Go To The Source

We have known Missy for twenty years.  She is loving and kind, and looks for open doors to share God’s Word. She lets her light shine.  Recently, at the shelter where she works, a lady asked her how it was that she has so much faith.  She answered, “I pray.”

She wasn’t expecting the next question.  However, when Missy heard it, she knew it was perfectly logical according to what the lady asking her believed.  The lady asked her, “Who do you pray to?”

Some people pray to one of the many various recognized “saints.”  Others petition Mary, the mother of Jesus.  Others pray to Jesus.

But Missy shocked the lady, when she answered, “God.” “What?” the lady exclaimed, “You mean you go right to the source?”  “Yes I do!” Missy replied with a smile.

Why Not?

Well, why not go right to the source?  Doesn’t the Bible talk about God being our Father?  Why not talk with your Father on a very regular basis?  Think about it.  How can you develop any relationship without talking and spending time together?

Some people have been taught to pray, worship, and give their religious devotion elsewhere than the Father.  But, I often say, “Why do you believe what you believe?  Is it based on what the Scriptures teach? If not the Scriptures, then what?”

I grew up believing some things that were not at all biblical.  They looked and sounded very religious and spiritual, but they had no scriptural authority.  When I saw what the Bible said about those things, I had a choice to make.

I could either hold on to my tradition, even though I could now see that it was not biblical, or, I could change my belief.  And so, over the years, on a number of different topics and issues, I have, after careful examination of the scriptures, changed my beliefs.  What I believe today, to the best of my ability, is based on an accurate understanding of what the Bible says.

What Did Jesus Teach?

Jesus Christ spoke often about God being our Father.  He said he came to declare and make known the Father.  He came so that we, through him, could come unto the Father.

He told his followers that the Father Himself loved them.  He told them that when he was gone they should ask, or pray, to the Father in his name.  Jesus even told them not to pray to him, but rather to the Father because the Father loved them.

Isn’t it comforting as well as encouraging that the Scriptures say that you and I have been invited to the throne room of God’s grace where we can obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need?  The Bible also talks about letting your requests be made know unto God.  And what about verses that show or explain that God is at work in you by way of His spirit?

For me, it is simply overwhelming that the Creator of the universe dwells in us by way of the spirit that He has freely given us.  It is mind blowing that nothing can separate us from His love.  It’s almost inconceivable that God Almighty wanted a relationship with us whereby He could be our Father, and we His children.

Through no work of our own, but rather the completed work of Christ, we are permanently connected to God. The Bible says it is incorruptible seed; it is eternal life.  Those born again are indeed the children of the Creator.

God almighty, the Creator, is unlimited in His power and resources.  He is quite literally, the Source. He is our source.  The lady was astounded that Missy prayed to “the Source.”  We should not only pray, but have a close working relationship with the Source, our heavenly Father, on a daily basis.

Mike Verdicchio

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