If You Stumble And Fall Again, Get Up Again - Don't Quit!


I think we can all look back to events in our lives where we felt that we failed.  It’s true for me a number of times in my life. I don’t remember where I heard this from, but it is some sound advice: “Have you failed? Try again. You say that you have tried again and failed again? Well, try again, and again, and again!”

Almost everyone knows Thomas Edison refused to quit. They say he tried about ten thousand items before he got the light bulb to work. I think we’re all glad he didn’t quit; you’re reading this article on your computer!

Oh Sure, Easy For Him, Right?

Some might say, “Oh, sure, Thomas Edison. You know, he was a brilliant inventor; it was easy for him not to quit.” Yes, it’s true he was a brilliant inventor, but he was still human like me and you. The fact remains he was not a quitter! 

If I Were Any Better, I’d Be Twins

It’s Another Podcast!

A number of years ago when I produced “Mike’s Pep Talks,” I did a one called, “If I Were Any Better, I’d Be Twins.”  It is currently on the series for “Self Employed Christians,” in two parts.

Since the material is very relevant for the days we are living in, I thought it would be profitable to re-do it here on the blog, and add some other insight.

Once you listen to it, you’ll know why I picked up the habit of often saying, “If I were any better, I’d be twins.”  Find out in this short podcast (9:13) what Jerry did when faced with a very serious situation.

[If you cannot see the player below, just click the title above]

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