Economic Fears

It’s Another Video!

I kind of stumbled onto this video, not really looking for it at all.  I thought it was very timely, given the economic situations going on today.

I especially enjoyed the first half of this interview with Dave Ramsey because there are a lot of people today who are afraid.

Enjoy the video.

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2 thoughts on “Economic Fears

  1. Thanks so much! I made all my kids read Dave Ramsey’s book and we’ve endeavored to live by it. Where I part ways with folks like Warren Buffet, is perhaps that I’m not big on investing in the stock market. I’d rather invest in people, ideas, properties that are germaine to me…that I have some intimate knowledge of. Otherwise I may be funding spiritual and political movements that I do not agree with, unwittingly. I think FEAR needs to be defined better by those of us endeavoring to minister God’s word. In Proverbs, it says, “A prudent man sees danger and hides himself.” That does not mean run scared at any sign of trouble but in some cases it may mean exiting an investment strategy because the peripheral circumstances are so extremely unstable. It would be worse to stand still and do nothing than to act in some cases. Some situations call for running, (not walking) screaming a warning, the other direction. If others call that being afraid, I differ. While WE may get this…I’m not saying any thing that one of you did not teach me many years ago…type of deal…not everyone does and most people don’t. I was reminded last night by a friend who plays in a band, that he does not necessarily understand Old English. He went to Catholic School and had many years of exposure to Latin, but when I post a scripture on facebook, he’ll ask me to translate and sometimes even get perturbed. Ok, as of last night, I get it. We need to assume that others do not know what we know and speak in plain English, whether it is about scripture, about fear or about finance. BTW, you are very good at that Mike and my friend was very much helped by listening to one of your teachings.

  2. Jeannie, so glad your friend was helped by one of the teachings; very cool!
    And yes, God does expect us to be good stewards of what we have so we need to be smart about financial matters.
    Have a great week!