Attraction Requires Action

Many books and presentations discuss the Law of Attraction.  Hearing what some say could lead one to think it is a magical formula for success.  It is not.

Some people propound that if you just concentrate long enough and keep your focus from wavering, you will attract that which you are focusing on.  They say the universe will bring it to you.  I disagree.

Now I do believe God can bring people and situations into your life as a result of His grace and mercy.  He is a God of answered prayers.  And, I might add that He is unlimited in His resources too.

But, that aside, I do not believe that the Law of Attraction somehow, magically sets the whole universe in motion so as to bring to you your desires.  Perhaps the Law of Attraction should have been called by another name, because the principle does work.

By the way, this concept is far from being something new.  Many years ago, Emerson wrote, “Concentration is the secret of strengths in politics, in war, in trade, in short in all management of human affairs.”  But even much longer prior to that, there are verses in the Bible describing it as well: “Guard your heart with all diligence for out if are the issues of life.”

So How Does It Work?

Let’s say you have never had a pick up truck and decided you want to buy one. You check out a number of things and decide on a Blue, Ford F-150.  You might even have a picture of it with you as you anticipate the day you will get it.

Then, suddenly, out of seemingly nowhere, you are seeing Ford F-150’s everywhere!  Do you really believe that because of your focus and concentration the “universe” put all those trucks in front of you?  Of course not.

God designed our brains magnificently.  When you begin to focus and concentrate on something, your brain registers that as something important.  All those F-150’s were there all along, but now, because your brain knows they are important to you, your brain tells you, “Look, there’s another one.”

The Bible states that as you think in your heart, you will be.  How many successful people go around feeling like a failure?  That’s why it is critical for those going through a difficult or challenging time to be very aware of how they see themselves.

Take Action

Just as our mental focus on trucks opened our eyes to see all the trucks around us, putting our mental focus on other areas of life will also open our eyes to those possibilities around us.  But, the “universe” is not going to give you the keys to the truck.  You have to take action.

Too often, people let opportunities float right by them.  They focus on certain changes in their life, their eyes are open to see the opportunities, but for one reason or another, they are afraid to take any action.  Fear shackles them and in the end, dissolves their dreams.

But it is never too late to start over and begin to dream again.  It is never too late to take advantage of an opportunity.  It doesn’t matter what has happened in the past, today is a brand new day.

Would you like to change some things in your life]  Spend some time in prayer, and then decide, as best you can, what you desire.  Then, put some aggressive mental focus to work, every single day – start dreaming again!

Finally, be ready to take some action.  It’s one thing to desire a pick up truck, and then see trucks everywhere, but quite another to purchase one.  So, put your focus on purchasing one.

Refuse to think about your past failures or your present inadequacies.  Instead, get up, look up, and start walking forward looking for the opportunities.  Put your trust in God, keep your eyes and ears open, and refuse to live with you take action.

Mike Verdicchio

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