Are You Willing?

Across the country, springtime flowers are in bloom. Each one of them will hopefully grow and reach its potential.  Here in Arizona our citrus trees are in full bloom; we certainly anticipate them reaching their potential.

Without sounding too philosophical, isn’t life all about growth and potential?  The question is, are we willing to change. I am. Are you?

When you bring a new puppy home, you know it will not be a puppy forever.  You train the little doggy and it soon grows and hopefully reaches its potential.  And if you’ve ever had the honor of bringing home a new baby, well, then, you know the baby is going to grow up to be an adult.

Now of course it’s lots of fun to talk about flowers and trees, and little babies and puppies.  But let’s take a look at human adults. We’ve all grown up physically, but what about spiritually, mentally, socially?  Have we all reached our potential?

If trees and flowers are nurtured in a good environment they will grow and reach their full potential.  The same is true with little puppies. And, to a degree the same is true with little babies.  But there is however, an important variable for humans. God gave us free will to choose, and for us, that changes things dynamically.

A child may grow up in a lousy environment and yet, because of free will choices, the child can still grow and matures to full potential.  On the other hand, another child may grow up in a very good environment, but because of free will choices, that child will not reach positive full potential.

That’s Nice, But What About Me?

How about you and me today? Is there any room for growth?  Have you reached your full potential?  Have I? Is there something about myself that I need to change? What about you?

There are two general opinions about the need for change.  They are opposites.  One recognizes the need to change, while the other denies it.

For some people, they do not want to even consider changing.  They are happy where they are.  They say things like, “I am fine in my own skin. I like me just the way I am; This is who I am.”

It’s not a question of knowing who you are right now, or being fine in your own skin.  The question is, have you reached your potential; and if not, do you want to grow and reach it?

It’s Too Much Work

For lots of people the thought of change means work. The truth is, many people become comfortably lazy.  They looked around one day and discovered there was no school teacher or parent keeping them accountable for their growth.  They then made a free will decision:  I have arrived and I like where I am. No more homework for me!

I am not trying to be critical of people who have no desire to change or improve their lives.  That is their choice and they are free to choose how to live their lives. Nor am I saying that we should all be engaged in daily activities that rival the training of Olympic athletes, or those pursuing a doctor’s degree.

I am simply asking if there something in my life that I can change and improve.  Or, have I reached my full potential?  I would like to think that since I am still alive there is still room for growth.

For those who truly desire to continue to grow and develop and change, it is not about beating yourself up. It is not looking in the mirror with disgust and disappointment and feeling like a failure.  Rather, it is looking in the mirror knowing there is more for you, and, that you are willing to change to get it.

It Takes Courage

One of the few places courage is talked about is you in front of a mirror. That’s because no one sees that courage but you.  Do you have the courage to take action to change something in your life?  Are you willing?

It takes real courage to be honest with ourselves and tell ourselves, “I need to change that; this is what I am going to do.”  That is not beating yourself up and feeling sorry for yourself. It is loving yourself enough to recognize a change is needed, and then being willing to take the necessary action to grow and change.

God designed the life that we see with our own eyes every day.  Springtime is a reminder to me of starting over: new flowers, new shoots, new buds and new growth.  And yet, every day can be springtime because we have been given free will to choose the thoughts we will think every day.

For each of us, in addition to areas we might like to change, there might be areas in our lives where we haven’t reached our full potential.  Why not live the life God gave us to its fullest?  Why not explore the possibilities of continued growth?  Are you willing?

Mike Verdicchio

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2 thoughts on “Are You Willing?

  1. I brought a baby into the world once, and I honestly thought that he would grow up stage by stage automaticly. I thought God designed the mind to just go through stages of maturity as one got older and older then became an adult. Wrong.. my son got stuck in his teen years and decided rebellion against any authority except his own was the path he would take in life. Well I tried everything I could do to teach him the path I knew was Gods , but he would not except it. Today he has the mind of a 16yr old and is 30yrs old. He has given up on any hope of a good life and will use substances to dull the lack of hope. He’s stuck in the past hurts of his own choices. I was so shocked that God my Father did not step in and help that it hurt my own walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. Now I am doing my best to work out my own salvation and not my sons. It is so hard for me to let go of the though that I had failed my son, I am not a and was not a good Mother and now I’m stuck with the results of a man child who has given up on life. My own walk with the Lord is in serious trouble. I am taking steps to correct my thinking and once again think Gods thoughts and let the chips fall where they may and believe for courage to live for Jesus and not my son. Well I did the tough love, and I ended up at 89lbs and had to go to the mental hospial for medical and councling. I almost killed me. Well it did not work he’s back to the same dead end. Yes I house him and keep trying to help him but to no avail yet. I guess I didn’t learn my lesson so I have to repeat it and I don’t know if I can. Well that’s my comment on things and people growing . Sometimes they don’t.

    • Kathy, thanks for sharing your heart; I would advise you on two things. First, the past is the past – all of us did the best that we could at the time; the apostle Paul said to forget the past. He had quite a bit of baggage to let go of. So stop beating yourself up, look up, and get up, and do the best that you can for your life. Ask God to help you and He will. Secondly, I don’t know all the details, but it sounds like your son needs to grow up and take responsibility for his own life – perfect or not perfect, you did your best for him. Continue to love him, but maybe its time for him to leave the nest and take responsibility for his own life. And one more thing – God gave us all free will – He will not force us or make us do anything – it is up to each one of us to decide what thoughts we think. Each of us our responsible for our own thoughts. May God bless you and help you.