Who Are You Really?

I remember a time when I had a very low opinion of myself. I hated to look in the mirror.  I felt like an absolute failure. At the time, I didn’t realize the negative impact carrying that kind of mental picture of myself had in every area of my life.

We all know there’s no lack of information available about self-esteem. Books, classes, seminars and websites are full of suggestions to help you with your self-image. But here’s a very critical question to ask: is what you believe about yourself true or is it false?

Your self-image is based on information you have accepted. That picture might be based on what others think or say about you, what job or occupation you have, your education or social standing, or even your bank account.

Just because someone chooses to base their self image on the current facts or circumstances about themselves does not mean that is who they really are. It may be the reality that they have chosen for the moment, but it isn’t necessarily who they really are.  

For example, if someone has little or no money in the bank, they may choose to see themselves as a poor person. Their self-esteem might be based on the lack of money they have. They could then choose to accept that reality, and continue to be poor.  

But does having little or no money make you a perpetually poor person? If that were true then anyone who today has little or no money would be destined to stay poor, and we know that is not the case. Countless people who started out with little are now very comfortable; some are even wealthy.  What changed for them mentally?

It’s yours because…

Your current reality is your reality because you have accepted it. Your opinions of yourself, your self-image, your self-esteem and your self worth are all dependent on who you think you are at this moment. It may very well be your reality at this moment, but could it be a false reality?

Suppose a person thinks that they are George Washington living in 1776. We would all readily agree that they are out of touch with reality and need some help. But for them, as delusional as they may be, because of what they have accepted in their minds, that is their reality.

The Creator designed all of us to have free will. It is your freedom of will that allows you to accept any reality you want to, even it is delusional. But one must remember, God never intended for people to fail. He designed us to be successful and to live abundantly. He wishes above all things that we prosper and be in health.

Whenever a Christian thinks less of himself than what God thinks of him, that person is out of touch with reality. So, what is God’s opinion of you?  Before I learned some great truths from the Bible, I believed God was completely disgusted and disappointed with me. I was quite shocked to find out how God sees me!

Deserving or being worthy has nothing to do with it!

Of course, without question or debate, none of us deserves or is worthy of God’s love and forgiveness.  All of us miss the mark; no one is perfect. In fact, the great Apostle Paul said he was the least of all the apostles, and chief of sinners.  Yet he also said, “By the grace of God I am what I am.” ( I Corinthians 15:10)

Did Paul mean that by God’s grace he was an unworthy sinner?  No. Paul recognized who he now was because of the completed work of Christ. And with the kind of past he had, it must have taken him some time to get that new self image planted firmly into his heart and mind.

When we read the Church Epistles Paul wrote by revelation from God, do they remind us over and over again of how unworthy and undeserving we are?  Or, do we see over and over again how wonderful we are in God’s eyes? Again, we are wonderful not by our own doing and not because we deserve anything, but by God’s grace to us because of what Christ accomplished for every Christian believer.

And when we really ponder and take the time to consider those truths about who God says we are in His eyes, knowing we could never earn it, doesn’t that cause great thanksgiving to God and inspire us to live a Christian life? Absolutely!  Not out of guilt, not out of trying to obtain, not out of duty, but out of thanksgiving to our loving and merciful God.

This is reality!

Reality, according to the Bible, is that as a Christian, in God’s sight you are righteous, which means you are right in His sight!  Lovely and acceptable! You have received redemption and forgiveness! You are a child of God! Nothing can separate you from God’s love! He has given you the gift of eternal life!  And much more!

You can, if you choose to, with humility and gratitude, accept what God says about you as your reality.  You can choose to allow His words about you to form your self image. Or, you can focus on your weaknesses and shortcomings, your current facts and circumstances, and accept those instead. Whatever reality you accept in your life, the self image you adopt is what you will continue to manifest in your life.

People who see themselves as failures consistently fail. People who see themselves as not very smart rarely make an effort to gain new knowledge. People who go around saying, “I never get a break,” seldom do.

Those who see themselves unworthy before God have little confidence to go to Him for His help, and thus limit the relationship they could have with Him, and as a result, many times miss out on blessings He so desires to give to His children.

The thoughts you allow in your mind develop roots in your heart and become your core beliefs. Those core beliefs then form your self-worth. But, because it all starts with a thought, you can begin to change your reality by first changing your thoughts.

Why not accept who God says you really are in His eyes? Why not accept and expect His help and direction in every category of your life?

You really are who God says you are. You really do have what God says you have. And, you really can do all that God says you can do!

That Is Reality!

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