TV News

Have you watched a lot of TV news lately? 42-17253129 It’s not very encouraging, is it?  Well, in fact, it is pretty depressing. I don’t watch a lot of TV news, but when I do it is filled with gloom and doom and predictions of more gloom and doom.

Now with a background in broadcasting, I know all too well that the news has never been designed to be positive and uplifting.  There’s an old saying in journalism, “If it bleeds, it leads.”  That means the story that contains the most dramatic negative elements in it is usually the lead story.

But how do you feel after watching the TV news?  If you’re like me, you don’t feel happy and elated or encouraged and inspired, do you?

Are You A Reporter?

So much of what has happened here in the United States in the last 10 months has led many to criticize, blame, and condemn.  Many people are re-reporting to others what they heard on the TV news:  “Did you hear what happened now?  Do you know what they are trying to do?”

Now I am not saying we have no problems, because we certainly do.  My head is not in the sand.  But, there is some other news that you can choose to focus on rather than the TV news.  You can put your focus on the Good News.

I believe that regardless of circumstances and situations, no matter how big they may seem, the promises of God are still true.  And God will bring His promises to pass for those who choose to believe Him.

Why Are They In There?

bible-1The Bible is not only full of God’s promises of help, deliverance, healing, and prosperity, but you can also read many accounts of people facing very adverse and even impossible circumstances who received His deliverance.  Have you ever wondered why those accounts are in the Bible?

I’m not talking about the obvious and most memorable ones, like the children of Israel crossing the Red Sea.  You have to admit, that was a pretty adverse and seemingly impossible situation.  The odds were certainly stacked against them with the Egyptian army on this side, and the Red Sea on that side.  But God came up with a remarkable solution.

And there are of course other memorable accounts, but what about some of those that are less familiar, and more personal?  For example, the woman with two sons, whose husband died, leaving them with unpaid debts?  It was bad enough in that culture to be a widow, let alone to have debt.

This was a seemingly impossible or hopeless situation.  According to the culture, her two sons would be taken to work off the whole debt.  But again, God came up with a solution that not only allowed the woman to pay all of her debts, but have enough for she and her two sons to live on.

How Bad Is A Famine?

What about living through a famine?  A famine is about 100 times worse than a downturn economy.  A woman and her son were about to eat their final meal and then just die.  But, once again, God brought a tremendous solution.

So, again, my question is why are those records of deliverance in the Bible?  Why are there numerous accounts of God’s help and deliverance against all odds in adverse and seemingly impossible situations?  Are they there just to entertain us?  Or, are they written to inspire us and encourage us to have confidence in God?

In my own life there have been many times when it looked like the “odds were all stacked against me.”  Those situations were very real.  Perhaps you have been in situations where you were discouraged and felt like giving up.  I certainly have.

A Really Big Key

But I have learned a big key is where I keep my mind. Where do I choose to put my mental focus? I can look at my present reality and accept it, and then project a very negative outcome as a result of where things are right now.

Or, I can take a different approach.  I can look at what God has promised me, and keep my focus on what He has said.  I can look to Him for solutions.  Instead of expecting things to get worse, I can choose to expect things to get better, regardless of what is going on around me.

We all choose what thoughts we think.  The TV news will not encourage you or build your confidence in God. But the Good News will. And when it comes to the economy, here is something to keep in mind.  In fact, you can remind yourself of it every time you spend money.  On every piece of currency we still have the words, “In God We Trust.”


Some may choose to immerse themselves in all that the TV news is reporting, and then hope that somehow the government will take care of all their problems.  I choose to accept the Good News, and believe His promises of prosperity. I choose to trust in God.

Michael A Verdicchio

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