Growing up my dad read the morning paper and watched the 6 o’clock evening news on TV. When the radio was on during the day, there was always a newscast at the top of the hour. That’s how almost everyone stayed up to date on events going on in the world.
Today, there are hundreds and hundreds of sources disseminating what is called “news and information,” 24/7. We often gladly boast this is the “information age.” Sadly, this has come to us at a great cost.
It is commonplace today for so called “news outlets” to proclaim a person has been a victim of a crime, or that someone else has committed a crime, without a judge, trial, jury or verdict. Is it true simply because they said it is true? Far too often we hear many so called news reporters justifying their reports with the qualifier, “according to unnamed sources.” But, is it really true?
Breaking News
In an effort to be the “first” to get the story out there, many once reputable news outlets have been wrong, time and time again. The long standard practice of, “get it out first, but, get it right first,” has been almost totally abandoned. As a result, their lack of responsibility fuels fears and in many cases promotes hysteria.
A number of entertainers have freely put aside their entertainment to be spokespeople for certain popular opinions, confidently telling their audiences what is “true,” often with no proof, as they simply run with the talking points of the day.
Add social media to the mix, a gigantic platform promoting even more fear, hatred and hysteria. And far too many of our elected officials, using every outlet possible, concerned with their own power, and their own political party lines, continue to fuel the fires of discord and uncertainty ravaging our country.
As morals continue to erode in this country, many Christians feel discouraged and helpless. Those with seemingly louder and uninterrupted voices quickly shut down anyone and everyone who dares to speak up for what they believe is true.
What Can You Do?
There is, however, great encouragement in God’s Word, written in the pages of the Bible. Rightly understood, those words are true. God does not lie. We can trust His Words to be the truth.
There are a number of biblical references of individuals and groups of ungodly people, who, by their words and their actions, endeavored to sway public opinion. God does not look favorably on those who sow discord.
Meanwhile, the blessings of God on the United States of America are undeniably obvious. As a result of His blessings, this country has rendered humanitarian aid and protection to countless other countries around the world, more than any other country in the history of the world combined.
Add to that the great missionary work spreading the gospel to all parts of the world from this country of ours.
As Bible believing Christians, we must never forget the real battle is not with flesh and blood, political parties, or ideologies, but it is indeed a spiritual fight. Jesus said the thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy.
Examples We Can Follow
We can take the example of Ezra and others, and pray, asking God to forgive the sins of our country. We can go to God in prayer like Hezekiah and others, asking for God’s help in situations we have no idea of how to solve.
We are encouraged by God in His Word to pray for those in charge of our government. We can pray for godly solutions to our problems. We can pray that those who oppose and desire to alter our constitutional republic can be thwarted. We can pray that evil people in our government, whoever they may be, can be exposed.
May we Christians remember the motto of the United States of America is still, “In God we trust!”
It isn’t necessarily true because you heard an entertainer, politician, newsperson, or your best friend say it. It isn’t true because you saw it on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. It isn’t true because you Googled it. And, it isn’t necessarily true because a lot of people think it is true.
Be encouraged knowing God’s Word, rightly understood, is true. Jesus said, “Thy Word is truth.”
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