I’m Tired Of It All

I once heard a story of someone visiting a man. As they talked on the porch he noticed an old dog sitting there whining every half minute or so.  He asked the man what was wrong with the dog.

The man answered, “He is sitting on a nail.” Puzzled, the visitor replied, “Why doesn’t he get up?”  The man then told him the reason, which is a great lesson in life.  “Because,” he said, “It doesn’t hurt badly enough yet.”

Many times people get to a place in their lives where they are depressed and say, “I’m just tired of it all!”  Do you know someone like that?  Maybe you’ve been then before; maybe you are there now.

People arriving at a state of being depressed and “tired of it all,” have a choice to make.  They can either give up, or, they can get up and actively look for solutions.  Or sadly, too often, like the dog, they can wait until they can’t take the hurt any longer.

How Did You Get There?

There is a progression that can bring us to the point of being “tired of it all.” It starts with a disappointment; something did not go the way we planned or thought it would.  But we all know that is part of life and it happens to us all, doesn’t it?

After a number of disappointments, we can find ourselves disgusted.  Anger or resentment builds up when things are not going well. While it may seem easy to go from disappointments to being disgusted, it is still a choice that we make.

After being disgusted for a period of time, discouragement sets in.  Fear of more disappointments restrains us from looking for other solutions.  But again, allowing ourselves to get discouraged and live with fear is also a choice.

Those who stay discouraged long enough become depressed.  They end up blaming other people and circumstances for their plight.  In desperation, they throw their hands up say, “I’m tired of it all!”

Some will just endure the pain for a lifetime; they will sit on the nail forever.  Others, not able to take the pain any longer, will get up and try to find some solutions.  The later is always the best course of action.

Even though it may be a tough road back, requiring consistent effort, taking action is the only way things will change.  Being solution minded starts the necessary mental activity to get us back on the right track.  With God’s help, there is no situation too far gone or too bleak.

We Have A Choice

But consider for a moment that in each of the above stages, at every crossroads, we each have a choice.  When a disappointment comes our way, as it always will, we choose how we respond.  If we respond negatively, that choice sends us down the path that leads to disgust.

But, even if we end up disgusted, we still have a choice to turn things around.  When we realize we’re disgusted, what will we choose?  Will we look for solutions, or will we head down the path to discouragement?

And even if we find ourselves really discouraged, we still have a choice to make.  We can start looking for solutions and other options.  Or, we can stay discouraged which will take us down the path to depression.

So, wherever you may be today, with God’s help there is great hope for tomorrow.  But, it is up to you to first make the right choice.  Regardless of your circumstances, your mental thoughts will set your sails.

Looking to God for help, guidance and direction means you are moving forward, not sitting on a nail and whining.   Pray and ask for answers and solutions, then move forward, looking for and expecting those answers.  If you are focused on how lousy things are today in your life, you are just sitting on the nail.

If the answers and solutions do not appear in one minute or one day, keep moving forward the best that you can.  Refuse to live with fear, disgust and discouragement.  Instead, be convinced that there are other options and solutions ahead, and, that you will get there.  Refuse to allow your mind to consider otherwise.

Mike Verdicchio

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2 thoughts on “I’m Tired Of It All

  1. Mike,
    Thank you for this post! What you said about a number of disappointments leading to being disgusted, and fear of more disappointments restraining us from looking for other solutions is livng and real for me right now, this week. I have relocated to a new area and am searching for housing, employment, and transportation. There’s a lot going on, and not everything is turning out the way I planned. I am finding myself challenged on a number of fronts.

    You are so right when you say allowing ourselves to get discouraged and live with fear is a choice. Your “four D’s” (disappointment, disgust, discouragement and depression) reminded me of a formula I was taught to use a long time ago involving another set of “D’s”…Decision, Desire, Details, Deliverance…to reach a desired goal. These “D’s” helped me craft an effective mental action plan that brought peace and helped ward off the “Evil D’s” of disgust, discouragement and depression.

    Thank you for reminding me that although disappointments will come, it is always my choice to either set my mental sails and move forward or allow myself to head down the path of the Evil D’s.

    I appreciate the encouragement your blog always offers. Thank you again and God bless you.
