Trust the Universe?

The Universe

A few weeks ago someone said to me, “I’m not worried; the Universe will bring it to me.” I replied, “You mean, God?” He responded, “Oh yeah, God; that’s what I call Him sometimes.” I then answered, “Well, God created the universe, so He is definitely bigger than the universe!”

I’m not trying to be critical, but when it comes to God Almighty, the Creator, I like to recognize Him for Who He is. Isn’t it disrespectful to refer to him as anything less?

So, God is not the universe; rather, He created it.

Today it’s popular for some people to say, “universe” and mean, God, or do they? There are those who think that the Universe knows what they desire, and if they stay positive, the Universe will deliver it to them. Do they really think that the Universe hears their thoughts and processes their order and delivers it?

A few years ago, the Secret was pretty popular, as was the Law of Attraction. Some understood that to be as long as you think about something positively and long enough, you become a magnet and things you desire just come to you; from the Universe, I guess.

It’s really not a magical magnet.

The Bible is clear that out of your own heart are the issues of your own life. Your belief systems, or core beliefs reside in your heart. As you focus on something, your mind, by the way God designed it, looks for solutions and answers. Having a positive attitude and being confident in God’s promises does cause a change; not in the Universe’s attitude toward you, but in your attitude!

Positive thoughts I choose to think can change my attitude. They change the enthusiasm and energy I bring to the task. They even have an impact on others.

God does answer our prayers as we believe him. But He is certainly not some kind of errand boy we give a list to each morning and expect him to have it completed by the end of the day. Rather, as we put our trust in His promises, we can look for and expect His answers.

Mike Verdicchio

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2 thoughts on “Trust the Universe?

  1. Thanks for sharing this Mike. This article made me think of Ps 69:30 in God’s Word which states “I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving.” But I am sure thankful for the demonstration of His handiwork. But it’s His name He asks us to praise with a song and to magnify Him with thanksgiving.

    • God is certainly very, very worthy of our praise and recognition..
      Thanks for the comment and God bless you.