A Special Day

Yesterday was a special day for me.  It was the 28th anniversary of my ordination to the Christian ministry.  As I recount in This Is My Story, there was a gorgeous sunset on that evening, August 11, 1982.

These past 28 years have been exciting, challenging, and ever changing.  I did spend a good chunk of those years doing full time ministry work.  But, regardless of the times and the circumstances in my life, I have always tried to hold true to the words on my ordination certificate.

It says “a minister of the Gospel of Deliverance of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.”  The English word “minister” in the New Testament comes from the Greek word that means “to serve.”  “Gospel” means “good news.”  So, I have endeavored to do my best in serving the good news concerning Jesus Christ that brings deliverance.

Being a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ gives me great flexibility and freedom.  I am not bound by the rules or traditions of a particular denomination.  I have the freedom to continue to examine the Scriptures and grow in my understanding.  I am free to teach and share anywhere anyone invites me.

I am aware that I am responsible for what I teach and share.  I have always done my best to share and teach what I believe is the truth and accuracy of God’s Word, the Bible.  But if and when I learn something new, I am not afraid to change and move forward.

I really love and enjoy doing this blog.  It is yet another avenue for me to reach out to people.  The day may come when I will have a lot more time to devote here.  I look forward to that day!

But until then, I am delighted to continue to contribute what time allows me, in hopes that it is both inspiring and encouraging.  I want to continue helping people to have more confidence in God and to enjoy the life God has given each of us to live.

Thanks for visiting this blog and allowing me to serve you some good news.

Mike Verdicchio

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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2 thoughts on “A Special Day

  1. Thank you, Mike for your care and love to serve God’s people in so many ways!!!!! And to be constantly faithful to minister God’s Word whether you think anyone is listening or not….they are listening and all this will show up at the return ! 🙂
    God Bless You !!!<3 Carol 🙂