Who Do You Trust In Difficult Times?

There’s been lots of chatter for many months on the news, social media, and around the dinner table, about the economy. Inflation. Recession. Gas prices. Unemployment. Stock market. Interest rates. Etc. None of the talk we hear these days is very positive, joyful, or encouraging.

Everyone realizes the highest gas prices ever not only makes filling our vehicles more expensive, but it affects the cost of everything we buy. Some try to define or explain the words used to describe what’s going on. But the bottom line is, we all know it is costing all of us a lot more to live.

Meanwhile, politicians will never cease to make promises. However, it is much more beneficial for us to trust the promises of God! The Bible says, “God is not a man that He should lie…”

In difficult times, rather than trying to understand definitions of economic terms, or have high hopes in a politician’s promise, we can choose to believe God’s Word. The Bible says, “But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19)

The Bible also says, “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.” (II Corinthians 9:8)

Some may hear or read those great promises and others like them, and say “Well that sounds really good, but what can God do in my situation? I don’t have enough to make ends meet.” Or. “Getting a raise at work is out of the question.” Or, “I’m on a fixed income.” Or, “I just lost my job!”

Not only does God’s Word tell us that God does not lie, and therefore all His promises are all true, and He will bring them to pass for us when we believe Him, but there’s something else to keep in mind.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:8 & 9.

Just how high are the heavens? No one knows! God’s thoughts and His ways are that much higher and greater than our thoughts and ways. In other words, God has solutions you and I would never even think of! And guess what? We can read about that all over the Bible! God brought about solutions that were so fantastic! He did things people would have never even dreamed of.

How about crossing the Red Sea on dry ground. Dry ground! Who would have ever thought of that as an option? How about the widow who all she had left was a pot of oil? God multiplied that oil so that when she sold it she had enough to pay all of her debts and live off of the rest! How about Jesus Christ feeding thousands and all he had was five barley loaves and two small fishes! And they ended up with twelve baskets of leftovers!

In many places in God’s Word we see those who did not, with their own talents and resources, have enough. But when we put our absolute confidence and trust in God, no matter what we have, it is enough!

Politicians may make promises. Economists may make predictions. News outlets and social media may promote gloom and doom. Who do you choose to trust? Why not trust God and go to Him in prayer.

God’s Word is true, He does not lie. He is completely trustworthy and His promises are true. In difficult times, we can go to God in prayer, casting all our cares on Him because He cares for us.

We stay persistent in prayer, confidently trusting His promises, expecting to receive from Him, because,

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”              Isaiah 55:8 & 9.

You might be interested in the latest “His Word” podcast, #56, “Do You Have Enough?

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