What Does God Think Of You?

It’s Another Podcast!

When you are doing what you believe is right and true, you feel good about yourself and it’s easy to feel that God thinks well of you too.

But when you fall short, it’s easy to wonder what God thinks of you now!  What is His opinion of you?  Find out in this short podcast.

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Look for more podcasts as well as more videos coming soon to Confidence And Joy!

Make Something Happen

[This is the final article that I posted on Enriching Your Life Now. But since it is so timely, I thought it would be good to post it here as well.]

Make Something Happen

In today’s world of uncertainty and confusion many people are afraid of what the future will bring.  There are many who engage in endless conversations, voicing their opinions of what should or should not be done.  Meanwhile, a growing number of people are convinced that the government is out of control in spending money that we just do not have.waiting-crowd

With all of this uncertainty and confusion, some wait for the government to do something to help them.  Others just wait to see what happens next, hoping things will get better.  But some have decided to make something happen in their own lives.  Which group are you in?


There is a lot of talk these days about “stimulus.” People question whether the “stimulus package” is working. One of the dictionary definitions of stimulate is, “to excite to activity or growth to greater activity.”

Because of fear, many people wait for something to stimulate their lives.  They wait uninspired; they are frozen. But why should you wait for someone else to change your life?  Why not trust God to help you to change your own situation, regardless of what the government does or does not do?

What About The Recession?

A recession does not put God out of business.  For those to who choose to put their trust in God, there is nothing that ties His hands, including a famine.  As bad as a recession can be, it is nothing compared to a famine.

Countless records in the Bible show God’s help, from small situations to desperate life threatening situations.  For those who trusted Him, He always provided a solution.  That is His nature.  Why would He stop now?

Some people might argue and say that they are not afraid.  But inaction is a product of fear.  Fear will always hold you back or push you back.  The reason so many people are just waiting, and not taking action, is because of fear.

Waiting And Wishing

It is very easy to wait and see if things will get better.  It’s easy to wish things were better.  It’s easy to hope things will get better. But it takes courage to move forward, trusting God to help you, having confidence in Him that things will get better for you.

It is sad that so many people feel absolutely hopeless.  They feel that way because they have forgotten just how powerful and delivering God is.  They look only at their own abilities and see no way out.  And so, they wait.

Here’s A Plan

But if you are tired of waiting, here’s a plan.  Get inspired and take action by faith.  It really is that simple.  You first need to be inspired.  And you’re not going to get inspired by watching the news or having negative conversations with people about how bad the current situation is.  Those things simply build more fear into your life, so avoid them.

Get inspired by reading the Bible and seeing your God in action!  Get inspired by talking to bible-2other people who want to trust God and make something happen.  Get inspired by thinking thoughts of possibilities, instead of consequences of the current situation.  Get inspired!


Then by faith in God, which is believing and having confidence in Him, start moving forward, asking Him to direct your path.  He has promised that He would direct and light up your path… but if you are sitting on the side of the road, there is no path to lighten or direct.

Have you ever gone fishing? I like to fish in a small boat anchored in the middle of a lake. Now I could just sit in the boat and dream all day long about catching lots of fish.  I could watch others in their boats and see them catching fish.  I could even wonder if perhaps another fisherman might even bring me a few of his fish.

I never do any of those things.  Do you know why?  Because I would never have any fish.  When I get out my pole, and bait my hook, and cast my line into the water, then and only then do I have the possibility of catching some fish.fish-net-happy

And, I’ll let you in on a little secret; I pray when I fish.  I ask God to help me, to direct my path to the fish.  Why not?

You can either sit and wait for the government to do something, or, just wait to see what happens next, or, decide to make something happen in your own life.

Mike Verdicchio

Do you have a comment about this article?  Is there something happening in your life despite the economic conditions?  Want to share it with us?  Just type your comment below, we’d love to hear from you!

I do hope that you subscribe for free to this blog so that you can get a free membership to Enriching Your Life Now.  Details below.

Have a great weekend!

Stop Looking Back!

Getting ready to drive off in my wife’s car the other day, I checked and adjusted her mirrors. I first adjusted the side mirrors and then finally the rearview mirror.  And suddenly, it dawned on me.  rearview

Ever notice how much smaller the rearview mirror is than the windshield?

Of course I realize that this is not some startling new discovery.  Anyone who drives knows that the rearview mirror is much, much smaller than the windshield for very obvious reasons.

But as I sat there before I drove off, I wondered just how fast and how far you could drive if the windshield was the size of the rearview mirror, and the rearview mirror was the size of the windshield!

Not An Idea For GM!

No, I am not losing my mind with a wild brainstorm idea for General Motors!  I car-little-blueam trying to make a point.  We all know that the reason the windshield is so much bigger is because the road ahead of us is so much more important than the road behind us.  We need to see and focus clearly on as much of the road ahead as we can.

This is so true in living life.  Where we are going in life is so much more important than where we have been.  Yet far too many people are living in their past.  They live day to day staring into their rearview mirror with all their focus and attention on what happened to them in the past, instead of looking forward to the future.

What’s In Your Past?

People are living with regrets, guilt, shame, disappointments and discouragements resulting from things in their past. Many people go around feeling sorry for themselves.  Some are living with anger or seek revenge from being hurt.  Regardless of what has happened or how they feel, they all have one thing in common:  they are all starring into their rearview mirror.

What is there in your past that you can change?  Absolutely nothing.  What great profit is it to spend your time and mental focus on the past?  There is none.  Even if there were some really fantastic things in your past, they are all still in the past.

Some people are still trying to live back in the “good ol’ days,” back when their lives were so much better.  They think about it and relive a happier time without all the stress or hardships that they face now.  Doing that is still looking into the rearview mirror!

The Way To Move Forward Is To Move Forward!

Yes, there are disappointments in life, some small, and some not so small.  But if you are going to move forward with your life, you have to put your eyes on what is ahead.  As you drive your vehicle, you not only see the road immediately in front of you, but you can also see a good ways up the road.

So why not do that with your life?  Stop dwelling on the past.  Stop reliving it over and over and over.  Stop talking about it.  It is over with and there is nothing that can change what has happened in the past.

Of course, there may be circumstances that you have to deal with as the result of something that has happened in the past.  Take care of those, but then be determined to move forward.

Confidence In God

The Bible talks about forgetting those things which are in the past.  That means that it is a freewill choice to let go of the past.  We can choose to look forward or to look backward.

When you are driving your vehicle, you can’t get very far without running into something if you’re constantly looking into the rearview mirror. I don’t recommend trying this!  And neither do I recommend doing it with life either.

road-rainbowIf you want to have confidence in God, take your focus off of the past.  If you have read “My Story,” then you know I have done this numerous times in my life.  And I know it’s not always easy.  But I also know it’s the only way to move forward.
If you want to move forward with your life, then stop looking back, ask for God’s help, and keep looking and moving forward.


Did you find this article helpful?  Do you have a comment about letting go of the past?  Has forgetting the past helped you to move forward?  I love to hear your thoughts, just type them in below.

Mike Verdicchio

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TV News

Have you watched a lot of TV news lately? 42-17253129 It’s not very encouraging, is it?  Well, in fact, it is pretty depressing. I don’t watch a lot of TV news, but when I do it is filled with gloom and doom and predictions of more gloom and doom.

Now with a background in broadcasting, I know all too well that the news has never been designed to be positive and uplifting.  There’s an old saying in journalism, “If it bleeds, it leads.”  That means the story that contains the most dramatic negative elements in it is usually the lead story.

But how do you feel after watching the TV news?  If you’re like me, you don’t feel happy and elated or encouraged and inspired, do you?

Are You A Reporter?

So much of what has happened here in the United States in the last 10 months has led many to criticize, blame, and condemn.  Many people are re-reporting to others what they heard on the TV news:  “Did you hear what happened now?  Do you know what they are trying to do?”

Now I am not saying we have no problems, because we certainly do.  My head is not in the sand.  But, there is some other news that you can choose to focus on rather than the TV news.  You can put your focus on the Good News.

I believe that regardless of circumstances and situations, no matter how big they may seem, the promises of God are still true.  And God will bring His promises to pass for those who choose to believe Him.

Why Are They In There?

bible-1The Bible is not only full of God’s promises of help, deliverance, healing, and prosperity, but you can also read many accounts of people facing very adverse and even impossible circumstances who received His deliverance.  Have you ever wondered why those accounts are in the Bible?

I’m not talking about the obvious and most memorable ones, like the children of Israel crossing the Red Sea.  You have to admit, that was a pretty adverse and seemingly impossible situation.  The odds were certainly stacked against them with the Egyptian army on this side, and the Red Sea on that side.  But God came up with a remarkable solution.

And there are of course other memorable accounts, but what about some of those that are less familiar, and more personal?  For example, the woman with two sons, whose husband died, leaving them with unpaid debts?  It was bad enough in that culture to be a widow, let alone to have debt.

This was a seemingly impossible or hopeless situation.  According to the culture, her two sons would be taken to work off the whole debt.  But again, God came up with a solution that not only allowed the woman to pay all of her debts, but have enough for she and her two sons to live on.

How Bad Is A Famine?

What about living through a famine?  A famine is about 100 times worse than a downturn economy.  A woman and her son were about to eat their final meal and then just die.  But, once again, God brought a tremendous solution.

So, again, my question is why are those records of deliverance in the Bible?  Why are there numerous accounts of God’s help and deliverance against all odds in adverse and seemingly impossible situations?  Are they there just to entertain us?  Or, are they written to inspire us and encourage us to have confidence in God?

In my own life there have been many times when it looked like the “odds were all stacked against me.”  Those situations were very real.  Perhaps you have been in situations where you were discouraged and felt like giving up.  I certainly have.

A Really Big Key

But I have learned a big key is where I keep my mind. Where do I choose to put my mental focus? I can look at my present reality and accept it, and then project a very negative outcome as a result of where things are right now.

Or, I can take a different approach.  I can look at what God has promised me, and keep my focus on what He has said.  I can look to Him for solutions.  Instead of expecting things to get worse, I can choose to expect things to get better, regardless of what is going on around me.

We all choose what thoughts we think.  The TV news will not encourage you or build your confidence in God. But the Good News will. And when it comes to the economy, here is something to keep in mind.  In fact, you can remind yourself of it every time you spend money.  On every piece of currency we still have the words, “In God We Trust.”


Some may choose to immerse themselves in all that the TV news is reporting, and then hope that somehow the government will take care of all their problems.  I choose to accept the Good News, and believe His promises of prosperity. I choose to trust in God.

Michael A Verdicchio

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Is He Willing
A Lack Of Confidence
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Do you have a comment; a suggestion; a complaint; a rant??  Feel free to leave your comment below.  We’d love to hear what’s on your mind.

Is He Willing?

Most of us recognize God’s power and ability. We believe that He is able to do all that He has promised to do and more! We would readily agree and believe that there is nothing too hard or too big for God.

But many times, we have a difficult time believing that He is willing to do it for us, personally. Have you ever been there before?  I sure have.  And if you are not convinced and certain that God is willing to do it for you, then do you really believe and trust Him?

Why Do We Have Doubt?

Why is it that we sometimes think that God is not willing to do it for us personally? What is it that causes us to doubt His willingness? Why would we not accept that He is willing?

I learned the answer many years ago.  The answer is feelings of being unworthy or undeserving. I used to wonder, “What I have done to deserve it? What have I done to earn it?”  Much of this kind of thinking is due to sin consciousness and condemnation.

But, when you really think about it, what is it that we could do, or refrain from doing, that would earn His willingness to provide for us what He has promised? That is a big part of the answer, because far too many Christians base their self worth on how much they do or do not do!

Your Actions Have Nothing To Do With How Much He Loves You!

How many Christians do you know who subtly believe that their righteousness and worthiness in God’s eyes is dependent upon their actions?  I used to be like that.

But if that is really true then we wouldn’t have needed a savior!  The Bible says that it was the completed work of Christ that makes us right and worthy in the sight of God.  What a day it was for me when I learned that!

The Scriptures are clear in saying that as a Christian, nothing can separate you from God’s love. That is why His love for you is unconditional.  He put no conditions on it! Your actions do not have anything to do with how much He loves you. Nothing can ever separate you from His love.


He doesn’t love you any less today than He did yesterday. He doesn’t love you more when you are praying. He doesn’t love you any less when you are messing up. His love for you is unconditional! Nothing can separate you from His love.

Part of the problem in not accepting His willingness to perform His Word for us personally, is in not accepting what He has done for us in the completed work of Christ.

Have you ever had a couple of days go by where you prayed a lot, and did things for others, and really felt that you were “walking for Him?” At those times, how confident were you to go to God and ask for the things you needed? You were probably pretty confident, right? But, why was that?

I’ve been there before!  My actions made me feel worthy and right before God. That is an indication that I believed my self worth, my being right in God’s eyes, was dependent upon my actions.

And if that’s what you believe then when you have a period of time where you are falling short or messing up, you have very little confidence to go to God and expect His help.

You Are Already Righteous!

The Bible says that the Christian is righteous. For a long time that was just some nice sounding spiritual word. But understanding what righteousness means will help you greatly in accepting God’s willingness to bring His promises to pass in your life.

Simply put, “righteousness” means that you are just, or, right! It is a state of being right or just according to an established legal standard. In this case, the legal standard is the justice of God.

In other words, in God’s sight, in His high court, you are right; you are just; you belong! You can now stand before God without any sense of guilt, shame, or condemnation. You have been made right. He made you right!

No wonder the Bible says that you are lovely and acceptable in His sight and holy and without blame before Him! It has nothing to do with your works. It has everything to do with the completed work of Christ.

This Has A Major Impact On Your Self Worth.

Can you see how accepting the righteousness Christ accomplished for you and believing it is true can have a dynamic impact on your self worth and your self esteem?

I don’t feel unworthy to open my refrigerator and get some food. Well of course not! I belong in my own house! It is right for me to be there!

The same is true with God. You and I belong in His presence; we are right being there because He made us right! You and I are both righteous.

Not understanding or believing that we are right in His eyes plays a major part in our accepting His willingness to bring His Word to pass for us personally.

But if we choose to accept His unconditional love for us, and, that we are right in his sight, we will begin to accept that He is willing to bring his Word to pass for us personally.

The promises of God come to pass for us when we believe God. We may very well believe that He is able, but if we don’t really believe that He is willing, then we will not believe that He will.

Why not believe what the Bible says about you and accept God’s unconditional love, and believe that you are already righteous in His eyes? It will have a dynamic impact on your confidence that He is not only able to do for you what He has promised, but that He is also willing to do it for you personally.

Soar With The Eagles!

In 1981, in the Capitán Mountains of New Mexico, a hiking group including myself climbed to the top of Sunset Peak. It has an elevation of 9,000 feet. We reached the summit just before noon on a beautiful cloudless day in January. The view was spectacular!

Sitting there felt as if you could see the whole world. Perched atop Sunset Peak, we saw something so remarkable that I can still see it as clearly in my mind today as it was on that day. And since then, I have never seen anything as magnificent.

We watched in awe as four eagles soared below us with ease! The eagles’ elegant moves were an awesome sight that I will never forget.

They Know When A Storm Is Coming

Did you know that an eagle knows when a storm is brewing long before it breaks? When a storm is eminent, the eagle will fly to a high spot and wait for the winds to come. This is how they respond to storms.

When the storm arrives, they set their wings so that the winds lift them up, high above the storm. And, as the storm rages below them, the eagle soars high above it, effortlessly gliding with ease.

What is fascinating is that the eagle does not escape the storm; the eagle does not suffer through the storm, or hope to survive. The eagle does not fly away from the storm. The eagle just simply uses the winds of the storm to lift itself high above the storm.

The eagle’s response is to rise high above the storm on the very winds that brought the storm close.

How Do You Deal With The Storms Of Life?

At times in life we will all face storms. Sometimes we face small storms and other times we face big storms. But regardless, the storms of life do not have to overcome us. We can, if we choose to, rise above them. An eagle recognizes that a storm is coming and then responds by rising above it.

Pressures in life do not have to stress us out. Challenges we face do not have to discourage us. Set backs do not have to lead us to failure.

It’s really not the storms in life that defeat us. It is how we respond to the storms that will determine the outcome. Just like the eagle, we can soar high above the storm.

Some people choose to run from storms. Others grit their teeth and hope to “weather the storm.” And then, there are those who choose to respond to the storm by rising above it.

I Remember Being Afraid Of A Storm

I remember as a small child hearing some pretty loud thunder followed by some heavy rain. I was afraid. I wanted to hide. But my mother, who had lived through many thunderstorms, reassured me that every thing was going to be alright. And even though I could still hear the thunder and rain, I trusted what my mother said. I was no longer scared. I was soaring above the storm.

God wants your life to be victorious, despite the pressures. He wants your life to be successful despite the challenges. He wants your life to be fulfilled despite the set backs. God is not in the failure business; He is in the success business.

So, when the storms of life come, look to Him for help and direction. Ask Him for guidance. Believe and trust Him to lift you high above the storm.

There’s a verse in the Bible that says,

“Those who trust in the Lord shall mount up with wings like the eagles; they shall run and not being weary; they shall walk and not faint.”

We really can soar with the eagles!

Mike Verdicchio


The dictionary defines fantasy as,

“An imagined event or sequence of mental images, such as a daydream, usually fulfilling a wish or psychological need; an unrealistic or improbable supposition.”

That Is Fantasy.

However, the vision that you have for your life, your goals, your dreams and your desires, are not fantasy. They are not just daydreams fulfilling a psychological need. They are not just some nice mind games to keep you happy and positive. And they are certainly not unrealistic or improbable suppositions.

Quite the contrary, your goals, your dreams, and your desires really do matter. They are important. Why? They are important because they are YOUR goals. They are YOUR dreams. They are YOUR desires.

Have you ever wondered who decides and determines if your goals, dreams and desires are too big? Does someone exist who has the authority to overrule your goals, desires and dreams? Do we determine and decide for others just how big they can dream, or what goals are simply not realistic for them?

It is not your place or mine to determine if someone’s goals and dreams and desires are too big for them or not. You and I are not the ones to figure that out for someone else. Likewise, it is no one else’s business to decide if your goals and dreams and desires are too big or not for you. They are yours!

So, What About Ability And Resources?

Is that the criteria that should determine the size of our goals? If that were true, a blind man would have never made it to the top of Mt. Everest. And yet, Erik Weihenmayer did just that in 2001. If ability and resources determine whether a goal is too big or not, then three small ships would have never crossed the Atlantic Ocean to the New World. But in 1492, they did.

Sometimes looking at our own present ability and our own present resources are enough to deter us from what we really desire deep inside. That is, unless of course we have the right connections!

Who Do You Know?

Have you ever heard the statement, “It’s who you know that counts?” I’m sure you have. And you’ve also probably heard, “You’ve got to have connections to make it in this world.”

Now I’m not denying that connections can be helpful; many times, they are very helpful. The point I am making is that too often people look at their lack of ability and resources. Then, they look at their lack of “connections” and they give up on their goals. But, they have overlooked the biggest and best connection of all!

As Christians we have a loving Father, unwavering in His love for us, and unlimited in His ability and His resources. With that kind of a connection, why would you ever give up or abandon your goals, dreams and desires? In fact, there is a verse in the Bible that talks about God being able to do that which is exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ask or think!

How Big Can You Dream?

How big can you think? How big can you dream? How big are your goals and desires? It really doesn’t matter what it seems like to other people. It’s not their dream – it is yours! You can have it. And, you can have every desire of your heart!

Fantasy is a dream with no action. Without action, dreams become unrealistic or improbable suppositions. Without action, our desires are nothing more than a sequence of mental images. Without action, our desires just become daydreams.

The vision you carry of your life, your goals, your dreams, and your desires are your prerogative, and they are very important! They are important because they are yours! Don’t let anyone talk you out of them. Especially don’t talk yourself out of them!

Because God loves you, your goals and dreams and desires are important to Him too. Don’t allow them to evaporate into a fantasy. Instead, ask for His help, and begin taking action.

Act now! Do something, no matter how small it seems to you! Acquire information, develop a new skill, or talk to someone. The point is, start moving forward.

Remain confident that your desires will come to pass, that your dreams will be fulfilled, and that your goals will be met, and they will!

Mike Verdicchio

This Economic Mess Just Isn’t Fair!

What happened? Who is responsible for this economic mess? This is not my fault and it just isn’t fair!

Sound Familiar?

As our children were growing up, I told them many times that life is not fair. No one ever said it would be; and, it really never will be. Things will happen that will affect you that are just not right. At times, you will be treated unfairly.

What is very important is not the “what” or “why,” but rather how you respond to those kinds of situations. Today, many people are angry, and who can blame them? Some have lost their retirement savings. Others have lost their jobs. And that just isn’t fair is it?

So, Now What?

So, how do we respond to an event of this magnitude? Politicians blame other politicians. Poor people blame the rich. Some people want the government to put a band-aid on everything and make it all better.

All of that is a waste of time. It doesn’t solve anything. And, it doesn’t help or change your personal circumstances.

Here’s a Big Surprise: Life Isn’t Fair!

I’m sure we could all look back on our past and remember incidents in our lives where we were injured or treated unfairly. Once, in second grade, I was accused of something I did not do, and on top of that I was called a liar when I denied it. That was very unfair.

Another time I tried out for football in high school. There was one spot left and the choice was between two of us. I wasn’t that good of a player, but I was a whole lot better than the other kid. But, I was not chosen. When I asked why not, I was told that it would have really hurt the other kid’s feelings if he wasn’t chosen, so they picked him.

Now the sad part is that I carried the hurt and resentment from both of those incidents for a long time. But carrying all that garbage around for all that time was not profitable for my life to say the least. And, honestly,  those incidents were not critical to my life or well-being.

Yes, There Are Some Very Serious Situations We Must Deal With.

But, on the other hand, today many people are facing serious situations that are not fair. They are not responsible for the stock market, the housing industry, or the credit market. These situations are very real. But it is extremely important how we respond.

I can relate.  When I lost my job of 16 and a half years with CBS Radio I had to make a conscious effort on how I was going to respond.  I had to decide if I was going to focus on the current circumstances and be full of resentment, or move forward on a new adventure.

Trying to figure out who is to blame will solve nothing. Being upset and angry is a waste of your precious time and energy. Allowing yourself to become full of fear will not help you to get to a personal solution. These are not responses; they are reactions.

First Things First

First, stop and take breath. You are still breathing! You are alive!

Don’t allow yourself to emotionally react without thinking. Next, stop dwelling on what you have lost or may loose. Instead, look at what you have and be thankful. Thank God every day for everything that you have!

Then, ask God to help you with your personal situations. Look to Him for guidance and direction. Could there ever be a time when the situation would be so bad that God could not help? If there is, then you need to get another God!

Finally, manage your life and your affairs with wisdom and discretion. (I did not say, “With fear.”) Acting out of fear will only bring negative results into your life. Think things through and make the best decisions that you can. If you need financial counsel, then get it.

And Here Is What Is Most Important!

Above all, put your trust and confidence in God as your Supplier! No, it doesn’t mean that you just put your head in the sand and act like nothing is going on. It doesn’t mean that we do nothing and think, “Well, God’s just gotta do something.” No. We trust God for His help, but we take action without fear, moving ahead one step at a time.

It is easy to sing praises unto God when everything is going just fine. It’s easy to say that we love God and that He is so wonderful when there is no pressure. But when you are up against the wall, you will find out if you really believe that He is really real!

I am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that our God is both able and willing to help, regardless of the stock market, the housing industry, or, the global economy for that matter. Do whatever you need to do to get convinced of that!

Refuse to react. Refuse to be motivated by fear. Instead, respond with trust in our delivering and powerful God, Who loves you unconditionally! God is still on the throne!

Mike Verdicchio

Do You Rely On Luck Or Fate?

Now i know that this article is going to cause some people to say, “Wait just a minute!”  I know that because hardly a day goes by that I don’t hear someone talking about how things that happen were just “meant to be.”  I heard it again today.  But take a few minutes and read this article, and feel free to leave your comments at the end of this article.

Do You Believe In Luck Or In Fate?

I believe in opportunities coming my way. I believe in God bringing people and situations into my life because I have prayed and am expecting those kinds of things to happen on a regular basis. But do I believe in luck and fate? No.

You hear people say, “Boy, look what happened to him, he sure is lucky.” They think that if they were “that lucky” then good things would happen to them too. So, then the reason that good things don’t come their way is simple. They’re just not lucky. Isn’t that a lousy rationalization? Not to mention, it takes no responsibility for your life!

Other times you hear things like, “That was really wonderful what happened to her; I’m sure that it was just meant to be. It’s fate, you know.” But that is the same rationale all over again using different words! So, people conclude that reason things aren’t going well for them is because they just weren’t meant to be. It’s fate.

What About Accountability And Responsibility?

Surprisingly, many people see being successful as a matter of luck and fate. And that of course takes away any accountability and responsibility. Others even put the blame on God by saying, “Well if God wants me to be successful then He will make it happen for me.” So does that mean that the reason they’re not successful is because God doesn’t want them to be? That’s can’t be true because that kind of thinking contradicts scores of promises from God that you can read in the Bible.

I do believe in God helping because He promised He would. He promised He would answer prayers, and He promised He would help. So, the question is not, “Will He?” but rather, “Are you ready?”

I know, that sounds sill doesn’t it?  “What do mean, am I ready?  Well of course I’m ready!”  Yes, but the truth of the matter is that many people miss opportunities that are almost literally dropped in their lap. Why?

They Miss Opportunities Because They Are Not Ready.

Instead of anticipating, expecting, looking forward to something, knowing that there is something coming, some people just accept and settle for the way things are right now. As they go through each day, their attitude is simply trying to get through another one so that they can go home and relax. That’s not living, that is just existing!

Very few people prepare themselves for something bigger. Their focus stays on the daily grind and all their problems, but never on the possibilities. They won’t read books, they won’t investigate new ideas, and they won’t talk to other people. They just stay in their little world. And sad, but true, many, many opportunities pass right by them.

I wrote an article over a year ago entitled, “Fate.” In it, I said the following: “The Creator gave each and every one of us free will to choose. Each one of us can decide what we want to believe and what we want to do. And, with His help, there’s really no limit to what we can accomplish.”

So, What IS Meant To Be?

If anything is really “meant to be,” it is that God wants us successful and blessed in life.  He has lovingly provided all that we need. But, He also gave us free will to choose.

If we want to, we can accept “fate,” or, we can choose to make our own life the way we want it to be by believing His promises and acting on them.

You are in life today where you are because of what you have believed and accepted as true. You can change your circumstances by changing your thinking. You can choose to focus on the things that you desire instead of settling for the way things are now.

The only other choice is to accept fate. If you accept fate, well then, good luck. You’ll need it!

Don’t Buy Into It.

Instead of buying into the whole “luck and fate” fiasco, why not expect good solid opportunities to come your way? Believe and trust God to bring people and situations into your life because you pray and because you are expecting those kinds of things to happen to you on a regular basis. Throw luck and fate out the window. Take responsibility for your life and expect great things from God!

Mike Verdicchio

A Lack of Confidence!

There is a lot of uncertainty today.  With all that has transpired in the last seven or eight months, many people unsure of a lot of things.  There is a tremendous lack of confidence.

There is a lack of confidence in many things that people have previously trusted in. Financial institutions that have been around for over a hundred years are gone. Companies have gone bankrupt. The phrase, “job security” seems to be a misnomer.

Shady practices of lending institutions have been exposed. The approval and confidence of government leaders in both parties is at an all time low. In fact, government officials currently have the lowest approval ratings ever- single digits! A recent survey showed that many Americans think they should all be fired!

There Is An Enormous Lack Of Confidence These Days.

There are serious concerns about the future. Many are worried and afraid. Some are confused and wonder how all this could have happened. Still others look for and fully expect their government to help and bail everybody out.

Having been disappointed, and even in some cases, feeling abandoned, people are looking for something that they can put their trust and confidence in. And when you think about it, all of the issues we are facing today seem to be related to money in one way or another.

Now let’s remember that money in and of itself is not evil. People misquote the Bible all the time and say that money is evil. The Bible says that the “love of money is the root of all evil.” We are certainly seeing the consequences of that today!

I wrote an article recently, called, “Whom Can You Trust Now?” I mentioned the origins of putting, “In God We Trust” on our money. Thinking about that could be a very good starting point!

There Is A Great Reminder On All US Currency!

Whenever you see money, or use money, or even think of money related issues, why not stop and take a moment and just remind yourself what is on all of our currency? This is a good starting point because it can help to begin to build confidence and trust in God.

It really is critical to build and develop confidence and trust in God. Having confidence and trust in God allows you to receive all that He has promised you regardless of any and all circumstances or conditions. There are no facts, no situations, no numbers, and no conditions that ever negate the promises of God!

I received an email the other day from an airline company promoting a really low fare. But, the low fare expires in one week. Perhaps you’ve heard commercials with the tag line, “Sale ends tomorrow!” Or, another popular line is, “Void where prohibited!”

When reading the promises in the Bible, you won’t read any legal disclaimer, or expiration dates, or that, “certain rules and conditions may apply.” The promises you read in the Scriptures are all true for you to claim right now!

Where Can You Put Your Trust?

People today are really unsure of where and whom to put their trust in. They are scared of being let down again. It seems that there is a great lack of trust in a great many people.

But, you can choose to trust in the One who is the most trustworthy. You can absolutely rely on God’s reliability. You can be certain that His promises are true and that He will bring them to pass for you when you simply believe them no matter what the circumstances or situation.

That’s why it is so important to choose to build and develop a confidence and trust in Him! You will not be disappointed. You will not have to live with worry, doubt and fear! And, then you will be able to genuinely help someone else to build and develop confidence and trust in God too!

Mike Verdicchio