Free Or Under The Law?

[If you haven’t read the previous article, Are You Righteous In His Eyes,  reading it first will give you much greater understanding of this follow up article]

In the last article, I talked about how the Bible shows that we cannot become righteous by our own works.  Rather, because of the completed works of Christ, we as born again Christians have been made righteous.  We are righteous in His eyes. The Bible says that nothing can separate us from His love.

I then asked, if that is true, then what happens when we fall short and do something that is not right?  That question usually brings out two different groups:  the “legalists” and the “free in Christ” group.  And both groups adamantly believe that they are right.

Guess What Happened To My Friend?

In addressing this issue, let me briefly share an incident with you.  I recently heard from an old friend that I have not seen or spoken to for around thirty years.  I performed his wedding back in the eighties, and we simply lost touch with each other.

He told me that it has been on his and his wife’s heart for many years to own their own home.  Recently, a very loving and giving believer gave them a substantial monetary gift.  They used the gift to purchase a home.

They were able to pay the full price for a home that was selling as a short sale.  They bought the home, free and clear, for 20% of what it was worth four years ago.  It is bought and paid for.

So What’s The point?

I share that incident with you to make a very important point.  We learn from the scriptures that Jesus Christ paid the price for all sins.  It was one payment, once and for all, for all sins.  The price has been paid in full.

Do you think it would be silly for my old friend to now make payments for the house he owns, that is completely paid for?  What would you think if he were to do that, month after month?  I think we can all agree that it would not be necessary for him to do so, and we would try to show him that the house is indeed paid for.

So why do some Christians think that we still have to pay for our sins when the Bible is so clear that Christ has already paid the price for all sins?  Now of course most don’t say it in just those words, but what they are saying indicates that one needs to do something to become righteous in God’s eyes.

Ever Asked Yourself This Question?

Here’s a question that ought to really make you think. What is God’s forgiveness of our shortcomings based on?  Is it based on how bad we feel for doing something that was not right?  Is it based on promising to not do it again?  Is it based on doing as many righteous acts as possible in order to atone?

Or, is it based on Jesus Christ paying the price and obtaining forgiveness for us all?  The Bible states that as a born again one, we have redemption; we have been made righteous. We have forgiveness.  For many Christians, what Jesus Christ accomplished for every single believer is far too misunderstood.

Do I then believe that we have a license to sin?  We don’t need a license to sin!  We have free will to do whatever we chose to do.  The more you see, understand and believe what Christ accomplished for you, the more you will do good things out of a heart of love and gratitude to our Father and to His Son.

Isn’t it quite obvious that none of us are perfect and that we all have and all will fall short from time to time.  But never let anyone tell you that your shortcomings can undo what Christ has already accomplished for you.  Nothing you do, or don’t do, can separate you from the Father’s love.

What You Do, Or, Don’t Do, Has Nothing To Do With It!

Nothing you do, or don’t do can cause you to lose eternal life. If it could, it wouldn’t be called “eternal,” would it?  Nothing you do, or don’t do, can make you righteous.  God has already made you righteous, not because of your works, but because of the complete work of Christ.

Yes, when we fall short we feel lousy and can begin to feel those emotions of guilt and condemnation.  But we must not allow those feelings to rule in our hearts.  We must believe and accept God’s forgiveness, pick ourselves up and keep moving forward. We must believe that we really are who God says that we are, and, that we really do have what He said that we have.

The more you focus your attention on your faults and weaknesses, the more you will be disappointed, and the more distant you will feel from God.  The more you focus on who God made you to be, the more grateful you will be and the closer you will feel to God.

You are not only righteous in God’s eyes, but His Son has made you free; free indeed!

Mike Verdicchio

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