God's Arms Of Forgiveness Are Always Open!

The message in the short video below, that I posted several years ago, is worth repeating, over and over and over.

Feelings of guilt, condemnation, sin consciousness, unworthiness, and shame  always keep us from going to God to receive His forgiveness.

Because of past mistakes, some people feel there is no way God could ever forgive them. Nothing could be further from the truth. God’s arms are always open; God’s love and forgiveness are available for you, right now!

Enjoy the video

For more videos like this, check out my YouTube Channel; over a hundred (most under 2 minutes) inspiring and encouraging videos for practical Christian living. “Like” them!  Leave a comment!  Subscribe!  Share!
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If you’d like a signed copy of my new book, “What Does It Mean? Click Here


The Greatest Love Ever!

Hearts are everywhere!  Love is in the air!  ‘Tis the season for love!

February 14th is called, “Valentine’s Day.” For lots of folks, it’s a time to express love for your special someone. Flowers, candy, balloons, jewelry – ahh, love is in the air.

Money spent in the U.S. last year was around 20.7 billion dollars! But wait! This year’s projections are at over 27 billion dollars! Even though less people celebrate this “holiday” every year, those who do are spending more. In fact, last year, for Valentine’s Day, people spent a whooping


How Will You Spend Your Time This Year?

Each day we each allotted the same amount of time: 1,440 minutes. If one utilizes their time wisely it’s often called “time well spent.” Unwisely? Some would say “wasting time.” Regardless, each day, everyone decides how to spend their time.

Isn’t it interesting how many phrases we employ with the word “time?” Quality time, summer time, spring time, down time, time to relax, screen time, me time, and the list goes on and on. In some sports, like football and basketball, when they stop playing it’s called a “time out,” and the pause in the middle of the game is called “half time.”

When I was in radio, my shift was technically called


Do You Remember The Blessings From 2019?

It’s the start of a New Year! Are you hoping your life to be better in 2020 than it was in 2019?

When a difficult and challenging year ends, it is all too easy to remember what one has endured.  Phrases like, “I’m glad this year is over,” as well as, “I hope this New Year is a lot better,” are common.

Yes indeed, starting a New Year with anticipation for a better year is a good idea.  Writing down goals or resolutions along with an action plan for the coming New Year is a good, positive strategy for the days ahead. Reviewing them throughout the year keeps one focused and on track, especially if


Wherever you may be this time of year, I sincerely hope you have a joyful season filled with God’s love, remembering the greatest gift ever given to mankind: the savior of the world, God’s only begotten Son, Jesus Christ!

And do keep in mind that for some people you may encounter, it’s “not the most wonderful time of the year.”

Below are some new links as well as links to posts from past years, including a movie I recommend, articles on topics like the Magi, Christmas trees, swaddling clothes, Simeon and Anna and even holiday stress! Plus, a video of Faith Hill singing, O Holy Night.

Have A Very Blessed Season And A Great New Year!

holly-bowThe Nativity Story (Blue Ray & DVD)  Saw it for the first time last year, and it’s now my new favorite movie for this time of year. Great job of showing Joseph and Mary as real people and how they handled this unique situation.  From the cruelty of Rome, to the Magi studying the stars, this movie does a really good job.


Holiday Stress
Short article with some helpful hints to avoid holiday stress

holly-bowSimeon And Anna
From “The Eastern Eye” the great blessing to these senior believers in seeing the Christ child. A song about them by Lisa Tracy at the end of the article.

holly-bowThe Christmas Dilemma, and, ‘Twas the night before…
Do you say, Merry Christmas, or, Happy Holidays? Some thoughts on that, and some other choices.

holly-bowChristmas Tree Or Holiday Tree?
A podcast with some history of the “tree,” and, find out about a Jewish man who does not like it referred to as a Holiday tree.

holly-bowWho Were The Magi? Part 1
Who Were The Magi? Part 2
A couple of articles explaining who they were, where they came from, how they knew, what they saw, etc.

holly-bowSwaddling Clothes
What were they? What’s the significance? (If you’re interested in gaining more understanding of Bible culture, which helps greatly in understanding the Scriptures, you’ll enjoy my book, What Does It Mean? which explains dozens of Bible verses.

O Holy Night by Faith Hill

Oh holy night, the stars are brightly shining
It is the night of our dear Saviour’s birthLong lay the world in sin and error pining
Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth

A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn

Fall on your knees, oh, hear the angel voices
Oh night divine, oh night when Christ was born
Oh night divine, oh night, o night divine
Truly He taught us to love one another
His law is love and His gospel is peaceChains He shall break, for the slave is our brother
And in his name all oppression shall cease

Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we
Let all within us praise His holy name

Christ is the Lord, then ever, ever praise we
His power and glory ever, ever more proclaim
His power and glory ever more proclaim
His power and glory ever more proclaim


The Christmas Season Is A Real Struggle For Some

Back in the day when I was on the radio playing music, like most stations, this time of year we played a whole lot of Christmas music. One of the most popular, and I still hear it today, is Andy Williams’ song, It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.

Andy sings his heart out about kids jingle belling, good cheer, friends, parties, and caroling out in the snow. He croons of much mistletoeing and hearts glowing when loved ones are near. It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Right?

Not For Everyone!

Yes, it is a wonderful time of the year for lots of people, but sadly, not for everyone. Out and about you and I will see people carrying holiday packages, but we may not know what they are carrying on the inside. And so, like all seasons, it’s a great time to to exhibit love and compassion to all.


The Socialist Pilgrims Of Plymouth

Below is some very noteworthy history of the early pilgrims at Plymouth rarely taught today. But first, a short message about gratitude.

People who choose to recognize even the smallest blessing and make gratitude a habit, are happy, positive people. Why? Because in focusing on God supplying, they trust He will continue to provide blessings. And He does!

Those who choose to recognize every lack and make complaining a habit, are miserable negative people. Why? Because in focusing on what they don’t have, they lack confidence in God to provide.

When we thank God for what He has done, He gets the gratitude, the recognition, the thanks He so rightly deserves. We acknowledge Him as our helper, our provider, the One Who brings us His blessings!

In addition to that, scientific studies show how being grateful can dramatically affect your emotions and your physical body, including the brain, the heart, sleep and more!


The holiday season fast approaching!

Giving a gift of God’s Word is always a great idea – in season or out of season! So, I have 7 great holiday gift ideas you might find interesting.

No hype. No hard sell. Just 7 great holiday gift ideas!

Check out the link below to see if there’s something there for someone you know that you think will bless their life.

Be sure to order by December 6 for guaranteed delivery by December 23.

7 Great Holiday Gift Ideas



In John 16, Jesus told his followers not to ask him, but rather ask the Father in his name, because, he said, “the Father Himself loves you.” He told them the reason the Father loved them was because, “you have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God.”

Ask Him, because the Father Himself loves you!

Oh God, great Creator, my Father, You are in heaven! Holy, holy is Your name!

Your will and Your purposes are priority on Earth as they are in heaven; may Your will be done!

Please be kind and gracious and merciful to me regarding my requests.

Thank You for life.
Thank You for eternal life.
Thank You for forgiveness.

Oh God, my Father, You are able to do exceeding abundantly above all I ask or think.

My God, You shall supply all I need according to Your riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

My God, You are able to make all grace abound toward me, so that I will always have all sufficiency in all things, so that I can abound to every good work.

As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are Your ways higher than my ways and Your thoughts than my thoughts.

Teach me oh God, lead me, and guide me.

I deserve nothing. I can earn nothing. But by prayer and supplication, thanking You, oh Father, I am letting You know my requests, in Jesus Christ’s name.

Your ears are open unto my prayers, therefore I am casting all my cares upon You because You care for me.

I am coming to speak freely and openly at Your throne room of Grace.

God loves me. God is willing. God is able.

Isaiah 41:10 and 13
Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.

Ask Him, because the Father Himself loves you!


Posting It Again

I posted this song, Oh My Soul, from Casting Crowns, a couple of years ago.  In light of the article I shared a few weeks ago, The Delivering Power of God, this song is especially encouraging when going through a tough time.  I do hope both the article and this song encourages you!

The lyrics are on the video.