Uncertain About The Future?

I don’t know about you, but to me, people today seem to have a lot more uncertainty about the future.  Some of the words synonymous with uncertainty, are, distrust, mistrust, doubt, skepticism and suspicion.  Perhaps you notice this as well.

On the other hand, the opposite of uncertainty is confidence, conviction, and certainty. It means to have assurance, trust and belief.  Many people who are uncertain lack hope for the days ahead.  Uncertainty breeds fear of what could happen, and always hinders trust and confidence.

How can you have confidence in the days ahead when you are aware of the current situations in the world?  How can you have confidence in what the future will bring when you hear of the economic crisis in your country?  How can you possibly have confidence if you are out of work or struggling to get by?

Can You Really Have Confidence?

It is possible to have great confidence regardless of any circumstances or conditions, depending on who or what you put your confidence in.  Many people have become disappointed and come up short who previously had confidence in their abilities, in their savings account, in their job or career, or in their government.

Without a doubt we need to be confident in our skills and abilities, and continue to improve them.  Saving money or investing is prudent.  Enjoying a good job or career can bolster one’s confidence.

But we all know with those, and many other things, there is no guarantee, is there?  Job security today is a misnomer.  Millions have lost millions in their retirement funds or investments, and millions more who have lost their jobs are still looking for work.

Being filled with uncertainty breeds fear, lack of hope, and hinders you from having confidence and certainty. So how in the world can someone have confidence and certainty in the days ahead while trying to deal with personal issues that are not working out for them at the moment?

Smile, Everything Will Be Okay! (Not!)

I absolutely do not subscribe to the philosophy of, “Smile, everything will turn out just fine.”  The next time you hear someone say that ask them point blank just how they know everything will be just fine.  Did God tell them that everything will be just fine?

And, no, sorry, I do not buy into the, “God’s in charge. He has a reason for everything. He will take care of it all, if it is His will.”  Yes, I absolutely believe He can help fix what we mess up. But what we mess up, we did, not Him.

God gave us all free will to choose. When we make good choices there are good results; when there are bad choices there are bad results.  But we did it, and I wish people would stop blaming God!

What Can We Do?

Instead of blaming God, or attributing every act on the planet as His will, why not turn to Him and humbly ask for His help and direction?  Having confidence and trust in anything else just doesn’t work out very well. So why not transfer that confidence, conviction, certainty, assurance, trust and belief to God, who is worthy of having confidence in?

Even in the midst of a lot of uncertainty, people still decide their own path.  Some will simply say, “Things will improve, just hang in there.”  Others will attest, “Someone will help if things get worse for me.”  But there are others who say, “I’m tired of kidding myself; I really do need His help from above.

We make our own choices every day.  We can choose to trust what we know can, will, and has failed us.  Or, we can choose to put our trust in God, even though building that trust in Him may not happen overnight.

Too many examples exist to ignore, in both the Bible, and people who have lived in the last 21 centuries.  Those people chose to put their trust in God and received His help and His blessings.  How about you?

Mike Verdicchio

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