The Supreme Court Has Spoken


(Note: Some links I’ve included in this article are intended to give you added information and perspective)

When I heard the recent US Supreme Court decision regarding marriage, like many Christians, it was not a time of rejoicing, far from it. In a 5-4 decision, the judges redefined an institution that has served humanity for thousands of years. They, by their decision, overturned God’s plan for human beings.

God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” He made a woman and brought her unto the man. Forget the Christian bashing; this was long before Christianity. This was God’s plan for human beings from the beginning.

Many people I’ve talked to since that decision feel pretty disgusted. But honestly, are we surprised? A very well planned and executed public relations movement, complete with lies, over the past 30 some years has brought us to this point. But, sadly, it is not the end game!

So Now What Do We Do?

It’s almost unbelievable that the US Supreme Court made such a decision to accommodate a mere 3.8% of the population that desire unnatural sexual relations. It’s staggering that the White House decorated with rainbow lighting. And it will be much more disturbing when the ramifications of this decision play out in the days to come.

But, have you noticed that this whole topic, thinking about it, talking about it and hearing about it wears you down? Isn’t it draining? It certainly isn’t inspiring, is it?

There’s a passage in II Peter 2 about Abraham’s nephew, Lot. He lived in the city of Sodom. The scriptures tell us that the things Lot was exposed to, day after day after day, vexed his soul, meaning it wore him down. Can you relate?

I told someone in an email recently that we can and should have our beliefs and facts organized so that we can speak intelligently on the matters, when the topic comes up. But to stay immersed in it all day every day will just wear you down.

Appeal The Decision!

No, the US Supreme Court is not the highest court in the land! God Almighty is the Judge of all. We can appeal this recent “supreme” decision by going to God in prayer.

We can pray for our country, that God would raise up moral leaders and moral judges.

We can pray for our brothers and sisters who have been, and are being wore down.

We can pray for blind eyes to be opened, for deliverance to those who seek it.

Yes, there are some who, outraged by the decision, have spoken out very harshly and hatefully. I don’t agree with that, but I do understand their emotions. On the other hand, those kinds of responses pale in comparison to the actions, words, and photos of late from some the “gay community” who are rejoicing with blatant, “in your face” scorn, mockery and hatred of Christian morals.

I don’t hate anyone, but I certainly do not, and cannot condone actions that are contrary to what the Bible clearly teaches. There is a huge difference between loving someone and condoning their actions. I choose to love people, but I refuse to compromise the truth of God’s Word. I am not ashamed of the truth I believe.

We can love others, leaving the door open for them to return to the truth of God’s Word. Christ paid the price for all sins. Because of Christ’s completed work, God’s deliverance is readily available for all.

So, we can choose to love. But, our relationship with them is limited. Scripture speaks of not having company (full mixing) with people engaged in certain activities. And, sadly, in my own life, painful as it is, I’ve had to limit what was once a very, very close relationship, to something much, much less.


The good news? God promised to send His Son back, and He will! Even though we know the Bible tells us evil people and seducers shall wax worse and worse, we do know how things are going to turn out.

Until that day comes, we can choose to shine as lights in this crooked and perverse place.
I choose to believe God’s Word.
I choose to pray.
I choose to love.

Mike Verdicchio

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