Control Yourself!

man thinking

I live in Glendale, Arizona, a suburb of Phoenix.  May is here at that means triple digits are right around the corner.  The hot weather begins around the middle of May and triple digit temperatures usually last until mid October.

I’ve been here 22 years and the hot weather is certainly no surprise. So why do any of us, including myself at times, complain about it? None of us who live here, either individually or collectively, can change this desert climate. So why complain about how hot it is?

What Bugs You?

I wonder how many things in our lives we allow to upset us that we have no control over. The weather is an obvious one. How about traffic lights? “Why is this light so long? Is the light stuck? Why was that left turn light so short?”

Traffic lights are out of my control, so why should I let them get under my skin? I could remind myself that I cannot control the traffic lights, but I can control myself and choose to not allow those stupid, irritating lights to bug me anymore!

Speaking of driving, when I get in my truck and turn the key in the ignition, the dinging begins. I’m not really sure what those dings are supposed to alert me of – that I’m in the vehicle? It dings nine times and I must admit, once in awhile it is very irritating.

I can’t control the dinging. But I can control myself and not allow the dinging in my truck, or the 5 dings our microwave blasts out, to bother me. (Really? 5 dings? Is that necessary?) Those dings are out of my control.

On A More Serious Note

OK, what about people? The actions of other people are out of my control. I’m available if someone wants help to change something in their life, but I can’t control what they do or say.

But at times, it’s all too easy for us to allow the actions of others to keep us upset and hurt, especially those we love. We can offer counsel or advice, or even lovingly confront them. But in the end, we cannot control what they do; we can however, control ourselves.

Like many do, I choose to pray for others instead of staying upset over something I cannot control. I can control myself by choosing my thoughts and actions, instead of reacting. I can control myself.

Obviously as a parent we teach and direct our children to make right choices. We can instruct them on right thinking and right believing according to the Scriptures; we point them in the right direction. But soon they grow up and believe what they choose to believe and live their own lives. We love them, pray for them, are there for them with godly counsel, but we cannot control their lives.

While there are indeed many things we have no control over, I’m not suggesting we go through life saying, “Oh well, nothing I can do about anything or anybody else; it’s all out of my control.” On the contrary, God is still a miracle working God and what He promises in His Word is true. Prayer is still a very powerful lever. And those who pray for others and exhibit the love of God have a dynamic impact on those around them.

Simply put, our thoughts and our actions are what we can control. And when you think about it, that’s a pretty big task isn’t it? The thoughts we think and the actions we choose determine the course of our own lives; we really are in control of our own destiny.

Mike Verdicchio

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