Do Affirmations Really Work?

It’s Another Podcast!

Do you use the method called, “affirmations?”  Some utilize this as a tool to help them change their thinking.

Many have said that if you want to change your life, change your thinking.  In this short podcast (5:41) I’ll show you a really neat key when it comes to using methods to change your thinking.

Enjoy the podcast!

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7 thoughts on “Do Affirmations Really Work?

  1. God Bless You, Mike ! 🙂
    I liked your podcast ! I was thinking about it and thought, well, if I were to say I am going to have $500,000 in assets…I would not only write it down, speak it to myself, pray about it, but would also begin my research immediately to begin to MAKE it happen. I find if I think about something too long my vision becomes dimmer so I have to jump right on it so there is no turning back and it becomes part of me. When I jump on something, God seems to go right to work to help me! 🙂
    Have a great Labor Day!!! <3 Carol 🙂

  2. Hi Mike,
    Thanks for posting this. Interesting distinction between the two nouns.
    Years ago I used affirmations to become fit and trim. Between the ages of 17-21 I was pretty chunky…stemming from depression I think. I learned to say “I am fit, I am thin”. The conclusion I came to, as to why that worked, is that I ACTED fit and thin. Chunky people seldom jog, partly because they feel self conscious. If you tell yourself I am thin, it is easier to behave as a thin person. I began to eat healthier and have been a pretty active person all of my life since then. I had two advantages. I was not raised sedentary, as my father always had us busy, mostly working, (the sedentary period was a result of severe trauma) AND I did not know enough to question whether it would work or not. Someone told me it would and I ran with it. I have used the scriptures regarding happiness in the same way, claiming them even when I did not feel like it. It helped enormously. I still have struggled with sadness. A lot happens to one in this life, but I am not slain by it. I go through periods when I don’t want to get out of bed, but I remember that others will be affected if I don’t….Love energizes believing. At least that is how I see it. Thanks for your consistent encouragement.

  3. Thanks for this, Mike. This was a question for me years ago; how is making positive statements about something I want to see happen not a lie? It always felt like a mind game to me. The answer, which you so clearly point out, is to make an “It’s going to happen” statement (or declaration), and perhaps even put a time frame to it. It is indeed a lot easier to get convinced a goal will be achieved when that goal is believable to you. I have seen this proven true in my own life, I know positive statements work when they are believable to me and I don’t waiver in my confession that my goal will come to pass.

    Once again, your post was a blessing.

    God bless you.

  4. Thanks for the comments, Carol, Jeannie, and Chere – isn’t the human mind just awesome! The way the God designed it to work giving all of us free will to think the thoughts we choose to think.

  5. When I read the Bible I trust the Lord is renewing my mind and giving me the mind of Christ, as His Word states. As His Spirit changes my heart and draws me closer to Him I am finding my mind is clearer and I really am thinking differently than I did before.
    He affirms me in His Word and I believe it and therefore I have what He says and am what He says I am. Hallelujah!