Don’t Give Up!

It’s Another Video!

There is no denying we are living in difficult times.  But, that doesn’t mean you have to give up on your dreams and goals, does it?

Here’s a short video [1:10] from the archives of Enriching Your

Enjoy the video.

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Never Give Up
What Happened To Your Dreams?
Dream Stealers

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One Brick At A Time

Have you given up on your goals?  Have you abandoned your dreams?

Many people today feel like there is just no way to reach what they once hoped for.  In this short 4 minute video discover what “bricks” have to do with your goals and dreams.

Enjoy the video.

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Go For It!

It’s Another Podcast!

Football season is here and Veterans Day is right around the corner.  This short podcast (5:31) combines both.  It is about your dreams.

A number of years ago I emceed a business breakfast and Rocky Blier was our keynote speaker. Listen to his story.  Does this inspire you to recapture your dream and go for it?

Enjoy the podcast.

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Stop Making Excuses!
Where Is Your Life Going This Year?
Stop Looking Back!

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Never Give Up

It’s Another Video!

Many people have given up on their dreams for one reason or another.  Have you?

Here’s a short video (3:30) with a number of examples of name you will recognize.  These people did not give up on their dreams, and neither should you.

Enjoy the video.

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How Old Are You?
Stop Making Excuses
What Happened To Your Dreams?

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What Do You Expect?

compit-emailYou have probably received emails where the sender has a personal signature, maybe even complete with a quote of some kind.  I receive those from time to time.  There are a number of people who like to put a quote, phrase, or something similar to that under their name when they send out an email.

Some of those things are funny.  Others I have found inspiring.  But a couple of years ago my son told me about something he read on an email that he received.  What he read didn’t exactly inspire him.  And, even though it was probably intended to be funny, he didn’t see the humor in it at all!

statueThe line under the signature read, “Just accept it. Some days you’re a statue and other days you’re a pigeon.”  Wow!  How’s that for a mind picture?  Someone told me several months ago it is an expression that some New Yorkers use at times.

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

First of all, my son didn’t like the “accept it” part of the quote and I don’t blame him. I don’t believe that life is determined by fate. We do not just have to accept whatever happens to us.  We have the freedom of will to take charge of our own lives.

Secondly, my son took issue with being a pigeon.  He told me that he thought that the quote was basically saying that some days you have to be a statue and have crap dumped on you, but other days, you get to be a pigeon and dump crap on others.

I’m glad he had the maturity not to just laugh it off as another “funny” example about what to expect in life.  It is sad, but there are lots of people who have this kind of attitude about life in one form or another.  They get up each day with thoughts like, “Well, let’s see what today brings.”

Do You Really Want To Live That Way?

Now that’s an interesting outlook on life isn’t it?  Get up in the morning and yawn, and say, “Gee, I wonder if I’m going to be statue today, or a pigeon?  Oh well, whatever happens, I’m just going to accept it.”

Very few people realize that what you consistently accept is what you will consistently expect, and that is what you will consistently receive.

So who ever said that we just have to “accept” everything that comes our way?  No matter what situation or circumstance you are in today, you don’t have to accept the way things are in your life.  You can choose by your own freedom of will to change your life. You really can choose to have confidence in God.  It all starts with your thoughts.

What If Things Are Lousy Right Now?

42-15530351If lousy things are happening in your life right now, and you are dealing with unpleasant situations, and you feel just like a bombarded statue, the first thing I recommend is stop dwelling on all those things.  Stop talking about that mess.  Stop focusing on that. I didn’t say to pretend it doesn’t exist; just don’t accept it as the ways things have to be in your life.

Instead, use your God-given free will to think and focus on exactly what you desire for your life.  Find a helpful method to keep your mind attuned to your desires and goals, so that you can keep those thoughts in the forefront of your mind.

Some people like to write down their goals and read them throughout the day. Others carry written affirmations with them to read during the day.  There are those who review their goals and dreams before they go to sleep and especially when they wake up in the morning.  Personally, I like to review those kinds of things early in the morning while praying and talking to God.

Do You Really Need A Method?

So few realize what is most important is what you are consistently thinking.  The write-itdominant thoughts that you carry build your own personal belief system.  The things that you attract into your life are based on your own personal belief system.

Think about it logically.  If we are supposed to “accept whatever happens,” then why did God give each and every one of us free will to choose to think whatever thoughts we want to think?  And, why did He promise to answer prayers and give you the desires of your heart?

Accepting whatever life throws at you is certainly not living life with confidence and joy.   However, it doesn’t have to be the way you go through your life. You do have a choice.  Each morning you can choose the thoughts you will carry for that day, and continue to build a positive and successful belief system.

Mike Verdicchio

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Do Things Really Happen For A Reason?
Do You Rely On Luck Or Fate?
You Gotta Have Faith

Stop Making Excuses!

One of the dictionary definitions of an excuse is, “An explanation offered as a reason for release from an obligation or promise.  Some explanations are regarded as “good excuses,” while others are looked upon as “poor excuses.”  Either way, they both give explanations or reasons why.

“I forgot” is perhaps the most popular and even thought by some to be the worst excuse of all time.  Next in line comes, “I changed my mind.”

On the other hand, if you were snowed in for two days due to a blizzard, that would rank pretty high as a “good excuse” for not making it in to work, right?

What About Other Excuses?

But what about excuses people have concerning their goals and their dreams?   What about places you’d like to go in life, things you want to do, things you’d like to accomplish, but somewhere along the line you came up with some good explanations of why you can’t have those things? Are they really “good excuses?”

Suppose you had dreams and aspirations of running a marathon, climbing a mountain, or even jumping out of a plane?  Those are really exciting goals and dreams, but what if you were blind?  Being blind would be a pretty “good excuse,” wouldn’t it?

Have you ever heard of Erik Weihenmayer?  He went blind at age 13.  Erik has run in marathons, jumped out of planes, and climbed mountains, including Mt. Everest!  Here’s quote from Erik:

“When I went blind, it was tough to even find the bathroom.  Now that I’ve climbed Mount Everest, well, I guess I’ve come a long way.”


On May 25, 2001, Erik Weihenmayer became the first blind man in history to reach the summit of the world’s highest peak – Mount Everest. And on September 5, 2002, when he stood on top of Mt. Kosciusko in Australia, Erik had completed his 7-year goal to climb The Seven Summits – the highest mountains on each of the seven continents.

I read that only 100 mountaineers have ever accomplished that feat. Erik did it at the age 33, one of the youngest climbers to accomplish that feat!   You can read Erik’s book, called, Touch the Top of the World.

What About Your Dreams And Goals?

So, are your dreams, goals and desires too big?  I don’t think so.

There’s a promise in the Bible that God will give you the desires of your heart.  What are your desires?  God will give them to you!  Now, that doesn’t mean that you will just wake up some morning at the top of Mt. Everest, and wonder how you got there!

road-rainbowBut, in pursuing your desires and goals, God can help you. He can show you, lead you, direct you, and give you the desires of your heart.

So don’t be afraid to have big goals, and big dreams!  Ask God for help and direction and then start pursuing!

Is there someone you can talk to?  Do you need further education or training?  Are there places you need to go to see and learn?

In other words, start taking whatever action you can right now, today!  And continue to pursue after it day after day, refusing to quit.

It Really Is Your Choice

You can choose to consistently pursue after you goals or you can choose to just sit back and go through all the “good excuses” of why those goals just won’t happen for you.

It’s been said many times that the greatest reward is not in reaching your goal, but who you become along the way in reaching your goal.  Erik now gets to talk to thousands of people about what it’s like to work and reach your goals.

I read that when he was climbing Mt. Everest, that just minutes from being on the top of the world, Erik started to cry – but those tears were freezing on his face, so he had to stop crying for a few more minutes until he was indeed standing on the top of the world!

Your dreams and your desires are important because they are yours!  God wants to help you and give you the desires of your heart.

Stop making excuses and start pursuing your dreams!

Mike Verdicchio

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There Just Has To Be A Solution!
Stop Looking Back

Erik’s book:
Touch the Top of the World: A Blind Man’s Journey to Climb Farther than the Eye Can See: My Story

DVD Movie:
Farther Than The Eye Can See

Keeping Your Dreams Alive

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It’s Another Podcast!

There are may who go through life feeling unfulfilled because they have never reached their dreams.  Some people have talked themselves out of their dreams.  Others feel that the things they once desired are too far out of their reach now.

There are those who think that they are too old to follow their dreams while others see no possible way to achieve them with the current economic situation.

Why?  What happened?

In this Podcast you will see how to keep your dreams alive and learn some very practical things that you can do right now to not only keep them alive, but  see your dreams come into reality.

Enjoy this podcast. It’s about 13 minutes.

Related Posts:
I mentioned “Rachel’s dream” – it’s on,  What Happened To Your Dreams?
Time For A Road Trip
A Dream For Him And A Treat For Me
Have you Failed

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For past videos and podcasts, check out the Archives. Look for more videos as well as more podcasts coming soon to Confidence And Joy!

Time For A Road Trip

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It’s Another Podcast!

Summer will be here soon, and that’s always a good time for a road trip.  I think pursuing goals and dreams are a lot like taking a road trip. “Are we there yet?” 

Enjoy this 7 minute podcast. If you’re planning a road trip, where are you going? Or, even if you’re not planning a road trip, I’d love to hear from you.  Got a comment, a complaint, or even a rant?  Just leave it below and let us know what’s on your mind.

Look for more podcasts as well as more videos coming soon to Confidence And Joy!


The dictionary defines fantasy as,

“An imagined event or sequence of mental images, such as a daydream, usually fulfilling a wish or psychological need; an unrealistic or improbable supposition.”

That Is Fantasy.

However, the vision that you have for your life, your goals, your dreams and your desires, are not fantasy. They are not just daydreams fulfilling a psychological need. They are not just some nice mind games to keep you happy and positive. And they are certainly not unrealistic or improbable suppositions.

Quite the contrary, your goals, your dreams, and your desires really do matter. They are important. Why? They are important because they are YOUR goals. They are YOUR dreams. They are YOUR desires.

Have you ever wondered who decides and determines if your goals, dreams and desires are too big? Does someone exist who has the authority to overrule your goals, desires and dreams? Do we determine and decide for others just how big they can dream, or what goals are simply not realistic for them?

It is not your place or mine to determine if someone’s goals and dreams and desires are too big for them or not. You and I are not the ones to figure that out for someone else. Likewise, it is no one else’s business to decide if your goals and dreams and desires are too big or not for you. They are yours!

So, What About Ability And Resources?

Is that the criteria that should determine the size of our goals? If that were true, a blind man would have never made it to the top of Mt. Everest. And yet, Erik Weihenmayer did just that in 2001. If ability and resources determine whether a goal is too big or not, then three small ships would have never crossed the Atlantic Ocean to the New World. But in 1492, they did.

Sometimes looking at our own present ability and our own present resources are enough to deter us from what we really desire deep inside. That is, unless of course we have the right connections!

Who Do You Know?

Have you ever heard the statement, “It’s who you know that counts?” I’m sure you have. And you’ve also probably heard, “You’ve got to have connections to make it in this world.”

Now I’m not denying that connections can be helpful; many times, they are very helpful. The point I am making is that too often people look at their lack of ability and resources. Then, they look at their lack of “connections” and they give up on their goals. But, they have overlooked the biggest and best connection of all!

As Christians we have a loving Father, unwavering in His love for us, and unlimited in His ability and His resources. With that kind of a connection, why would you ever give up or abandon your goals, dreams and desires? In fact, there is a verse in the Bible that talks about God being able to do that which is exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ask or think!

How Big Can You Dream?

How big can you think? How big can you dream? How big are your goals and desires? It really doesn’t matter what it seems like to other people. It’s not their dream – it is yours! You can have it. And, you can have every desire of your heart!

Fantasy is a dream with no action. Without action, dreams become unrealistic or improbable suppositions. Without action, our desires are nothing more than a sequence of mental images. Without action, our desires just become daydreams.

The vision you carry of your life, your goals, your dreams, and your desires are your prerogative, and they are very important! They are important because they are yours! Don’t let anyone talk you out of them. Especially don’t talk yourself out of them!

Because God loves you, your goals and dreams and desires are important to Him too. Don’t allow them to evaporate into a fantasy. Instead, ask for His help, and begin taking action.

Act now! Do something, no matter how small it seems to you! Acquire information, develop a new skill, or talk to someone. The point is, start moving forward.

Remain confident that your desires will come to pass, that your dreams will be fulfilled, and that your goals will be met, and they will!

Mike Verdicchio