He Keeps It Simple

Whether it is brain physiology, brain psychology, or how to think for personal development, you can find thousands of articles online about the human brain. There are people who do realize there are thoughts that are beneficial and other brain 2thoughts that are not.

In a recent post, I talked about how we choose the thoughts we think. I pointed out some of the results of thoughts of guilt. With all the new and exciting discoveries about our brains, it is obvious our brains are very complex. But in that article I certainly did not get into all the current scientific information about our thought processes.

The Bible contains many verses about both our thoughts and our hearts. The “heart” is where our core beliefs reside. Our belief system, that which we hold true, emanates from our heart. What we read in the Scriptures is not complicated, but rather very simple and straight forward.

While there are other places in the Bible where great details are communicated, when it comes to our thoughts and our hearts, God keeps it very simple. When one reads about the Tabernacle in the wilderness, or the Temple, there is fantastic detail, down to the last “nut and bolt.” But when it comes to the thoughts we think, God keeps it very simple.

Isn’t It Logical?

As our loving heavenly Father, God gives us solid direction in His Word so that we can have happy, successful lives. Since God decided not to make us robots, but instead gave us free will, He also gives us life’s best advice. Doesn’t every good parent do the same?

As a loving dad, I taught the children to not touch the hot stove. I did it not to add more rules and regulations to their lives, but rather to protect them from burning their hands. I knew they had the physical ability to touch a hot stove, but I gave them good, helpful advice.

When I instructed my children not to touch a hot stove, I did not go into a three hour dissertation about the Law of Physics concerning temperatures. I did not teach them a biology course about human skin. I just gave them good sound advice to keep them safe.

When God in the Bible talks about our thoughts and our hearts, He chose to keep it simple. Think this way, and avoid this kind of thinking. And you can also read in a few places where God does expand, giving us a little bit of detail about the results of our thinking.

Your Heart

A verse quoted by many is, “As he thinks in his heart, so is he.” Our thoughts really do determine who we become. “Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it [your own heart] are the issues of life [your own life].” God lovingly tells us that we need to be very diligent concerning what we allow into our hearts as a result of our own thinking.

There are other places in the Scriptures where God tells us it’s not a good idea to have stressful thoughts, distracting thoughts, thoughts of bitterness and anger, thoughts of condemnation and guilt. Scripture directs us to cast down thoughts that are contrary to what God already said. But again, I see it as Him keeping it very simple.simple

Since God designed the human brain, which indeed is very complex, He certainly could have spent endless chapters elaborating on the human thought process and how the brain functions. Undoubtedly, without question, the Creator knows vastly more than we have discovered, but He keeps it simple.

Maybe we should keep it simple, too. Maybe we should simply accept His words as true words, coming from a loving Father who is very concerned about His children. We have the freedom to choose whatever thoughts we want to think. And our thoughts will affect our lives.

New Movie About Noah

They are making a new movie about Noah. I don’t know about you, but when Hollywood does biblical movies, I am almost always disappointed. But I wonder if this movie will comment on what the Bible says about the state of human beings at that time: “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”

Mankind was in a horrible state at that time. People had allowed their own thoughts to produce wicked belief systems in their hearts. They were where they were in their lives because of the thoughts they chose to think.

You and I can decide where we want our lives to go. We can take our Father’s good, solid advice and think right thoughts. We can build belief systems based on the truth of God’s Word and reap the results.

Mike Verdicchio

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