Politics? Not Really

My main purpose for this blog has never been about politics, but rather to help others have more confidence in God so they can receive what He has promised. That being said, the USA is at a point where politics are indeed front and center, and will stay there until the November presidential election. Even if you are a casual listener to the news, you know it has been a pretty ugly campaign; it’s very possible the low blow rhetoric will get even worse.

Last week Tampa hosted the Republican National Convention, and this week the Democrats are in Charlotte for their week long festivities.  I heard there are around 1500 reporters covering these conventions.  Depending on what those reporters see and hear, and then depending on what their bosses dictate, they will continue with their reports this week. It is sad that true journalists are extremely rare these days, in fact they are almost extinct. [pic of donkey elephant]

So why even mention it here on this blog?  Where’s the inspiration?  Where’s the help in having more confidence in God?  Bear with me a minute, because, actually, that really is my point.


Our country is deeply divided.  The differences are much, much greater than thinking one man has a better solution to the problems we face than the other guy.  The division is an ideological one, about the proper role of government, which can really stir up emotions on both sides.

Personally, I am really more concerned about what shape our country will be in when my granddaughter, Ava, hits the job market in twenty years.  How much freedom will there be for her to pursue her dreams?  How much will she have to pay in taxes?  [pic of Ava backpack]

Because of the current conditions in both our country and around the world, and the constant rhetoric which continues to stir up emotions, people are putting a lot of confidence in their man.  I am very much in favor of exercising my right to vote, as well as praying for our leaders.  But I can not, nor will I ever put my complete confidence in a man, or a political party.

Obviously when I vote, it will be for the person I believe will do the best for our country now, and for the future.

Real Confidence

But the far superior confidence I live with each day is a reliance on One who is worth having confidence in, who has a proven record of consistent reliability, and who has, is, and will continue to keep His promises.  Putting your complete trust and confidence in anyone or anything above God, will certainly, sooner or later, bring disappointment.

And so, as I mentioned earlier, I will continue pray for our leaders, those in office today, and those who will be in office after the elections. I pray for God to give them wisdom and guidance And I pray for God to raise up men and women with integrity who will adhere to the Constitution of our country.

The problems we face today are serious.  They didn’t happen over night and will not be rectified in a few days.  That’s why I also pray and ask God to intervene in our affairs and help this nation.  But, regardless of what the future holds, I remain confident that God is big enough to personally and individually help, guide, protect and direct all those who call upon Him, and believe and trust Him.

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