Choose Your Friends Wisely

When I was growing up my dad used to say, many times, “Choose your friends wisely.”  I passed on the same advice to my children as well.  But it still holds true for adults as well.

The weekend is here and usually people have a little more time to spend with family and friends.  But whether it’s the weekend, a weekday, or even a lunch hour, we ought to always choose our friends wisely.

Being around positive people inspires us because they give us hope and possibilities and anticipation of good things to come. For them, the glass is not just half full, but rather, “There must be even more water around here someplace!”

And that’s why we like to be around positive people.

On the other hand, it is depressing to be around negative people.  I’m not talking about when you’re trying to help and inspire someone who is lacking hope.  I’m talking about hanging out with negative people who relate one negative defeating story after another.

It is just too depressing.  It certainly doesn’t encourage or inspire you does it?

Choose your friends wisely.  And, try to be an inspiration to other people. Think of the positive impact that you can have on the people you hang out with this weekend.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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3 thoughts on “Choose Your Friends Wisely

  1. My Mom used to say “Spend time with someone who will encourage you to be a better person.” I would think, “Who will help others up?” If we have the word as a common standard then we can sharpen one another. Thank God it is available. I love the way He reminds of of what we need to hear at a particular time…and this is it. Thanks for your continued faithfulness! Jeannie