What If It’s Really True?

Some believe it. Some don’t. But is it really true?

Is there life after you die? Believing something doesn’t make it true and not believing something doesn’t make it false; it’s either true or it’s not.

In the first part of the Bible, you read about people living a very long time, but they all eventually died. Statistics from 201  show the average life expectancy in the United States is 76 years for males and 81 years for females. But regardless of the average, everyone still eventually dies.

What Happens After You Die?

Many different beliefs exist concerning what happens after you die, after this life ends. Do you come back as a butterfly? Will you be engulfed forever in flames? Must you spend time suffering for your sins and then enter the pearly gates? Will there be 72 virgins waiting for you?

On the other hand, what if after you die and this life ends, that’s it? You would be obliterated! Actually, there’s a Greek word used in the Bible translated “perish.” It means completely abolished and gone forever, the total and complete end of something; to be obliterated and gone forever.

The book of Ecclesiastes is pretty blunt about the subject of death. It states very clearly there is one event for all, for the righteous and for the sinner. We are all going to the grave; in other words, everyone will die.

It’s interesting to me Ecclesiastes talks about doing all you can today, because the day will come when you will go to the grave. And it’s very clear in Ecclesiastes, as well as other places in the Scriptures, that once in the grave, you will do and know absolutely nothing. There is no praise of God, no work, no wisdom, no rewards, nothing. According to the Bible, the dead are dead and know nothing.

Is That The Final End?

If there is nothing more after you die, what is the purpose of this life? Live, do your best, and then die? What would be the point of anything?

If it were not for the grand and spectacular plan by God Almighty for something more than perishing, there really would be no point to this life. The Bible states, “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.” It goes on to say if there is no resurrection those who believed in Christ and have died have perished. In other words, if this life is all there is, why even believe in Christ? Again, there would be no point.

Choose What Happens After You Die

The most popular verse in the Bible holds a fantastic key. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” “Should not perish” is the key.

The verse doesn’t say those who believe in Christ will not die, it says they will not perish. Those who choose to believe in Jesus Christ shall not perish! Thus, the antithesis of perishing is everlasting life!

By believing and accepting Christ, we receive everlasting life from God. This new eternal life God gives will be fully realized when God sends His Son back as He has promised. Until then, those who have believed in Jesus and have died are simply “asleep,” taking a nap.

What an awesome and loving plan! Believing in Jesus means you are assured that after you die, you will absolutely have eternal life! God also promised when His Son does come back, those who believe in Jesus are all going to be changed. The “long nap” is over, and we receive a new body that will be like Jesus Christ’s resurrected body!

What Do You Believe?

Everyone believes what they choose to believe. God gives us all free will. You can believe and expect butterfly wings, fire, pearly gates, or virgins. But believing something does not make it true.

You can choose to believe what the Bible clearly states. When you die, you are asleep and know nothing until Christ returns. The day he does come back, if you are asleep, you are raised incorruptible with a new body. If you are still alive on that glorious day, you change from mortal to immortal with a new body. And we will all meet Christ, face to face, in the clouds, and so shall we ever be with him!

What If It’s Really True?

The Bible also says God does not want anyone to perish! He offers everlasting life to everyone. Anyone can choose to accept His offer: believe in His Son, believe he is lord of all men and that God raised him from the dead. It is that belief and acceptance that grants anyone God’s promise of everlasting life!

What If It’s Really True? I Believe It Is!

Photo Credit: brandon_gerringer Flickr via Compfight cc

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