What Kind Of Day?

What kind of day are you having?  Can you really decide what kind of day you’re going to have?

You can’t always prevent what happens to you, but you can always determine what happens in you. This short video is about deciding what kind of day you are going to have.

Enjoy the video!

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Veteran’s Day 2012

Today Is Veteran’s Day!

Years ago, I heard the phrase, “Every day is Veterans Day.”  That phrase of course means we ought to be grateful every day for our veterans. True.  Every morning I wake up in a free country.

Since the days at Valley Forge, brave men and women have served our country.  Some paid the ultimate price.  Others came home with physical and mental wounds.

I join many, especially this day, the 11th of November, saying, “Thank you!”  In addition to links from previous years below, I have a video tribute to our soldiers; pictures, and in the background, Tobby Keith singing,

Father’s Day 2012

It’s Another Video! (Actually, 2 videos!)

Happy Father’s Day to all dads!  It’s great to be a dad and I love my two kids.

Today I have two videos for you – both from Andy Andrews.

Enjoy the videos!

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Happy Father’s Day
Today Is Father’s Day
Father’s Day

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This time of year many people pause to remember and reflect on the sufferings and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  All this week, whether privately, a fellowship in a home, or at a church building, many Christians  will consider the savior of mankind.

Then, this Sunday, many will also recognize and remember.  Jesus Christ gave his life for you and for me, paying the full and complete price for our sins, and, paying the full and complete price for our physical healing as well.  And, three days and three nights after he was buried, God raised him from the dead!

This week I decided to put  links to 4 previous posts:

How Brutal Was It?  A short video with three different versions of Isaiah 52:14, a verse that graphically prophesied the extreme physical punishment that Jesus would endure for all of mankind.

Was It A Lie?   An article about a lie that has been going around for centuries.  It is the biggest lie ever told.

The Women Found Out First
  A podcast about a very unique point concerning the resurrection of Jesus Christ, that almost no one mentions.

3 Words  A podcast about 3 words spoken on two different occasions.

Not only is Jesus Christ alive, but one day he is coming back!

Mike Verdicchio

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The Song, Amazing Grace

It’s Another Video!

At Carnegie Hall, gospel singer Wintley Phipps delivered a very powerful rendition of the song, Amazing Grace.  But prior to his very moving rendition, he gave some very interesting history of not only Negro Spirituals, but of the song itself.

It is truly amazing who wrote the song, Amazing Grace.

Enjoy the video.

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Amazing Grace
How Great Thou Art
Ten Pieces Of Silver

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Don’t Give Up!

It’s Another Video!

There is no denying we are living in difficult times.  But, that doesn’t mean you have to give up on your dreams and goals, does it?

Here’s a short video [1:10] from the archives of Enriching Your Life.com.

Enjoy the video.

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[flashvideo file=http://confidenceandjoy.com/wp-content/video/05-02-nevergiveup.flv image=http://confidenceandjoy.com/wp-content/video/october09/talkingabout-general-logo.jpg /]

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Never Give Up
What Happened To Your Dreams?
Dream Stealers

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Ten Years Later…


”Did you stand there in shock at the sight of that black smoke, rising against that blue sky? Did you shout out in anger, in fear for your neighbor, or did you just sit down and cry?”

Two years ago, I posted this video on 9/11.  I mentioned on that post that  I’ve watched a lot of videos about 9/11 on YouTube and most of them have pictures or video from that horribly tragic day. You have probably watched some as well.

But I still think this song by Alan Jackson, Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning? says so much that I decided to post it again.

I know there are some who feel we need forget that day and move on. But I believe for those who senselessly lost their lives that day, for the friends and families who lost loved ones, and for the brave men and women who were true heroes that day, we ought to remember.

Alan first performed this song at the Country Music Association’s annual awards show on November 7, 2001. It became the single of the year as well as the song of the year for 2001.

A Little Background About the Song

Speaking of the song, Jackson said, ”I’m sure there are people who criticize it, but I wrote what I felt; I didn’t premeditate anything. I’m just a singer of simple songs, and that’s the truth. And I don’t know the difference in Iran and Iraq. And some people that aren’t real religious probably don’t want to hear it, and that’s all right. I didn’t sit down to heal the world or anything.”

The story goes that he sat upright in bed one night in late October with most of it in his head. ”After the 11th, I was pretty disturbed, like most people. For a few weeks I thought about writing something. I’m sure a lot of people who write songs felt the same way, but I didn’t want to write a patriotic thing and couldn’t think of anything that didn’t feel like you’d be taking advantage of it commercially.

So I didn’t think anything else about it, to be honest.” But that night, the melody, opening lines, and chorus came to him. “I went downstairs in my underwear and put this thing down so I wouldn’t forget it the next morning.”

”It’s been overwhelming, the response to it, and a little scary, really, for me,” I’ve had so many people come up to me, and I don’t know what to say, other than that I just feel like it was a gift from God. I don’t know why He picked me to send those words to, but I’m glad it’s been a healing song for some people.”

And so, on this the 10th anniversary of that horrible day, I think his song is still very healing.

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God Bless the USA.

Mike Verdicchio


Independence Day 2011

Today, here in the United States of America, we celebrate our 235th year.

For this occasion in 2009, I posted a very moving video called, “God Bless The USA” And under the video, some great quotes from Jefferson and Adams.

Last year, I posted a video that captured something no one was expecting.  I also put up some really great history about Adams and Jefferson, who both died on July 4th, 1826, the 50th anniversary of United of America.

This year I have a video from a girl from the same city I live in, Glendale, Arizona.  She was the winner in season 6 of American Idol.  She did a fabulous job of singing the national anthem at Super Bowl XLII.

Happy Independence Day and may our God continue to shed His grace on this country.

Michael Verdicchio

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God Bless The USA
Independence Day – 2010

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