotions, we can either react, or, instead, respond by what we know from the written Word of God, or, by what God reveals to us.

7/7/2024 Our Motivation (39:19)
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The time period we are living in, according to God’s Word, is referred to as the Administration of the Grace of God, the Administration of the Mystery.   During the Old Testament times, the Prophets and the Scriptures revealed that God would send the Savior who would come to redeem mankind. And then, after that, the judgments. No one knew of the time period we are now living in because God kept it a secret’ it was a mystery until first revealed to the Apostle Paul. That’s why it is referred to as the Administration of the Mystery.   There is no mention of the Gathering Together in the Old Testament. Jesus Christ spoke about the judgments to come on a number of occasions. But he never spoke about the Gathering Together because it is part of the Mystery. It will be the culmination of this Administration of the Grace of God, the Administration of the Mystery.    What a time period to be living in! Because of God’s great love for human beings, during the time period we are living in, God has poured out His great grace. Because of His love and grace, any person can get saved, obtain eternal life, receive His gift of holy spirit, be delivered from the wrath to come, and so much more.

6/30/2024 How To Be Happy (29:03)
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We have the great Hope we earnestly look forward to, and as Romans 8:18 says, “…the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” What a day that will be! But until then, God wants us to be happy! And He shows how, very clearly, in Psalm 1.

6/23/2024 They Were Not Perfect (33:05)
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This morning, We looked at five men in God’s Word who were not perfect; they made mistakes. But they did not quit. They got back up and continued to walk with God. They stayed faithful. In looking at those records in the Scriptures, it is helpful to us because we’re not perfect; we make mistakes. But we can remain faithful to God; we can continue to reverence God, and walk with Him.

6/16/2024 The Great Father and Son Plan (40.45:)
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This morning, in looking at specific Scriptures, we were endeavoring to gain a little more understanding of why it took the death of Jesus Christ to obtain salvation for mankind. And in gaining a little more understanding we hopefully have more appreciation for God’s love for human beings, and for His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

6/9/2024 Who Do You Know? (31:14)
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Who do you know that can accomplish salvation?

Who do you know that could be a mediator between you and God Almighty, the Creator of the heavens and the Earth?

Who’s name do you know that is the only name whereby we might get saved?

Who do you know that would be the only way to the Father?

There is only one. The Lord Jesus Christ!

6/2/2024 Reverence And Humility (39:36)
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As a follow-up to last week’s teaching on, The Goodness of God, this morning we considered the topic of reverence and humility. Reverence and humility toward God go hand in hand. They are not emotions. It is a deliberate decision, recognizing and acknowledging He is God; you chose to subject yourself to Him. Genuine prayer takes reverence and humility. Reverence and humility before God greatly affect your prayer life!

5/26/2024 The Goodness Of God (31:52)
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This morning we looked at some verses pertaining to God’s Gracious Goodness! We began with the Scripture from II Peter: “Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord.” Grace and Peace multiplied unto you!     This is why we make time to read and study the Bible: To gain an accurate knowledge of God and our Lord Jesus Christ. In doing that, our Good God has promised He will multiply Grace and Peace in our lives!    So much of the Bible is all about God! As we read, we see our Good, Loving, Powerful, and Delivering God! And, as my Kathy said many times, “God is good, always!”

5/19/2024 The Gift (43:10)
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The significance of what happened on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2 is greater than the birth of Jesus, his resurrection, and his ascension, because what Jesus Christ accomplished by his life, death, resurrection and ascension, made possible what God had planned and waited for for centuries! On The Day of Pentecost in Acts 2, God’s spirit was made available to anyone who accepted Jeus as lord and believed in the heart that God raised him from the dead. The Apostle Peter later referred to that day as, “The Beginning.”

5/12/2024 The End Times (34:57)
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It is very common in the days we are living in for some people to believe and say that Christ is coming very soon. People say that because they see how evil the world is, as well as remembering some things that Jesus Christ said recorded in the Gospels.     No one knows the day or the time when Christ will return. Secondly, even though the world we live in today, and especially here in the United States, even though things look very dark, this is not the worst time in the history of human beings, is it? But yet, you hear some people say, “Well in the Gospels Jesus Christ said these are the signs…”    This morning we did a very brief review about the end times, concerning two separate events that are coming in the future. And according to what God’s Word says, the next great biblical event that will take place will be the Gathering Together, when we meet Jesus Christ in the clouds and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

5/5/2024 What Is Your Purpose? (41:48)
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After 31 years, today was the final fellowship meeting in the home in Glendale. Before the teaching I shared a very cool “God story” of how we got that house back in 1993.   Very soon we will be having our fellowship at “Westbrook” in Peoria, AZ.

As a follow-up to the teaching I did two weeks ago, this morning we considered our purpose. We are sanctified and that means set apart from the rest for a purpose. What is our purpose?

4/21/2024 For A Purpose (34:35)
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There are common words that some religious people refer to at times as “spiritual.” Some of those include words like, righteous, justified, sanctified, etc.. While those words do invoke a sense of being godly, or having something to do with spirituality, if we don’t understand their biblical meanings, it becomes difficult to appreciate their value to us as born again ones. This morning we took a little time to consider the word “sanctified.” God’s Word tells us that those who are born again are sanctified. It may sound nice to say that God says I am sanctified, but what does that mean? Oftentimes a quick answer to that question is, ”It means I am set apart.” Yes, it does indeed mean that, but there’s more to it!

4/14/2024 He Forgave – You Can Forgive (27:19)
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This morning we looked at one of the greatest acts of forgiveness in the Bible. The example of Jesus Christ is stunning and inspiring. We ought to be very encouraged to forgive.   And just as there are great benefits, spiritually, mentally and physically to being thankful, the same is true concerning forgiveness. As followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, we can people who forgive.

4/7/2024 Thank You (34:08)
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This morning I mentioned how gratitude is helping me with my grief. Just as there are great benefits, spiritually, mentally and physically regarding forgiveness, the same is true with gratitude. Over the years there have been many scientific studies concerning gratitude. Those studies document physical and mental benefits of being grateful, as well as physical and mental disadvantages of being ungrateful. Focusing on what we don’t have does not help us to have confidence to trust God for the things that we need. Making an effort to develop an attitude of gratitude, to develop a consistent giving God thanks for all He has done for us in the past, and for what we have today, increases our confidence to trust and believe Him to bring to us that which we need. It takes a consistent effort to develop gratitude in our lives. But the benefits, spiritually, mentally and physically are well worth it! A month from now, a year from now, I want to have more gratitude in my life.

Tell Him, “Thank You!”

3/31/2024 We Have Hope Because…(38:21)
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Our hope is not founded on a theory, a myth, a fable, or wishful thinking. It is a real, living, and true hope of eternal life that is founded and based on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Without the resurrection of Jesus Christ we have no hope – this is it! That life we all look forward to is because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. He is the first, but the day will come when we too shall conquer death itself. God Raised His Son, Jesus Christ from the dead; that’s the cornerstone of Christianity! And because He did, one day we will meet Jesus Christ in the clouds, and so shall we ever be with the lord!

3/24/2024 Communion (30:56)
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This morning, after reviewing the Scriptures relating to the memorial Jesus Christ instituted at “the Last Supper,” we shared bread and wine together. This memorial Jesus Christ instituted did not have specific requirements, like the Passover, i.e. specific elements, a specific day and time or location. Jesus Christ instituted this memorial during a common meal, utilizing two very common items found at a common meal. He told them, “As often as you do this, do it in memory of me: my body broken for you, for your healing; my blood, my life, is given for remission and forgiveness of sins. And so every time we eat, there is usually some kind of bread, and something to drink. Every time we eat, we could stop for a moment, and remember. He said as often as you do this, do it in memory of me; remember what I have accomplished! As often as we eat, we could remind ourselves of forgiveness of sins and physical healing.

Why remind ourselves and remember? So we can continue to believe it and receive the benefits! So we can accept the forgiveness of all sins that he paid for with his life! So we don’t live with guilt, and receive healing! Healing from God is still available: “He sent His Word and healed them.” People have, and continue to receive healing, mentally, physically and spiritually, from reading and hearing God’s Word. People have and continue to receive healing from the manifestation of gifts of healing. And people have and continue to receive healing during a communion service.

I Peter 2:24
Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

3/17/2024 The Last Supper (35:18)
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This morning we continued looking at Jesus Christ, the Master Teacher. We spent our time in the Gospel of John, looking at what he taught them at “The Last Supper.” What a night of teaching! Serve one another, love one another, the hope, the works that I do you shall do also, believe, pray, don’t be shocked by persecution, don’t be afraid, And, one of the big topics, God’s gift of holy spirit!

3/10/2024 The Master Teacher (38:53)
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This morning we barely scratched the surface concerning the teaching ministry of Jesus Christ. To get a better scope, read all four Gospels, noting his teaching ministry. Whether it was a multitude, a small crowd, a few people or even one on one – he was the Master Teacher! We also looked at a few verses about others preaching God’s Word. Next week we continue by looking at his marvelous teaching at the Last Supper. What a great night of teaching that was!

3/3/2024 The Man Christ Jesus (36:40)
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There is only One true God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth. There is only one lord of all mankind: past, present and future, and that is the man, the Lord Jesus Christ. And there is only one mediator between God and man, and that is the man Christ Jesus.

2/25/2024 Overcoming Discouragement (42:27)
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Discouragement can come from personal issues we’re dealing with as well as what we hear and see going on in the world around us. Lots of things we hear today promote fear, discouragement, and, for some people, despair. God does not want us discouraged or afraid.       God’s Word promises us peace, comfort, encouragement, and hope! God is still a delivering God! Nothing that happens in our lives or in this world will ever change the truth of God’s Word.
God is still Who His Word says He is, and His promises are all still true.   This morning we first looked briefly in the Scriptures and saw our great God of deliverance. Then we saw what we can do in those difficult times.

2/18/2024 Our Great Hope (41:17)
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God’s Word, in many places, clearly defines what happens when someone dies. And there is no indication in Scripture that the nature of death has changed since Old Testament times. This morning we considered God’s Word in I Corinthians 15 and I Thessalonians 4 that speak of our great hope. The Return of Jesus Christ will take place before the resurrections and judgments Jesus taught about recorded in the Gospels. Born again ones have been delivered from the wrath to come. We have already been judged righteous in Christ; there is therefore now no condemnation. Before the complete and total judgment of all of mankind happens, God will send His Son from heaven to gather together all those who are born again. We have been promised victory over death! God’s Word speaks very clearly about these matters. What great comfort and encouragement those words are for someone who loses a loved one. We know the bodies we have now are mortal and corruptible. But what great comfort to know, to absolutely know, we will see our loved ones again when Christ returns. Until then, they are asleep. And also, what great comfort and encouragement for us living in this crazy world, because we have a great and sure hope! “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” We may all be getting older, but at the same time we’re getting closer to the Return of Jesus Christ. And as we wait for him, like that quote from George Mueller I read, God has not changed, His Word has not changed, the power of the holy spirit in us has not changed. No matter how old we get, we can continue to put great confidence and trust in God and be happier and happier as we wait for the return of Jesus Christ!

2/11/2024 Accepted! (34:59)
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True Christianity is revolutionary. It’s very radical compared to other religions or spiritual ideologies. In religion, acceptance from God comes at the end, on the basis of an assessment of a person’s works. In other words, acceptance is based on the works you do. That’s religion, and therefore Christianity is not a religion. Christianity is a relationship with God where acceptance comes at the very beginning! Our being accepted, being highly favored by God, comes at the beginning! The moment we get born again, God gives it all to us: acceptance, salvation, eternal life, His gift of holy spirit, righteousness, redemption, forgiveness, and so much more. God gives us all of it, at the very beginning!

2/4/2024 The Word And The Spirit (25:35)
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As born again ones, we are not hopeless people. Jesus Christ is coming back one day, and nothing is going to change that, because God, Who cannot lie promised. And while we wait for that great day, living in the present evil world, we’re not helpless, because we have God’s Word and we have God’s spirit in us. The Word and the spirit. Galatians 5:5 says, “For we through the Spirit [totality of the new nature] wait for the hope of righteousness by faith [believing].” For we, by means of the totality of the new nature, wait for the hope of righteousness by believing. By believing God’s Word! We wait for the return of Jesus Christ, by manifesting the spirit, by renewing our minds to all that we have received when we were born again.

1/28/2024 Baptized (36:48)
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Jesus Christ’s final words to the 12 before he ascended into heaven were about the coming gift of holy spirit. He told them, “John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.” And he told them that they would “receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you:” He clearly spoke of two baptisms, and very clearly indicated the latter was the greater. John the Baptist said, “There cometh one mightier than I after me, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose. I indeed have baptized you with water: but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost.” John also indicated the latter was the greater. Is water baptism wrong? For many, it is a traditional ceremony; for others it is a necessary duty as a Christian. However, the Scriptures do not teach that water baptism provides salvation; we are saved by grace, not of works, when we believe Romans 10:9. Furthermore, the Scriptures do not say if you get water baptized you’ll receive God’s gift of holy spirit and have the ability to operate it. Nowhere in Scripture does it say those who are water baptized receive power from on high. Neglecting to teach God’s people that when they get born again, they receive God’s gift of holy spirit, and have the ability to operate it, is a very sad disservice to God’s people. The ignorance concerning God’s gift of holy spirit is not God’s fault. It’s in His Word; it’s in there if we’re willing to put in the time and effort to learn.

1/21/2024 Spiritual Hunger (43:54)
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This morning we looked in God’s Word for indications of people who are hungry, having a desire to know God and the things of God. Matthew 5:6 says, “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” We also saw indications in God’s Word of those who are not hungry to know God and the things of God. Knowing some of these things can be most helpful for those who have a desire to share God’s Word with others. And shouldn’t we all have a desire to offer God’s Word to people?

1/14/2024 Love And Forgiveness (28:22)
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We began this new year (on 12/31) looking at God’s great love for all human beings. If God so loved us, we ought also to love one another. Last week, we looked at God’s great forgiveness. We ought to forgive one another, even as God, for Christ’s sake has forgiven us. This morning we read the three consecutive parables Jesus Christ taught recorded in Luke’s gospel in chapter 15. We saw both, God’s great love, and God’s great forgiveness.

Let’s love more in ‘24!
Let’s forgive more in ‘24!

1/7/2024 God’s Forgiveness 41:33)
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Last week we saw that the love God has for human beings is astounding to say the least. Today we saw that God’s forgiveness is equally astounding! The meaning of the three of the words God uses to describe His forgiveness is very humbling.    We also considered how God tells us to forgive others even as He, for Christ’s sake, has forgiven us! I remember a teaching from long ago when the teacher said, “You’ll have no problem forgiving others if you’ll just remember what God forgave you for.” That’s powerful!   What a wonderful; way to start the New Year: Accept God’s forgiveness and forgive others; Accept God’s love, and love others,

In ‘24, let’s love more!
In 24, let’s forgive more!

12/31/2023 Forever 46:24)
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The love the Creator has for human beings is astounding to say the least. Even though His great plan for the first humans was ruined, God came up with a plan. Jesus Christ carried out that plan and ever since then the door is open for all humans receive everlasting life. An invitation to live forever!