3 Great keys On How To Change Something In Your Life

change-222Sometimes situations force us to make changes.  At other times, we get so tired of our current results that we initiate the change.  Sometimes in life we know we need to change, but just refuse to change.

Why do we resist change?

At times in life, we recognize the need for change.  Perhaps we see it or someone else points it out to us.  But, we all know too well that nothing ever changes by simply recognizing a need for change.

For example, if you are overweight then you recognize there needs to be a change.  You may desire to weigh a certain amount.  The end result of the change is appealing, but doing what needs to be done to arrive at that point is not very appealing.

Change always starts in your mind first, and most of the time the mind objects to change. “No, I don’t want to eat smaller portions and cut out unhealthy snacks!”   “No!  I don’t want to exercise every day. I don’t have enough time!  What if I overdo it?”

The mind objects to leaving the comfortable environment that we’ve become so accustomed to.  We like being comfortable, and change interrupts our comfort zone.  We many times love and protect that comfort zone regardless of the results we are getting.

The mind seems to have some kind of objection whether the possible changes are little changes or big changes.  The mind does not want to be interrupted or bothered.  Our minds protects our comfort zone.

These Keys Work!

Here are three key you can use when you really want to bring about change in your life. First, consistently remind yourself of the reason and end result the change will bring about.  For example, say, “When I eat smaller portions and cut out some snacks I will lose weight, feel healthier and live longer.”

This first key is very important, no matter what kind of change you are pursuing.  “Spending the money and time to take this course will improve my skills and abilities and give me much more to offer prospective employers.” Consistently remind yourself of why you desire to change.

If you don’t keep reminding yourself of why, your mind comes back with a whole lot of reasons why you really don’t need to change anything!  “This is too hard; you can’t do this; you really don’t need to go this far; you really need some cookies!”

That’s your mind protecting your comfort zone.  Simply respond back with why you are doing the things you are doing to change, and remind yourself of the end result.

Secondly, be patient.  Stay the course.  Stay consistent and persistent; both pay big dividends. The change will come.

Have You Ever Planted A Garden?

I haven’t planted a garden for many years, but when I did, I learned a lot about patience.  After putting the seeds in the ground, I was consistent in watering every day.  But it seems like there always came a point where one day I would say, “Well, where is everything?  All this persistent and consistent watering has produced nothing.  Were the seeds I planted bad seeds?”

It’s easy to get impatient when you see no noticeable results.  But results will come; stay persistent and consistent.  Don’t let your mind suggest that nothing’s happening and you should quit and head back to your comfort zone. Change takes time; be patient.

Thirdly, pray and ask God to help you do what you need to do to bring about the change you desire.  He certainly can inspire you and direct your steps.  I never embark upon a change without staying consistent in prayer along the way.

It’s Just The Way Life Is

When you realize change is simply a part of life, your life take on a whole new excitement.  You’re not stuck in a rut.  You can change. Don’t be afraid of change; instead, embrace it.

The effort needed for change will vary depending on the situation, but the results when you reach your desired destination will greatly outweigh all the time and effort you put into it.

If things in your life are not bringing you the results you really desire, then it’s time for a change.  Are you ready to venture out of your comfort zone?  It all depends upon your desire to see real change happen in your life.

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