John Maxwell once said, “The difference between winners and whiners is, winners, they know they have to do the right things and then they feel good; whiners, they want to feel good before they do the right thing.”
The dictionary defines a whiner: “a person who makes frequent complaints usually about little things; an irritable and complaining person.”
Whiners complain. They are negative, pessimistic, and blame others; they sniffle, grumble and grovel; they rarely
Some Perspectives About Working Many Don’t Understand
Lots of employees see themselves as just “working for the man,” meaning they are working for the boss or owner in order to make them rich. Some have distorted perspectives about business owners which then leads toward resentment. Why do so many not understand some basics about working for someone?
Recently I spent seven years working, as an employee, for a brand new company. It started very small; 3 owners, two technicians in the field, and me doing all the book work and payroll from my home. After about 3 months we were
This July 4th marks the 241st anniversary of the USA. One of our founding fathers, John Adams, talked about remembering and celebrating this anniversary:
“I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty; it ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more.” John Adams
Those who fought for the freedoms for the new country, while having differing opinions, knew we needed to
October 28, 2001, it was Game 2 of the World Series – Yankees and Diamondbacks in Phoenix.
My son and I were at that game. A special treat before the game: Ray Charles, at home plate, singing, “America The Beautiful.” Even though the D-backs won the game, and we watched Matt Williams hit a 3 run homer, the highlight for me was watching Ray.
Next week the USA celebrates 241 years of independence. God has shed His grace on this country.
A shout of congratulations to all men who work diligently and tirelessly to be a good father, whether a biological father, a stepfather, or a spiritual father.
This Sunday, June 18, is Father’s Day. My dad is not alive, so, I can’t give him any personal praise or recognition, or even say, “Thanks. Dad; I love you. ” But, I’m sure many dads will hear that from their children. And, as a dad,
I was recently involved in a little “fender bender.” Actually, it was the rear bumper on my truck, and it was only slightly damaged. But, I can absolutely assure you, it happened for a reason.
There are people who believe everything happens for a reason. Some go as far as to say that everything that happens is “meant to be.” Others go even further, believing that God has a reason for everything that happens.
Does Everything Really Happen For A Reason?
Yes, of course, everything happens for a reason because of the Law of Cause and Effect. The result is the effect, and the reason it happens is the cause. So everything does happen for a reason. But to say that everything that happens is “meant to be,” or
There are a number of popular celebrations on the Church calendar. The biggest and most popular of course, is Christmas. People understand they are celebrating the birth of Christ. This Sunday, June 4th, is Pentecost, but many wonder what it’s really all about.
When it comes to Pentecost, what exactly are we remembering? We hear that it’s all about commemorating the descent of the holy spirit upon the Apostles. That event, along with details of what followed is recorded in Acts Chapter 2.
But was that original Day of Pentecost of even greater importance and significance than the birth of Christ? Is it possible it was
This is Memorial Day Weekend for those living here in the United States. There are 3 very moving videos below that do an excellent job of putting this remembrance into perspective.
Formerly known as, “Decoration Day,” Memorial Day commemorates men and women who died while in military service to the United States. It began as a way to honor Union and Confederate soldiers following the American Civil War. Later, it was extended, after World War I, to honor American military who died in all wars.
There will be barbecues, visiting friends, road trips, big “sales,” Major League baseball games, Stanley Cup Finals, and of course, the Indy 500. Some people even have a longer than usual weekend, as they get Monday, Memorial Day, off from work.
Here in the United States, we ought to take a little time this weekend to pause and remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice so we could have freedom. We can also pause and thank God for the freedom we still have, freedom that has been given to us at such a very high price.
If you don’t live here in the United States, take some time this weekend to pause and remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for your country.
And, regardless of where we live, we all need to keep praying to God for our country.
[The following article, Part II, reprinted by permission, is from Roger Braker’s Blog: The Prosperous Life. Roger is the author of, Poverty Vs Wealth At the end of this article, there is a link to Part III for those who are interested in this vital topic. Last month, I posted Part I ]
Homeschooling: The Stepchild of Education Part II
Quite a few years ago my oldest daughter got her first job at a SONIC restaurant. After about two weeks, she came home one night and said, “I now understand why you homeschooled us. All the kids at work smoke, drink, have sex and half the girls are pregnant.”
But let me back up a bit. There are many concerns that people have about homeschooling. Here are some