A New Start?

It’s Another Podcast!

How do you feel when you are faced with starting over?  It could be something major like moving across country, or, maybe a habit that you have decided again to start over and really  do something about it.  It could even be because of no fault of your own.

In this short podcast (8:16) I’ll give you three simple but powerful keys that will be very helpful for your new beginning.

Enjoy the podcast!

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2 thoughts on “A New Start?

  1. ‘Define your life, let go of the past, and take action’. Great advice! I like “fresh start” and “new beginning” much better than “starting over”. Within the past several months, I’ve been dealing with a lot of the things you talk about in this podcast; being laid off, letting go of the past, learning to forgive those who haven’t treated me “right”, changing habits, and moving on. I have never been one to hang on to the “good old days” and am getting better at not looking back, but whether good or bad, the past is the past and I don’t live there anymore. Forgive (regardless of the presence or absence of an apology), let it go, and move on.

    I will take your advice and take whatever action I can, today…remembering that all God’s promises are new (and true!) every morning, and that He is willing and able to perform them all for me.

    Here’s to new beginnings!

    God bless you.