Why is God so Invested and Concerned with Human Beings?

It’s unmistakable and undeniable that the Creator of all the heavens and the earth is extremely concerned with human beings here on this planet. Among other things, He gave us 66 written books, and in those writings, the Bible, He gives past, present and future details about Earth and its inhabitants. Why is He so invested and concerned with human beings on planet Earth?

You might wonder what prompted me to ask such a question. It’s mostly a result of pondering a verse in the Bible, Psalm 8:4:  “What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?” Obviously I’m not the first person to wonder why.

Imagine for a moment you own all the land in the state of Texas, over 268,000 square miles. And you decide to heavily invest your attention into a single ant hill. It’s a silly illustration, but one can readily agree the ant hill seems very small and insignificant compared to thousands of square miles, right?

God created more than just the land in Texas.  He created more than planet Earth. He in fact created the earth and all the heavens. And to help put that into a little perspective, here’s some information from an article by Austin Schoonmaker (on Twitter @whatsaschoon)

A light year is the distance light can travel in one year, about 186,000 miles per second. The Milky Way Galaxy is where planet Earth and our solar system resides in. Our home galaxy is about 100,000 light-years across. Within the Milky Way, there are an estimated 200-400 billion stars similar to our very own Sun. Among these 200-400 billion stars, there are an estimated 100 billion planets across the Milky Way.

Scientists say that there are an estimated 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe, though this figure is fully expected to jump to 200 billion galaxies once we launch more technologically advanced telescopes.

100 billion galaxies. 200-400 billion stars per galaxy. 100 billion planets per galaxy.

Wow!  Remember the ant hill I mentioned?  My illustration certainly pales in trying to compare the earth with all the universe.  And yet, as tiny as earth is in comparison, the Creator of the earth and all the heavens, has invested heavily into the inhabitants of this planet of ours.

God not only gave us His Word, the written scriptures, but through the centuries He also revealed helpful information to certain individuals, people like Noah, Abraham, and Joseph.

At one point in our human history, the Creator of the heavens and the earth chose a specific people; they would be His people and He would be their God.  He helped, blessed and protected His people for centuries.

But even greater than all that, the Bible tells us He so loved the world (meaning all the people on earth) that He gave His only begotten Son to redeem mankind.  He further made a promise that anyone (not just His chosen people, but anyone) who believes in His Son will be given eternal life!

Why did He do that?  Who is man that He is mindful of us?  Why would the Creator of all the vast galaxies make eternal life available to human beings here on planet earth?

The answer is in plain sight.  It is found in the most popular verse of the Bible, John 3:16.  That verse begins, “For God so loved the world…” The answer is God’s love.  God loves human beings!

The Creator of it all loves human beings!  He loves us so much He devised a plan whereby any one of us can gain eternal life! When anyone accepts Jesus as lord and believes God raised him from the dead, the Bible says they are saved!

Why does God love human beings to that degree?  Because love is God’s very nature. The Bible tells us, “God is love.”

And isn’t it remarkable and notable that in the very first written words from God to human beings, He tells us He is indeed the Creator of the heavens and the earth!

Enjoy the video below. It gives a small glimpse into the magnificent  handiwork of God Almighty, our heavenly Father, the Creator of the heavens and the earth!

God really does love you!

For some cool pictures, check out this article: In The Beginning.
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  1. Good bless Mike
    Thanks so much for sharing this with me. I have never stopped to consider this before.And it really opened my eyes. But to compare an ant hill to the state of Texas is a mind blowing analogy,and very sobering one as well. Again,thank you for taking the time to share this with me.