This Thursday is the holiday we call, “Thanksgiving Day.”  Being grateful to God is something we do each and every day. For Christians, every day is a Thanksgiving day!. 

Have you noticed?  People who choose to recognize even the smallest blessing and make gratitude a habit, are happy, positive people.  Because they focus on God supplying, they have confidence in God and trust He will continue to provide blessings. And He does!

People who choose to only look at negative situations and make complaining a habit, are miserable people.  Because the focus on what they don’t have, they lack confidence in God to provide and supply what they need.

What you think about and the habits you make are choices.  And what you choose will bring you results.  Choose to make gratitude a habit!  There is always so much we can thank God for!


Check out my 2 latest podcasts – they are both about gratitude!
#79 – A Great Benefit Of Gratitude (4:07)
In this podcast discover a great side benefit that comes with being thankful to God.

#80 – Don’t Forget Them All (4:14)
In this podcast I share two ways I have used to develop and increase my gratitude to God.

Below are some links to past Thanksgiving posts from 

Some forgotten history of the pilgrims 

A Psalm for Thanksgiving 

What Washington and Lincoln said

Lots of history related to the pilgrims and Thanksgiving

Check out His Word podcasts, all under 5 minutes!  You can access all of them right here. And, you’ll find links to share individual ones you think might bless someone.  There’s also a list of platforms you can use to subscribe, and it’s free.

Check out my YouTube channel;  recent video zoom teachings and over a hundred (most under 2 minutes) inspiring and encouraging videos for practical Christian living.  “Like” them!   Subscribe!   Share!  Thank you!

Why Are You Waiting?

It’s Another Podcast!

Springtime for lots of folks means spring cleaning and getting some projects done.

This short podcast (5:51) is NOT about how to systematically get things done that you have been putting off.  It is about not waiting to enjoy life.

Enjoy the podcast!

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Expedition Africa – Finding Water
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How Do You See It?

So many times we forget the great blessing by looking at the task at hand.  Perhaps, we ought to take a step back and remind ourselves of the blessing to our lives instead of just seeing the work at hand.

Here are some tasks you may do, and, the blessing that might be overlooked.

The task: A big pile of laundry.
The Blessing: The people you love are very close by.

The Task:  Listening to someone’s very annoying voice.
The Blessing:  You can hear.

The Task:  A never ending “to do” list around the house.
The Blessing:  You have a home.

The Task:  Having to walk really far because the parking lot was full.
The Blessing:  You can walk.

The Task:  Reaching for the alarm clock in the morning.
The Blessing:  You are alive.

The Task:  Putting up with everyone’s opinion about the government.
The Blessing: You live in a free country with free speech.

The Task:  Having to pay outrageous taxes.
The Blessing:  You are employed.

The Task:  Cleaning up after a party at your house.
The Blessing:  You have friends.

Those are just a few, and perhaps you can think of some others.  Share them with the rest of us in the comments section below. We really do have a lot of things to be thankful for.

Michael Verdicchio

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Three Keys To Prosperity

It’s Another Podcast!

In these days of economic uncertainty, why in the world am I talking about prosperity?  Shouldn’t the focus be on surviving this economic fiasco?  Maybe.  And then again, maybe not.

God’s promises of prosperity are still true.

In this short podcast (9:51) discover three basic and simple keys to prosperity.  But, if you think that God’s will is for you to just survive and get by, then you don’t need to hear this.

Enjoy the podcast!

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Related Posts:
How Do You Define Prosperity?
What Does God Think About It?
Do You Want To Survive or Thrive?

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What Can I Do For You?

It’s Another Podcast!

This is my first audio podcast for 2010. This New Year is moving forward.

I know a lot of people are expecting and anticipating great things for this year.  And, as a result, many are praying and asking God for his help.

In this short podcast (8:00), I share about a different kind of prayer.  Take a listen and see what you think.

Enjoy the podcast.

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What Do You Pray For?
Do Things Really Happen for A Reason?
He Made Bare His Holy Arm
Is He Willing?

Look for more podcasts as well as more videos coming soon to Confidence And Joy!

What Happened To You In ’09?

It’s Another Podcast!

This just might be the last podcast of this year of ’09.  I am planning on doing a video podcast fro New Year’s Eve, so watch for that this Thursday morning.

Today’s podcast is not a “year in review,” for me, but I do have some things to say about my life for ’09.   This short podcast (9:43) is all about moving forward and moving ahead.

Enjoy the podcast.

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Related Posts:
This My Story
If He Could Forgive
God Is Not In Charge
This Economic Mess Just Isn’t Fair
Is He Willing?

Look for more podcasts as well as more videos coming soon to Confidence And Joy!

Happy Thanksgiving!

cornacopiaTomorrow is Thanksgiving Day here in the USA. So, I first wanted to extend very warm wishes to you and your family for a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.

I also wanted to tell you about something I did many years ago that relates to being thankful.  It is about developing an attitude of gratitude.  It is a very simple method that I used years ago.

Now of course it is only a method, and as you and I know, some methods work for some people and not others.  So if it works for you, then that’s great.  If you have another method, then please leave it in the comments below.

Turkey Day

I thought about sharing this on the blog at this time of year because as I was thinking about Thanksgiving the other day, I thought about what a busy day it usually turns out to be.  In so many cases it is a day filled with activities, like watching the parade, playing games, watching football, and, of course, enjoying a small feast.  In fact, some even refer to it as “Turkey Day.”

There’s certainly nothing wrong with all the activities and festivities on turkeyThanksgiving Day.  I am planning on having a fun filled celebration with my children, their spouses, and other friends. Thanksgiving Day is not really a “day of thanksgiving,” but rather, it is more of a day of celebration.

But many will stop and give pause to thank God for all His blessings.  Some will pray before the big meal.  Others will join together in prayers of thanks sometime during the day.  Many will remember to give thanks in their own way.

A Method

Years ago, I heard of a little method to help develop more gratitude in my life.  I realized that there is more to being grateful than just saying, “Thanks.”  I wanted to have a real, deep and genuine heart of gratitude for God.  So I heard about this little method and decided to try it out.  I didn’t realize at the time that there is a fantastic side benefit from doing this.

The exercise is very simple.  At the end of each day, before you go to sleep, write down some things that happened during the day that you are thankful for. Then in the morning, read what you wrote the night before.  Sounds simple, right?

But when I first started, it was a bit of a challenge.  I sat there on the edge of the bed with my pen in hand, and my notebook on my lap and thought, “Okay, what happened today that I am really grateful for?”  I drew a blank.  I couldn’t remember anything that really stood out in my mind.

notepad-and-penWell, I needed to write something.  I mean, I couldn’t just go to sleep thinking that I wasn’t thankful for anything that happened to me during the day.  So, I began writing a couple of general things, like that I had food to eat, and that I was healthy.  Well, at least it was a start.

Then, the first thing in the morning, you take a look at what you wrote the night before.  In other words, you are starting your day reminding yourself of what you were thankful for the night before.  And here is where the side benefit starts to come into play.

A Side Benefit

Night after night I wrote in my notebook.  Morning after morning I read what I wrote the night before.  And the longer I continued to do this, the more of an attitude of gratitude I began to develop.  I became more and more aware of God’s blessings in my life, and I became more consistent in thanking Him.

My focus began to shift from what I didn’t have to what I was receiving.  Well, as he thinks in his heart, so is he.  The result, the side benefit was that the blessings began to increase.  Throughout the day I began to look for His blessings.  In doing so, I began to expect more of His blessings.  The result was that more and more of His blessings came into my life.

It was so refreshing to me to know that I was indeed remembering more of what He was doing for me, and thanking Him for it.  The Bible says to not forget all His benefits because there is no way that we can remember them all. I discovered this great truth also.

Forgotten Blessings

On the first day of the month, I would take some time to sit down and read everything that I had written for the previous month.  I was startled and surprised when I read some of my entries.  I had actually forgotten a couple happy-face-writingof things, and reading what I had written was a pleasant reminder. There were others that I read that just brought a big smile to my face.

This of course was magnified when I added one more step to this method.  I decided on New Year’s Day to take some time and read everything that I had written for the entire year. I can’t tell you how exciting that was!  There were things that I wrote that I had completely forgotten about.  And being reminded of a year of some of God’s blessings in my life was humbling as well as inspiring.

I was reminded first firsthand of so many things that God had done for me during the past year. My attitude of genuine gratitude to God was deepening.  And, my confidence in God to supply what I needed was growing.

I enjoyed doing this so much that I continued doing it for a number of years. I still have many of those notebooks in my desk.  Every once in awhile I take one out and just read.  It is so inspiring.

Want To Try It?

Try it yourself for a while.  You’ll discover that you have more to be thankful for than you realize. You will really begin to see how God is indeed involved in your life every single day.

As you continue doing this you will be looking throughout the day for His blessings in your life.  You will actually be expecting those blessings.  A very big part of having confidence and believing God is expecting Him to bring His promises to pass for you.

At night and in the morning you will be consciously taking time to give God the thanks, appreciation and gratitude that He deserves.  And, it will really be a great blessing to you on the first day of the month to read all the entries from the last month.

praying-pilgrimSo, even though tomorrow is traditionally Thanksgiving Day, we can and we ought to give Him thanks each and every day.

Mike Verdicchio

Related Posts:
Expedition Africa – Finding Water
How Big Is Your God?
A Lack Of Confidence

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Expedition Africa – Finding Water

Watching parts of the show, “Expedition Africa” sure made me thankful for all our modern conveniences.  As a matter of fact, it made me thankful for something we all just take for granted: drinking water!

Enjoy the video.

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