Stuck In A Rut

It’s Another Podcast!

Lots of people feel like they are stuck in a rut.  But most do not do anything about it because they don’t want to change.  Change means getting out of your comfort zone!

This short podcast (6:08) is about not being afraid to change.  And, just for fun, it ends with the following instructions from…

1. Keep the clock and altimeter wound up.
2. Carry a railroad timetable in case the plane is grounded.
3. Warn the passengers against throwing their cigars and cigarettes out the windows.
4. Keep an eye on passengers when they go to the lavatory to be sure they don’t mistakenly go out the emergency exit.

Enjoy the podcast!

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4 thoughts on “Stuck In A Rut

  1. Love it! Thanks for the stats on how often the things in our bodies change…that’s going to help me believe for some healing to manifest! Too often I think when we get to a certain age, we figure we aren’t growing anymore, so “new stuff” isn’t happening to us physically. How cool to be reminded that really, we are in a state of constant change. That’s going to help me picture things changing for the better~even as I get older!

    Wonderful blog post, as usual. Oh, and am I ever glad there’s not much chance of mistaking the emergency exit for a bathroom door on a plane these days~those instructions gave me a chuckle. 🙂

    God bless you.

  2. Love it Mike !!! 🙂
    I too thought it was cool about our physical bodies changing and that helps my believing to be completely well ! 🙂 Oh and I love to learn and oh so fun to grow and there is no other way unless we step out…even out the front door to go to the market….although I would like to step out quite a lot further than that for sure! 🙂 I guess that is why Dr. Wierwille would say pick your ruts carefully, you may be in them for awhile…but even so…it is available to cange that rut every moment with our minds if we choose to do so….As a man thinketh in his heart so is he…..I have not been entertaining any new information on my cat scans, mri’s, etc. I think healed and act like I am healed and believe me that takes a lot of change…but we can do it…I have been doing it lately as I won’t accept anything less and change of direction in many avenues is so important and at my age, I want to change and explore and grow with God and it won’t happen sitting at the kitchen table, so to speak… 🙂 So many thanks again !!! 🙂 P.S. Not much point in God giving us any heavy rev if we don’t step out…..
    Love, Carol 🙂

  3. Jeannie, Chere and Carol – isn’t a great to know that we really can change? And, with God’s help, what are the limits?