Lots Of Folks Need A Little Extra Love This Time Of Year


For some, “‘Tis the season to be jolly,” is more like, “‘Tis the season to be stressed!”  It is a busy time of year: lights, greeting cards, presents, parties and other joyful festive activities. While the “reason for the season” has become much less obvious, there are still many who will endure another year of holiday stress for lots of reasons.

Perhaps the biggest holiday stress comes from money, or the lack of it. Some feel obligated to buy gifts that often totals more than the funds they have. Far too many solve this dilemma by adding to their current debt which in turn causes more stress. Dave Ramsey offers some help with this on his site with a free tool called, “My Christmas Budget.”


What If There Was A Radio Show With Positive, Uplifting News Stories?


There’s a lot of sad, depressing news in our world.  The media outlets including TV, radio, and even Facebook make sure we don’t miss any of it. None of it is inspiring, to say the least.

But what if there was a radio show with positive uplifting news stories?  A radio show that inspires and encourages you?  A radio show that brings you a breath of fresh air?  A radio show about people making a difference, people who inspire you?


A Tradition In The USA; A Way Of Life For Others

praying-pilgrimWill I eat too much this year? Probably. Will you?

There’s something special about Thanksgiving dinner, isn’t there? Is it the more than normal number of side dishes? Is it the idea of a “feast”? Maybe it’s just the novelty of having something you don’t eat that often, like turkey!

For this traditional holiday of Thanksgiving, there are lots of family traditions. Some opt for ham instead of turkey; some play games before the big feast; some watch all the football games, before, during, and after eating; and some people will eat dessert no matter how full they really are.

A Day To Give Thanks

Oh, and of course, it’s the day we are supposed to


Thank a Veteran, today, And Any Day You Have The Opportunity.

Happy Veteran’s Day To All Our Veterans!


Below are some links from previous posts; videos, heartfelt messages, a great story about a high school teacher and more.

Veteran’s Day 2012 (Video)

Veteran’s Day 2011

Veteran’s Day 2010 (Video)

Veteran’s Day 2009 (Video)

Go For It (Podcast)

A High School Teacher Imparts A Lesson

I join many, many more Americans grateful for your service, and we all say, “THANK YOU!”


Do Your Selfies Have Anything To Do With Your Self Image?


Before the smartphone, you needed someone to either take your picture with a camera, or sit down and have an artist paint your portrait.  Today, smartphone selfies are a phenomenon capturing self portraits by the millions. But self portraits have actually been around since artists first began seeing their own images in the mirror.

In the late 1700’s, Spanish artist Francisco de Goya painted at least three pictures of himself – self portraits, canvas selfies. Art collectors date some of the oldest preserved canvas selfies to the late 1300’s.  Today, almost everyone with a smartphone either has someone take their picture, or snaps their own selfies.

Just For Fun?

Most agree selfies are lots of fun.  But some say all these selfies are nothing more than vanity. Others say it’s a clear sign of narcissism.  Recent studies seem to indicate the amount of time looking at other people’s selfies causes image problems for some. 


You Can’t Always Control What Happens To You, But You Can Control What Happens In You


pine 1Sunday, October 19th, shortly after 4pm, Kathy was in the kitchen preparing us an early supper.  Suddenly, it began to rain, a downpour with hail. In an instant, the wind picked up and the power went out.

Then, as we were standing in the kitchen with flashlights in hand, we heard an extremely loud bang that sounded like the loudest thunderclap I’ve ever heard, but it wasn’t thunder. At first we thought lightning hit the house.

We moved from the kitchen into the dining room and with wide eyes saw a


When You Spend Less, You Don’t Necessarily Save Any Money

on sale

I found out recently from Verizon because we are no longer under contract, they lowered our monthly bill $15 per line.  That’s $30 a month less than what we were  paying.  Sweet! I just saved some money. Or did I?

When you find something at a price lower than you were expecting or planning to pay anyway, you almost always say, “I just saved some money,” or, “I just saved 20 bucks.”  The truth is


Being Afraid Happens To Everyone But You Don’t Have To Live With Fear

dark road

In the summer of 1989, I said, very positively, “I’m not afraid; I’m trusting God.” I had taught many times on not being afraid, had counseled countless people about trusting God and not being afraid. And now it was my turn to face fear.

It’s actually very easy to say, “I’m not afraid,” isn’t it?  It’s easy to just say the words and act “positive.” But just saying, “I’m not afraid,” doesn’t mean you’re not allowing fear to direct your life.

Sure, it’s easy peasy to trust God when everything’s going well.