Is Opportunity Knocking Or Waiting?

CB033972Sitting here at my computer this morning,  thinking about opportunities.  I’m sure you’ve heard the expression, “Opportunity is knocking.”    I once heard someone say that opportunity doesn’t knock; it waits!  I like that.

But I don’t like the phrase,  “Opportunity only knocks once.”  Now, you may miss an opportunity, but I don’t believe that every person is only allotted one opportunity in life.

Many People have Lost Hope

In these uncertain days we live in, there are lots of people who feel like there are very few if any opportunities available.  Many think that times are so difficult that opportunity for success has just vanished away.  Einstein once said that in the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.

The real question is not, “Are there any opportunities left?”  Rather, “Are you ready for a great opportunity for your life?”  You certainly won’t be if you’re just accepting things the way they are right now.

There are opportunities.  There are possibilities.  There are solutions!

What Makes Me So Sure?

How can I be so sure that there are lots of opportunities available?  I believe the Bible is bible-2true. And God promised that He would supply all our need.  He also promised to make all grace abound toward us so that we could have all sufficiency in all things, and abound.

And He even promised beyond that by saying that He is able to do for us that which is exceeding abundantly above all that we could ask or think.  How then could there not be opportunities for you and for me, despite what is going on in our world today?

So What Are You Expecting?

If your focus is on all the difficulties and you convince yourself that there is no hope, you would not even recognize an opportunity if it fell right in your lap.  That would be a missed opportunity.  But, even if you have missed an opportunity, start looking and expecting another!

So, are you ready? Are you expecting?  Are you anticipating?  Are you looking?

God is still a God of abundance and He still has unlimited resources.  Keep praying and asking, and, keep looking and expecting.

And, if you haven’t read the book, “Who Moved My Cheese?”, you ought to read it.  It offers a very timely analogy to the days we are living in.

Have a great day, and keep your eyes open!

Mike Verdicchio

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