Reflections of a Dad

(There is a video following this article)

It was 3:35 in the afternoon when she arrived weighing in at 8 pounds and 9 ounces.  Nine months of anticipation was over.  I was officially a father.

I still remember that day, clear as a bell.  Having dad in the delivery room wasn’t that acceptable back in 1976.  It was much more normal in 1983 when our second child arrived, which I also remember very clearly.

Kathy and I both love kids, but when we got married we decided not to have any.  Our reason was that the world was just too messed up to bring another human being into it.

But after being married for three years we sat through a Bible class, and our perspective on having children changed dramatically. We were not only excited by what we were learning, but also by the number of results we were seeing in our own lives. God graciously healed Kathy of an incurable disease, to name one.

We then agreed that if we had children we could raise them with knowledge of how good and great God is.  We could teach them how to trust God in every area of their lives.  And, they would also be able to help and bless others.

So, shedding some 60’s and 70’s thinking we had somewhat accepted, we started down the path to parenthood. I was so happy and proud to be present during the birth of both of our children.  I just wanted to be the best dad I could possibly be for my kids.

Like most dads, I taught our children the difference between right and wrong.  The standard I used for truth was the Bible.  And rather than just tell them, I taught them how they could, and should, go to the Bible and read it for themselves.  Why?

I knew the day would come, as it does for all children of believers, when they would have to transition from making their “parents’ God” their own God.  In other words, it would be up to them to decide to love and believe God and His Word for themselves, not just because Mom and Dad did.  But, honestly, isn’t that a decision all of us make every single day?

Speaking of choices, I taught them both to choose their friends wisely.  I told them it would be better if they just had only one really good friend as opposed to lots of “friends” that might lead them down a wrong path.  Those you hang out with and spend time with will definitely influence your thinking, beliefs and actions; that’s true for both youngsters and adults.

For those who are parents we know we can only teach, show, and point our children in the right direction.  God gave everyone free will to choose and we all decide to believe whatever we want to believe.  As our children were growing up I taught them to make decisions and choices wisely, using solid biblical principles as the standard for truth.

Cultures change but truth does not change.  That’s why each one of us must ask ourselves, honestly, why do I believe what I believe?  What standard is my belief based upon?

I know in raising children, our actions as parents make a much greater impact than the words we speak to them. Our children grew up seeing and experiencing God’s love.  God Almighty is the only perfect Father I know, so even though I fell short at times, the great abundance of love and forgiveness they were exposed to far outweighed my imperfections.

So, here I am on this Father’s Day Weekend, reflecting on being a dad.  I think almost every dad just wants the best for his children, and wishes he could have done more for them. I am thankful to still be a part of their grown up lives. I know of dads who, because of the child’s choice, no longer have any access; how devastating that must be.

So, hopefully, I will be able to continue to help and encourage, offer suggestions and wisdom, and enjoy watching them handle life’s challenges by trusting God, our heavenly Father.  And one day, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, will return, and then God’s whole family will meet together in the clouds.

Happy Father’s Day to all dads.

Mike Verdicchio

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