How To Handle The Changes

Maybe it happens when I read or hear more of the latest news.  At least, I notice it less when I hear less of what’s going on.  But even a very small portion of what the newsroom is dishing out is cause for concern, isn’t it?

No, this is not an article about how negative the news is, and how it can and does affect you and me.  I’ve written about that before.  This is about another perspective; this is about reaching for my compass.

Okay, yes, it’s true the more news you read or hear, the easier it is to be afraid of what’s coming next.  I mean is Iran going to soon have a nuke and use it on Israel?  Is North Korea really serious about attacking the United States?

I will not add any more to the list as I digress from my point of intent.  Besides the horrible and horrific events that could happen, there are disturbing events that are happening.  Culture changes cause me to grab my compass, which is my Bible.

Yes, I am one of those who believe the Bible is the Word of God and that it contains the truth.  Jesus himself said God’s Word is truth.  But there are plenty of people today who believe neither Jesus nor the Bible.

I was talking to someone the other day and I said, “What part of the Bible is not true?  And who gets to decide what part is true or not?  Based on what?”

Simply put, for me anyway, if the Bible is not true, then what is the standard for truth?  Is it what a person really believes in the depth of their heart is right and true?  That is the way of thinking for lots of people today; live your life and do what you think is right.

What Is The Standard For Truth?

When it comes to truth, it doesn’t matter what you and I think or believe.  What you and I think or believe cannot change what is true.  You can believe with all your heart and soul that the sun goes around the earth every day, but that is not true; it is a lie.

Recently I heard a talk show host on a local radio station, in talking about a certain controversial issue, say, “Oh well, the Bible has a lot of things in it.”  He then went on to basically say that it didn’t matter what the Bible said about that issue.

What’s Your Standard?

What do you use for a compass on controversial issues?  If you’ve ever been lost in the woods, a compass helps you find the right course and points you in the right direction.  Someone could tell you, “No, that’s not really north; this is the direction we need to go, and besides, everybody else is heading that way.”

Regardless of the current media working overtime to help bring about cultural change, truth is still truth.  Movies and TV shows will continue to depict acceptance of things that are not true, but they don’t change the truth. No matter how widely circulated and accepted lies are, they still aren’t true.

As culture changes before your eyes, it can be discouraging.  There may even be times when you’re tempted to think your compass might be broken.  You may even think you’re crazy, but you’re not.

With humility, not arrogance, you and I can allow the compass to guide and direct us.  We can still love people regardless of what they believe. And we can show our compass to whomever wants to consider.  Maybe, just maybe, we can help and lead them down the right path.

Mike Verdicchio

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