What Kind of Love is This?

There is something in the Bible that causes me to pause and consider whenever I read it. In fact, whenever I think about it I am amazed, humbled, sometimes a little ashamed, but mostly overwhelmed. I’ve known it and read it for many years, but it is still, in my mind anyway, profoundly gigantic.

I’m referring to a passage in Romans 8, where after listing 10 things, including death, life, things going on now, things coming in the future, it declares that none of these can separate us from the love of God. In other words, there is nothing that can separate a Christian believer from the love of God. Have you ever thought just how huge that really is?

It’s easy at times, if you’re a fan of the Bible, to feel elated about certain verses and exclaim, “Wow, that is really great!” But when you take the time to sit and think through what you are excited about, be prepared. Some of what you read in God’s Word is so big, so over the top, it just blows your mind. Such is the case with that passage in Romans 8.


I mentioned that it amazes me that nothing can separate me from God’s love. Of course I realize the Bible states, regardless of what some propound, that God is love; His very nature is love. And I know His plan of salvation was motivated by His love for all of humanity, in that He gave His only begotten Son.

But I am utterly amazed that He would extend unchanging love to me. And if nothing can separate me from His love, that means He has chosen to never, ever undo the arrangement He set up. Nothing can separate me from His love; isn’t that amazing?


I am humbled to think that the Creator of the heavens and the earth decided to not only love me, but to love me unconditionally and never, ever change that. That gives me a bigger and clearer picture of understanding the love of God; giving regardless of whether deserved or earned. What is it I could possibly do to either earn or deserve love from God Almighty, let alone unchanging, never ending love? I don’t know about you, but that is very humbling.


In thinking about the love God has for me, and that nothing can ever separate that love from me, at times I feel a little ashamed. Not on what I consider a “good day” when I think I am living as well as I can as a Christian. On other days, when I fall short, to think that He still loves me and that nothing can separate me from His love, well, that thought brings on some emotions better left unsaid.


But mostly, I continue to stay overwhelmed that nothing can separate me from God’s love. That means if today I have an extraordinarily good day, He doesn’t love me any more than He did yesterday. And if today I have a really lousy day, He does not love me any less than He did yesterday. His love for me is constant, never changing, and nothing can separate me from that love.

It is overwhelming because in my little mind, it is just too big; in fact, it’s way too big. I know I am not worthy of His love and I know I could never do anything to deserve it, but He has chosen to love, completely and unconditionally, and nothing can ever separate me from that love. It is overwhelming to consider, but in considering it, something very remarkable happens.

How People Change

Consider this: the Bible says that the goodness of God leads one to change. Condemning people, pointing out all their faults, threatening them with hell, does not bring about change in peoples’ lives. Those things may cause someone to go through a few motions just to get people off his back, but there is no real change.

The goodness of God leads one to change. It is His unconditional love that motivates me to do my best, to grow, to improve, to change for the better. In fact, the more you focus your mind and spend time dwelling on God loving you unconditionally, and that nothing can separate you from His love, it does something to you on the inside.

It will amaze you, it will humble you, and it will overwhelm you. It will heal your broken heart, layer by layer. It will encourage and inspire you like nothing else in this world can. The more you see how much God loves you and how much He has done for you, and allow those thoughts to sink into your heart, change begins on the inside. And as a result, you will change what you need to change, without someone poking into your business telling you what they think you need to do.

Instead, you will be motivated by God’s love to do what you need to do right now at this point in time in your life and Christian walk. And it really doesn’t matter where you are today in your Christian walk; dwelling on God’s never ending, unchanging love will have a profound effect on your heart. God is in the business of opening and healing hearts, not crushing them.

How Do You Feel Now?

As you consider that nothing can separate you from God’s love, then consider some of the things He has lovingly given to you. He has freely given you eternal life; the Bible says eternal life is a gift. How does it make you feel that the Creator of the heavens and earth has arranged for you to live forever?

Consider that God has given you forgiveness. Someone else paid the price, the full price for all sins, including yours. Your loving God and Father has lovingly and freely given you forgiveness.

Again, the more you dwell on God’s never ending, unchanging love for you and the things He has lovingly given and done for you, you will be inspired and motivated to do what you need to do today to be your best, to grow, to improve, and to change for the better.

What kind of love is this? Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God!

Mike Verdicchio

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