God's Arms Of Forgiveness Are Always Open!

The message in the short video below, that I posted several years ago, is worth repeating, over and over and over.

Feelings of guilt, condemnation, sin consciousness, unworthiness, and shame  always keep us from going to God to receive His forgiveness.

Because of past mistakes, some people feel there is no way God could ever forgive them. Nothing could be further from the truth. God’s arms are always open; God’s love and forgiveness are available for you, right now!

Enjoy the video

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Putting Your Past Behind You

A couple of weeks ago I was speaking at The Phoenix Rescue Mission.  I teach there several times a year. My topic that night was, Overcoming Challenges and Setbacks.

I spent some time on how to get rid of defeating thoughts of the past.  Thoughts of past failures; condemnation, sin consciousness, guilt, unworthiness; those are some of the most crippling and defeating thoughts we can think.

Below is an article I posted three years ago, titled, What’s in Your Past?   It starts with a man who had an extremely ugly past, and yet, he overcame it.  So can you!

What would you call an extremely religious man so committed to his beliefs that he goes about seeking to find and murder those who do not hold the same beliefs? A fanatical terrorist? It sounds a lot like the kind of things we hear going on today, but I’m actually talking about someone who lived quite some time ago.

I’m talking about a man whose mission in life


Are We Supposed To Just Keep Loving People Even When They Hurt Us?

broken heart

In 1971, I played the top 20 hit, Walk a Mile in My Shoes, by Joe South, many times on my radio show.  In the chorus, Joe sings, “Walk a mile in my shoes, walk a mile in my shoes; oh, before you abuse, criticize and accuse, walk a mile in my shoes.”

When our kids were in school, I told them often, “Don’t be so quick to judge other kids that have an attitude problem.  You don’t know what their home life is like; you don’t know what


Why Forgiveness Is So Important To Your Life!

It’s the season to think about Jesus’ birth. As a baby there in Bethlehem, he really didn’t do anything for mankind, but years later, he died for the sins of the whole world. And, because of him laying down his life for us, we now have forgiveness from God.

I’m aware the Bible teaches we ought to forgive others, “forgiving one another, even as God, for Christ’s sake has forgiven you.” But do we really need to forgive everyone? Even if they’re not sorry?

I’m also aware that Peter asked Jesus how many times in a day he needed to forgive someone. He asked if seven times was enough. Jesus’s response was seven times seventy! But what about someone who doesn’t deserve our forgiveness?

I have on many occasions forgiven someone who has done me wrong. I’m sure you have, too. And for all of us, there are times when it takes more effort to forgive. And we both know, remembering what God forgave us for makes it easier to forgive. But…

Do You Really Have To Forgive Everyone?

What about situations where someone hurts our feelings, or worse, who had no intention of hurting us? Someone in fact who has no idea their words or actions caused us any pain? Someone, for whatever reason, just acted like a jerk?

Some would say that person needs to be confronted. They need to be told how their words or actions offended. They in fact need to be sorry for what they did and then we can forgive them. But is that the real issue?

Many times people who choose not to forgive carry anger or resentment for any number of reasons. What was done to them was unloving, unkind; it was downright disrespectful. The person causing the hurt should have known better, and to make matters worse, they don’t even seem to care about the hurt they’ve caused.

The reality is, many times people don’t even realize they’ve hurt someone. If you’ve been married longer than a month or two, I’m sure you can relate. And those married for a long time know forgiveness is a huge key for a happy, long lasting marriage.

But What’s The Real Issue?

Yes, there are times when someone ought to be told their words or actions offended. Maybe they didn’t realize it, or maybe they just don’t really care. But that’s not the real issue.

What is important, very important, is that we forgive, regardless. Regardless of whether the one offending recognizes or cares. Regardless of whether the one offending is even sorry. We just forgive, period.

Small things? Easy, most of the time. Big things? Not so easy. But, for our own benefit, we just forgive, period.

Forgiveness has nothing to do with how much we are hurt. Forgiveness has nothing to do with whether the person who offended is sorry or not. Forgiveness has nothing to do with the person who offended getting away with something.

Forgiving others has everything to do with you.

Forgiveness Is About You

Carrying the resentment, anger, hurt, and disappointment is extremely hard on you. It will take a toll on you emotionally and physically. So, no matter how bad the hurt, forgive.

Those closest to us, family and friends, can hurt us the most. But carrying the hurt, carrying the resentment or anger, allowing the hurt to grow, brings great harm to us physically and mentally.

Proverbs 17:22 says, A merry heart does  good like a medicine: but a broken spirit dries the bones.

According to the Mayo Clinic, forgiveness brings with it plenty of health benefits, including improved relationships, decreased anxiety and stress, lower blood pressure, a lowered risk of depression, and stronger immune system and heart health. Letting go of negative emotions can often have a remarkable impact on the body.

Forgiveness doesn’t justify the hurtful action, nor does it excuse the offender. But it does keep us from being robbed of our peace and joy in living. God, Who created us, offers great help to us when others hurt us: forgive.

And, finally, the words the savior of the world spoke, while in excruciating pain, so horribly and unjustly punished, ought to inspire us to forgive, regardless. “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”


How To Put Your Ugly Past Behind You

dark forrest
What would you call an extremely religious man so committed to his beliefs that he goes about seeking to find and murder those who do not hold the same beliefs? A fanatical terrorist? It sounds a lot like the kind of things we hear going on today, but I’m actually talking about someone who lived quite some time ago.

I’m talking about a man whose mission in life was to seek and find Christians, arrest them, and then execute them. He was convinced he was doing “God’s work.” But in reality, he was responsible for murdering God’s children.

There was another man who

Waiting With Open Arms

I posted this short video pep talk (1:33) a couple of years ago.  The message is worth repeating, over and over and over.

Some feel there is no way God could ever forgive them. Nothing could be farther from the truth.  God’s arms are always open; God’s love and forgiveness are available for you, right now!

Enjoy the video

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A few weeks ago Kathy and I rented the movie Unbroken, the true story of Louis Zamperini based on the bestselling book by Laura Hillenbrand. It wasn’t easy to watch, but nevertheless very inspiring. You would think surviving 47 days floating in a raft in the Pacific Ocean would be more than anyone could endure. But he endured so much more for over two years as a POW.

A Big Surprise!

When we finished the movie, there was a big surprise – the bonus material on the DVD. Watching it we got to see and hear him, in his nineties. He died last July at the age 97.

One can only imagine after enduring what he endured how it would affect your life. After a time of tremendous hurt and struggle back home, Louis remembered something he told God drifting on his raft years before. He turned to God, accepted Christ, and his life changed dramatically.

Watching and listening to him speak, there is tremendous learning in many categories, but especially forgiveness. I better stop at this point, in case you haven’t seen the bonus material; I don’t want to be a spoiler. But I plan to purchase the DVD just because of that extra material.

Have you watched the movie? Have you seen the bonus material? What did you think?

Mike Verdicchio

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You Might Also Enjoy:
The Forgiveness Decision (Podcast)
Forgive Even If They’re Not Sorry? (Video)
If He Could Forgive (Video)
Unbroken (The Movie)

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Washed His Feet With Her Tears

From the Category, “The Eastern Eye”

[The Bible is an “Eastern” book. It was written many years ago in the “East” which today we refer to as “The Middle East.”  As such, there are many customs and idioms that are not familiar to the “Western” mind.

In understanding the Scriptures it is important for us to understand the culture, but it doesn’t mean that we should necessarily follow that culture. Rather, it is in the understanding of the Eastern culture that we gain light and understanding about many things in the Bible.]

woman cryingThere is a record in the Gospel of Luke that tells of a woman washing the feet of Jesus with her tears. Without understanding the customs of Bible times, one might think she was crying pretty hard. While she was indeed weeping, those were not the tears she used to wash his feet.

You Can Always Come Home

Some feel they have messed up so badly there is no way God could ever forgive them. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

This short video (1:33) is about God’s open arms of love and forgiveness;  you can always come home.

Enjoy the video

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A New Start?

It’s Another Podcast!

How do you feel when you are faced with starting over?  It could be something major like moving across country, or, maybe a habit that you have decided again to start over and really  do something about it.  It could even be because of no fault of your own.

In this short podcast (8:16) I’ll give you three simple but powerful keys that will be very helpful for your new beginning.

Enjoy the podcast!

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Having Trouble Forgiving Others?
If He Could Forgive
Stop Looking Back

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