Another Great Site

I Recommend…

God Wants You to Prosper Family Membership Site
By Duke Clarke

This is a great site!  I know, Duke Clarke personally and I have been a member of this site since January 2005.  The site is simply loaded with great information that can really help you concerning prosperity.

Duke is one of the very few people that I know who teaches that prosperity is not just about the money. Most people don’t know the difference.  He is genuinely concerned with helping people to be successful in any area or arena of life.  He teaches sound biblical principles that anyone can apply to get results.

What’s on the site?  If you are a member, some of what you get are his books,   “The 7 Stages of the Prosperous Mind,” and “Get the Skinny on Prosperity: Biblical Principles That Work for Anyone.”  You get the classes, “God Wants You to Prosper Foundational Class” with the manual, his 6 session class, “Building a Successful Marriage,” and the Psalm 23 class.

You also get the monthly Newsletter “Prosperous Living” mailed to you along with the CD of the month, a Monthly Live Tele-seminar, access to his daily blog, along with the archives of the past years – there are some real gems in those!

And there is a whole lot more!  Like I said, the site is loaded, and Duke continues to add every month.

Click the banner below to get to the site and look around.  If you like what you see, then sign up today and be a part of a site I have been a part of for a long time!

Great Help For Bloggers

I Recommend…

Click here to watch The Conversion Blogging Video

By Yaro Starak and Gideon Shalwick

Do you want to learn some great things about blogging? Maybe even take your blog to the next level?  Before you do anything else, check out this web site!

Yaro offers a lot of great free information, both text and videos that will show you the possibilities for your blog.  That information will help you to decide if you want to really do something with your blog.

The site you are on right now, is an ongoing result of what I have learned from Yaro, and I couldn’t be happier.

Here’s the great part:  Yaro’s stuff is not expensive.  Trust me, I’ve been around the internet world for a number of years and his material is not only very solid, but priced for everybody.

Go to his site and look around.  Watch the ten free videos.  Download the free eBook and decide what you could do with your own blog.  And if you don’t have a blog, well, this might just inspire you to start one!

Just click the banner below and visit Yaro’s site.
Click here to watch The Conversion Blogging Video

Another Great Site

I Recommend…

Embrace or Erase
By Cathi Clarke

Cathi started this member web site in 2007 and I have been a member since the site was up.

She has some great material on this site; very practical, and very helpful.  She has both public and member-only sections, so visit the site and look around.

Twice a month Cathi does live Tele-seminars on different topics and coaches members through the many aspects of Embrace or Erase™.

I have known her for many years and she is very good at helping people get to the real issues; you know, the blocks, those sticking points that keep people from being their best.  She is very adept at helping people to identify exactly what it is that is holding them back, and then showing them how to get rid of it.

Cathi describes the site and what you can expect right there on the “Home” page, which is very convenient!  So, when you get to the site, look over the “Tour” there on the “Home” page first.  Then go snooping around!

Click the link below or just click the banner and it will take you right to the site!

Click Here To Get To Embrase Or Erase

How Could I Not Recommend This?

I Recommend…

Other Side of the Tracks by Blue Avenue Trio
(my daughter and son-in-law!)

Okay, bare with me for a few moments, while a proud daddy brags a little.  My daughter, Paula, and her husband, Tyson, both accomplished jazz musicians, released their first CD in 2007, called, “Other Side of the Tracks.”

Yes, it is secular music, but it is very, very good!  I’m not just saying that because it is my daughter and son-in-law, but it really is exceptional.

Paula plays the violin, and Tyson plays the double bass, and Paula sings on a number of the tracks.

Here is a quick montage of clips from several songs on the CD

For more information, including how to order either the CD or mp3 download, Click Here.

How could a proud daddy not highly recommend this?

Your Best Life Now: 7 Steps to Living at Your Full Potential by Joel Osteen

For the most part, ministers and preachers don’t usually endorse another preacher’s book or course unless they belong to the same denomination.  Most of the time, they won’t even recognize it.

Well, I guess I’m different.  If I read something that I believe is helpful, I tell people about it.  Such is the case with this book by Pastor Joel Osteen.  Do Joel and I agree on all of our beliefs?  Most likely not, but why should that stop me talking about his book?

It was very inspiring because it was so positive!  Joel has a simple but powerful way of telling people to dream big and trust God.  Some criticize him for teaching people to expect great things from God.  But honestly speaking, if God has already promised us great things, and then instructed us to pray to Him, wouldn’t it be logical to expect great things from our God?

The dominant message in the book is that achieving a successful, prosperous life occurs when you put the past behind you, and stop worrying about the future.  Instead, make the most of each new day.

Pastor Osteen encourages people to use their God-given strengths and talents to achieve their goals. He offers seven steps: Enlarge Your Vision, Develop a Healthy Self-Image, Discover the Power of Your Thoughts and Words, Let go of the Past,

Perhaps part of Joel Osteen’s huge popularity is his very positive message.  I don’t know about you, but I want to hear a positive message.  I want to hear that I too can have confidence and trust in God and receive His blessings.

I bought Joel’s second book, but I haven’t finished it.  I honestly must say that I like the first one a lot more.  But perhaps I should wait until I finish it sometime and then write a review.  I just know that for some reason, I couldn’t put this one down.

For information on purchasing Your Best Life Now: 7 Steps to Living at Your Full Potential BY Joel Osteen, click the link below.  I will take you to the lowest price on Amazon.

Your Best Life Now: 7 Steps to Living at Your Full Potential

Becoming a Millionaire God’s Way, by Dr. Tom Anderson

Becoming a Millionaire God’s Way: Getting Money to You, Not from You, by Dr. Thomas Anderson.  (Foreword by Robert T Kiyosaki)

In the summer of 2008, I had the pleasure of having lunch with Dr. Anderson and his wife.  It was delightful hour or so, and we talked about a number of things.  I really appreciate that this book is based on what he found by searching the Scriptures, applying what he learned in his own life, and then getting the results.

A number of years ago, prior to having lunch with Dr. Anderson, someone handed me a copy of this book.  I thought to myself, “That’s a pretty bold title!”  And it really is.

I read the book and found it to be very straightforward and extremely practical.  I also recognized that this message is lacking in many Christian circles.

In the book, Dr. Anderson refutes the widespread idea that one must be poor to be a Christian, sharing biblical perspectives on money, business, and investment.

Many Christians have become convinced that God wants them to prosper, but they have become content with sitting and waiting for God to drop money into their laps. Dr. Anderson writes that the Bible teaches that God blesses the work of your hand, but if your hand isn’t doing anything, there is nothing for Him to bless.

He explains the process of experiencing God’s blessing through the increase and investment of wealth. “Becoming a Millionaire God’s Way” is an invaluable resource for those who are struggling to get by and want to see God’s blessings in their life.  It is also a great tool for anyone who dreams of being an investor or an entrepreneur but never knew where to start.

This book is designed around three primary goals: to inspire readers to educate themselves about finances, to offer practical information to give readers the chance to take action, and, to impart a passion for success that will compel readers to move forward.

Having lunch with Dr. Anderson I could easily see that he not only “practices what he preaches,” but that he has a passion for helping people to live dynamic Christian lives.

For information about getting your own copy of the book, “Becoming a Millionaire God’s Way: Getting Money to You, Not from You,” just click the link below to go to the best price on Amazon.

Becoming a Millionaire God’s Way: Getting Money to You, Not from You

George Muller: Delighted In God by Roger Steer

I read this book in the late 70’s.  It was the first of many books that I have read about George Muller.  In fact, I have read this particular book two or three times. If you have never heard of George Muller, or read about him, this book is a must!

To say that this book is inspiring is an understatement.

Mr. Muller was a man who, because of his absolute trust in God, did some remarkable exploits that still astound people to this day.

He has been referred to as a man who knew how to get answers to prayers.  He personally documented thousands of answers to his prayers.  But Mr. Muller not only prayed, he trusted and believed God.

He was searching for a way to show the world about how faithful our God is to answer prayer.  So, in the early1830’s he embarked upon an extraordinary adventure.  Disturbed by the faithlessness of the Church in general, he longed to have something to point to as ‘”visible proof that our God and Father is the same faithful creator as he ever was.”

He supervised the building of five large orphanages housing thousands of children. And all of the funding came from prayer.  All of it.  Muller simply prayed for everything required. Provision came to the orphanage work on an almost daily basis, in the form of food and supplies, as well as financial gifts.

Mr. Muller was diligent to keep a diary in which he recorded all prayer requests and the answers, including the specific amounts of monetary gifts.

Some of the stories you will read in this book are remarkable and astounding. And, even more remarkable, he never, ever went into debt.  God continued to answer his prayers and provide, year after year after year.

He never asked anyone for a single penny; no one except God.  And God answered and provided for years.  He was more successful than anyone could have believed possible and he is as much an example to our generation as to his own.

The later part of Mr. Muller’s life was spent preaching around the world.  In his 17 years of traveling, beginning in 1875, he visited over 40 countries.  Muller died peacefully in 1898 at the age of 92.  His legacy of praying and trusting God will continue to inspire people in generations to come.

This book will inspire you!  To get information about purchasing it, simply click the link below to get the lowest price at Amazon.

George Muller: Delighted In God (HistoryMakers)